SSS+ Class Skills

Oliver: (?)

South Sea Queen: (Kekeke, he must be confused. I'm sure he thinks we're freaks. I just tracked down his origin, he's from a world that's about to enter the level 2 civilization test.)

Underworld Lord: (Son, you don't know that you're lucky to meet us, the strongest people in the universe.)

Oliver: (Would you guys be able to give me a little help, I'm out of luck right now...)

Finally, he typed a message. It's not that he believed in all empty people, but since they were talking nonsense, he thought it was fine to follow, maybe this could calm him down a bit.

Underworld Lord: (Do you need power?)

Oliver: (I need a Constellation that gives me at least one skill.)

Underworld Lord: (Just one skill, that's easy. Write your system code here.)

Oliver: (H377annn277$++277hehe!)

He don't know if he's crazy or what, but he's actually writing. Maybe he's just desperate.

Besides, telling others the system code is not dangerous at all. It could be used to send money or receive skills from the constellations.

It can also be used to let constellations or others keep an eye on you or your stats, but it still requires your consent.


(You have just obtained an SSS+ Skill, called Shadow Army. Whatever creature you kill, you will create its shadow with exactly the same ability and level.

Notes: Usage requires Mana. You can't use it now!)

The virtual screen of his Leveling System suddenly appeared before his eyes due to an incoming notification.

(Name: Oliver)

[Money: 2000]

[Level: 0]

[EXP: 0/100]

[Physique: 4]

[Strength: 4]

[Defense: 4]

[Speed: 5]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Endurance: 5]

[Will: 6]

[Mana: 0]


- Shadow Army (SSS+ Class)

When he saw his stats that had undergone a slight change, Oliver's mouth instantly opened, an expression he had never shown in his life.

How could there be a skill that appeared when even people who already had contracts with the constellations had not received any skills, and what class was it?

Underworld Lord: (How about that, are you satisfied. Don't see that my title sounds bad, but here I am most happy to share.)

Heaven Emperor: (Underworld Lord, I don't like it this way. In my opinion, it's fine if we share our fortune with him, but we need to at least make him do something first.)

Eternal Ice Empress: (You guys are really unreasonable, why the need to do nonsense like this?)

South Sea Queen: (Empress, we need some entertainment.)

Queen of Life: (This is quite interesting...)

South Sea Queen: (Slaughter Sword Emperor, why aren't you talking? Don't you have a hobby of rewarding people who do tasks? Try giving him a task so that we can be inspired.)

Slaughter Sword Emperor: (I'll give him a reward if he cuts off ten human heads.)

South Sea Queen: (Hahaha, this is interesting...)

Phoenix: (One skill is not enough for his foundation. I want to see my fire appear again, so I'll give him a skill to summon my fire.)


(You have just obtained an SSS+ skill, called Sacred Flame. With this skill, you could release the fire of the Phoenix, the strongest fire in the universe. I recommend to be careful in using it because this fire can turn anything in your world into ashes.

Notes: Usage requires Mana. You can't use it now!)

(Name: Oliver)

[Money: 2000]

[Level: 0]

[EXP: 0/100]

[Physique: 4]

[Strength: 4]

[Defense: 4]

[Speed: 5]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Endurance: 5]

[Will: 6]

[Mana: 0]


- Shadow Army (SSS+ Class)

- Sacred Flame (SSS+ Class)

At this point, Oliver could no longer dismiss this group as nonsense.

He pinched his wrist to find out if he was dreaming. However, he turned out to be in real pain.

This wasn't a dream, this was something real.

What was funny was that his system code was even embedded in the group.

"Oliver!" Suddenly a soft voice that was very comfortable to hear called out to him.

When he heard the voice coming from the door, it wasn't just Oliver who was staring at the door. Everyone was staring in that direction.

A young woman with wavy chestnut hair was standing wearing long jeans and a white short-sleeved shirt.

She was very beautiful especially when you saw her beautifully arched eyebrows, a pair of rosy lips, as well as an alluring pointed chin.

Her eyes were bright blue, giving off a calmness to her expression that gave the impression that she was a woman who thought more than she spoke.

Maybe it was because this wasn't her class, so she just stood by the door.

When he saw her, Alex looked happy, but then his expression changed to one of confusion because she had just called out to Oliver.

The latter was a bit confused as to why she had called him.

Picking up his cell phone, he walked over to her, ignoring the ominous look from Alex.

"Is there something, Isabel?" he asked as he got closer to the woman.

His mood was so good now that the two skills he received, being visited by one of the most beautiful and smartest women in the school only made him more excited that the urge to hug her in front of those jealous gazes came up.

