

The loud sound of exhaust echoed from behind the grass, followed by a puff of black smoke.

Apparently, a black SUV appeared at high speed, continuing to roar loudly.

Miya was somewhat surprised when she saw the car that finally stopped behind her car.

A female figure who should be around her age but looked to be in her 30s then stepped down from the driver's compartment of the SUV.

She was a tall figure wearing boots of the same size as her but she only wore short jeans, only covering half of her thighs.

Although a woman, she gave the impression of having a strong and agile body, which suggested that she was a woman who exercised frequently.

Her upper body wore a tight tanktop layered over an open leather jacket.

She had long, horse-buried red hair, perfectly matching her pretty face that could turn fierce if she got serious.

"Ruby," Miya said when she saw her.

"So it's just the two of us here, the others didn't come," the woman said in response, smiling slightly as she stepped towards Miya with a single Oliver.

"Why did you choose to come?" Miya gave her a question with a serious expression.

"I didn't want to be a traitor," replied the woman, Ruby, waving her ponytail of hair.

"And I wanted to see what you were relying on to leave city so confidently. Usually you always surprise me. I'm sure you'll surprise me again," she added.

"Hmm, it will be more than just a surprise," Miya replied.

"By the way, what did they get that they chose not to come?"

"Maybe too little for you, but a lot for us poor people," Ruby replied, laughing softly.

"If you're all called poor, does that mean the rest of the humans on earth are hobos? Yeah, that shouldn't interest you much considering you can still get funds from your father."

"Hey, don't say that. My father is just a worker with a salary of less than 100 thousand dollars a year."

"Yes, but he controls a defense budget of over 1 trillion dollars a year."

"It's the country's money for the country's needs, how can I get money from it."

"Taking 1% won't make that budget look any less."

Oliver, "..."

Fortunately, they stopped arguing. That would have heated up the situation as Ruby did not seem to have the slightest feeling of inferiority in front of Miya, unlike the other women.

When they stopped arguing, Miya took out a rather long key, seemingly made of silver.

She inserted it into the keyhole of a metal door.

When she turned it, the metal door opened automatically, revealing a rather messy spacious room, filled with project scraps such as cement sacks or paint bottles.

Miya's expression was rather ugly at the sight of it all.

Still, she stepped inside, signaling Oliver and Kim Hana to follow.

Oliver walked at the very back, but behind him was Ruby.

She then walked by his side.

"Oliver, right?" she said.

She got a glance from Miya as she spoke to him.

"Yes!" Oliver nodded lightly, wondering why this woman was talking to him.

"You seem to be very confident like your aunt. Do you think this civilization test is a chance for you to have a better life?" She asked.

In the end, she got a look from Miya, not just a glance.

"Ruby, let's not talk about unimportant things," she said.

Either way, Ruby clearly wanted to find their ace in the hole.

Since she knew she wouldn't be able to find it from Miya, so she tried it from Oliver.

Unfortunately, Oliver also understood.

He said, "it's even unimaginable for you."

The woman was talking about him seeming confident. Since it was like that, he showed her more confidence.

Miya smiled slightly at his reply, as if giving him a thumbs up.

Despite being friends with Ruby, she seemed to have a silent rivalry with her.

On the other hand, Kim Hana observed silently.

Since seeing Miya's strength firsthand, she now knew that her boss was hiding a big secret.

Ruby glanced back and forth between Miya and Oliver before saying, "it seems my imagination can't think of your secret. Well, then I'll just wait and see. To be honest, I really hope you two have something to rely on because just by coming here, I basically got myself into trouble, including my family."

"No need to worry, your choice is the right one," Miya replied in an indifferent tone without adding any pleasantries.

When she stopped walking, she arrived in front of an elevator that could obviously only lead downwards as there were no other floors above.

She then pressed her fingerprints against the small screen beside the elevator.


(Identity verified!)

A robot-like sound echoed from the elevator before its two doors slowly slid to the left and right, revealing the inside which of course had no noticeable difference from a typical elevator.

Miya stepped directly inside while waving her hand to the others.

When Oliver got inside, he found there were only two buttons, up and down.

Since they were at the top, the only button that could be pressed was the down button.

Miya pressed the button when the elevator doors were closed.

Slowly, the elevator moved down, not too fast and stopped in no time.

The doors opened again.

What lay beyond the door was a spacious room with many bedroom doors as each door had a name, either Miya's name or Oliver's name. Both were side by side.

At the end of the room, there were long pathways that did look like a maze because there were so many of them.

"Here, we already have enough supplies for up to a year, and of course, it will be longer since there are only us here. There are also clothes in every room." Miya said, looking at Oliver.

Her intention was obviously just to tell him.

"Oliver, go to your room. There, there's a laptop that contains the data of this base. You need to study it first so that you memorize the entire path here," she added.

Oliver nodded to her because he was indeed quite curious.

He walked to the door with his name.

If only Miya's friends hadn't chosen another path, this place would have been crowded, but personally he preferred it to be quiet like this. That way, there would be less trouble.

The door lock to his room also used an electronic system, which required a fingerprint to unlock.

Although he was new here, Miya should have already registered his data.

He pressed his fingerprint and it was instantly accepted.

With one push, the door opened, revealing his room which was certainly not as nice as his room in Miya's mansion.

It's a standard-sized room, with one cupboard, a fridge, and a desk in addition to the bed, with no windows at all because it's underground.

On the desk, there was indeed a laptop.

He quickly walked over to the desk, sat on the chair, and opened the laptop plus turned it on.

Apparently, the data from this base was already in the form of software, not just a pdf.

Opening the software, Oliver was immediately shown a map of this base, which quite amazed him because the entire path was very similar to a spider's web connected to each other.

The problem was that it covered an area of 5 kilometers.