
"Hmph, someone who likes attention, he must be stupid." Miya then snorted softly.

Alex seemed to have given her an unfavorable impression right away.

Perhaps it was also her enmity with the Wilson Family that drove her to dislike Alex outright.

Oliver just stayed silent, continuing to observe the man while live streaming.

He really wanted to see what the S Class Skill of the S Class Constellation looked like.

Without including the almost non-existent SS Class, the S Class considered to be the strongest, would practically only be owned by billionaire families.

The Wilson family happened to be one of the richest even among billionaires so they could contract three S Class Constellations at once.

In Europe, they should be among the top ten.

Currently, the man raised his spear upwards, making the audience become more excited even though quite a few thought that the skill would not look impressive.

The problem was not the skill itself, but the fact that Alex was still at level 1, just like everyone else.


Suddenly a brownish light emitted from all over Alex's hands, flowing into his spear which faintly seemed to tremble.

He jumped up and threw the spear at a fairly large truck about 50 meters in front of him.

The spear reached the truck in an instant, smashing into it to produce a loud banging sound.

With ease, the spear pierced through the truck's body and there seemed to be some sort of shockwave explosion from the spear.


When the loud bang resounded again, the truck was split in two, each side pushed up into the air.

The people who were originally skeptical were instantly mesmerized by such a result.

(So this is what S Class Skill looks like!)

(Too strong, this feels unfair!)

(Hey, don't say that, it's over a billion dollars!)

On the other hand, Alex was smiling at the camera and probably reading the comments. There was definitely a cell phone placed next to the camera facing him.

"A S Class Skill just like this, I don't think it's worth that much money." Unlike the people, Miya was apparently not impressed at all.

Of course, compared to her own skill where a small icicle could make a large room extremely cold, the skill that Alex had just demonstrated seemed ordinary.

Kim Hana was somewhat surprised at her words so she glanced back.

From yesterday until now, she felt strange about Miya.

She should have had a problem with not being able to contract constellations, yet it didn't seem like that at all.

Oliver also just smiled.

After that, he downloaded the recording of the live stream.

This was because he wanted to send it to the group.

In fact, this was also the request of the Underworld Lord. After getting information about this world, he wanted to see more, not only things in this world, but also things that came from the constellations.

He sent the video with the title (S Class Skill of Level 1 Hunter, what do you think!).

Within a short period of time, the video was instantly watched by 10 people. This made Oliver realize that those people were likely constantly looking at their phones.

Wait, are they even using cell phones?

South Sea Queen: (tsk tsk, you call that a S Class Skill, no, no, it's not.)

Underworld Lord: (Mm, without a doubt, it's only an A Class Skill)

Eternal Ice Empress: (Is this kid bragging?)

Oliver, "..."

'What the hell?'

He was immediately puzzled.

Why did they say the skill shown by Alex was only Class A?

Was it really only A Class and Alex was bragging it was S Class?

No, no, that guy wanted to show off, he couldn't possibly be lying.

It should really be a S Class Skill.

Oliver: (It should really be a S Class Skill.)

He wasn't sure what happened, so he could only comment like that.

Heaven Emperor: (It seems to be true that the strength of the system in some regions has weakened so much that people were able to manipulate, making A Class Skills recorded as S Class Skills, and perhaps S Class Skills recorded as SS Class Skills. People from Level 1 Civilizations who know nothing can naturally be fooled by this trick. If I'm not mistaken, D Class Skills aren't even skills, just some kind of special effect.)

Golden Emperor: (It's funny, now they're spending so much money on A Class Skills, hahaha. It will be helpless in front of our SSS+ Class Skills.)

Miya also saw the chatter.

Her breathing became somewhat rapid while her eyes became somewhat blank.

"How stupid we are," she said.

Apparently, she was talking about the entire earth.

Of course, her words made sense because now the whole earth was practically fooled except for Oliver and Miya because they hadn't bought any skills, and their skills were completely genuine, not the result of class manipulation. They were truly Class SSS+ as written in the System.

At this time, Kim Hana turned the car into a building in the city center but had a wall surrounding the courtyard.

Not many cars entered there and all of them were luxury cars.

When their car entered the courtyard, Oliver found a courtyard that was more akin to a garden, luxurious and elegant with various flowers lined up neatly on the side of the road.

Several tables and chairs were placed in that garden, having large umbrellas on them.

Without a doubt, this was a restaurant.

"Do you know why I chose this restaurant?" asked Miya when Kim Hana parked the car.

At first glance, there was nothing strange about her question, but it could also be strange if the reason wasn't because the food at this restaurant was really good.

Oliver was a little confused, not sure what this woman wanted to say.

However, she didn't say anything else.

She opened the door beside her before stepping down.

Curious, Oliver quickly followed her.

Only, Kim Hana remained in the driver's seat.

She didn't seem to be joining the breakfast.

Just as Miya got out of the car, two male servants came over to her.

"Welcome, Lady Miya, your order is ready, please follow us!" said one of them as he made a gesture towards the entrance of the restaurant, followed by his colleague.

Miya followed them and Oliver followed slightly behind her as he wanted to look around.

His aunt caught the attention of the restaurant's wooden guests who were whispering softly as they talked about her.

Perhaps they were talking about her problem.

The table the two waiters were heading for was at the inner end of the restaurant, right next to the window.

It was now filled with various types of dishes for breakfast, from toast, boiled eggs, and some baked fish.

The drink was warm tea that was put in a small cup, having leaves on it.

When he finally arrived in front of the table and sat down, Oliver felt very comfortable.

His stomach was made hungry quickly by the fragrant aroma of the dishes.

Since they were already seated, the two waiters finally left.

Miya looked around for a while before picking up the fork and knife.

From the way she was staring, Oliver felt like she was looking for someone.

"Aunt Miya, I knew you'd come!" Suddenly there was a young-sounding voice that actually seemed to come from the air.

This was somewhat surprising since the one speaking was clearly using a special method.

However, even more surprising was the fact that he called Miya by the word aunt.