"Come with me outside," Isabel replied as she motioned for him to follow her.

Oliver couldn't help but be confused at the thought of her wanting to take him out.

It was still school hours, what would they be doing outside?

Even so, he didn't question her words, choosing to follow her by walking beside her as she herself made room for him to be beside her instead of behind her.

Alex's breathing began to quicken at their departure. His clenched fists made Mateo and the others somewhat afraid.

Walking alone with Isabel made Oliver attract the attention of almost all the students in the entire school.

Of course, it couldn't be said that there were only guys who were jealous of him. Actually, some women were jealous of Isabel because they felt that she was taking what they wanted.

With Oliver's looks, there was no shortage of women who secretly harbored an obsession for him.

Perhaps even Isabel herself had such an obsession. She was just good at hiding it, but her openness as well as her friendliness to him indicated that.

"We'll go there," Isabel said when they finally exited the school grounds.

She pointed to a restaurant not far from the school.

"Uh, do you want to buy me lunch?" Oliver couldn't help but give her such a question because she was actually taking him to the restaurant.

This made it hard for him not to think weird.

"Yeah, there's something I need to talk to you about," Isabel replied as she continued walking, heading towards the restaurant.

Oliver no longer asked what she wanted to talk about.

He followed her into the restaurant.

Compared to other restaurants, it was quite luxurious, selling barbeque from high-quality meat.

Isabel had probably ordered before she arrived.

They were immediately seated by the waiter who greeted them and asked them to wait for their order, which came not long after they sat down, consisting of two plates of barbeque that looked freshly grilled and two cups of orange juice.

"Please eat," Isabel said with a gesture of invitation to Oliver.

The latter didn't refuse, thinking it was a great experience to be treated by this woman.

As she started eating, he said, "so, what did you want to talk about?"

Although he only asked now, he was actually quite curious.

If there were Alex and the others here, they would be curious too. After all, it was unusual for Isabel to want to talk about something with a man.

"It's about your aunt. I just got information about her from my father. The matter is actually much more complicated than just offending a Constellation Class S," Isabel replied, saying something that was very surprising to Oliver.

As far as he knew, Isabel's father was an officer of the European Intelligence Agency. He wasn't rich, but he had a lot of information.

Of course, people with big positions would also be able to contract powerful Constellations. They could use state money on the grounds that if the government was not strong, it would be dangerous for civilization itself.

"Then what's my aunt's problem?" Oliver didn't expect something more complicated and that he couldn't guess at all.

"As we know, the Constellation she alluded to, the Deep Sea King gave her an unreasonable request. However, it was actually because there was someone who asked him to give your aunt such a request. That person was the problem, someone with too much wealth. He even contracted an SS Class Constellation."

"SS Class?"

Oliver had indeed heard of that class, but it was said that only a few people could contract them. The cost was unimaginable at all.

"Who is that person?" asked Oliver, narrowing his eyes, more curious about the identity of this unknown person.

"I don't know either, my father didn't tell me that. Your aunt should know who he is," replied Isabel, quite quietly.

"Here, I have some advice for you and your aunt, advice that I heard from my father. If she wants to get out of this mess, she needs to go to Japan. There, there is someone who can help her to contract the Constellations again."

Perhaps saying this was all quite melting for Isabel, so she drank her orange juice.

Oliver, on the other hand, was silent with an expression like he was in deep thought.

Did he and his aunt need to go to Japan?

It sounded ridiculous because he already had two skills that could look down on the skills of the SS Class Constellation. Both skills had three S words plus a plus sign. This meant two classes above the SS Class.

Later, he would probably acquire more SSS+ Class Skills.

"Thank you for telling me all this, Isabel. However, I will not follow your advice," he said with a very calm expression.

"Why?" Isabel seemed surprised by his answer.

It wasn't that she wanted him to go to Japan, but there was no other solution for him from her point of view.

Asked why, Oliver smiled slightly.

He didn't say anything because he actually wasn't sure what he needed to say.

The thing that happened to him was too unexpected, and it wasn't something he would tell anyone else.

Maybe he would only talk about it to his aunt because she was the one he trusted the most. After all, she was the only one of his family left and he was also her only family.

They had no one else in their family so their relationship was deeper.

Moreover, he could probably discuss with her about how to utilize this group to gain more benefits from those mysterious existences.

Isabel became so confused that her eyes blinked several times as her mind could not think of a guess.

In the end, she said, "I'm not sure what you're planning. However, I don't think you'll do anything stupid."

Actually, as a school student, Oliver was quite outstanding, and he did not have any strange symptoms. That was the reason why Isabel would not doubt him.

If it was Alex who was underachieving, she would probably doubt.