
"She's fine, still completely healthy. Maybe she's just very bored right now," Kim Hana replied.

Her tone sounded professional when she spoke to Miya.

The latter nodded and waved her hand, asking her to follow her.

Even less than an hour before the civilization test started, they immediately left for Path G without waiting for anything else.

Since Miya walked in front, it was Oliver who walked behind her side by side with Kim Hana.

It was like the woman didn't dare to glance at him. She just kept looking down so her thoughts were hard to predict.

Actually, until now Miya had not been aware of their photo which was why she never talked about it.

As an older generation, although she had accounts on various social media apps, she very rarely opened them.

They entered Path G which was an up and down path, like going up and down a mountain.

In the middle of the path, there was a really high incline that the floor was made into stairs because without stairs it would be difficult to go up.

They climbed the stairs to the top.

There, in addition to two large screens on each wall, there were also three manhole covers on the ceiling.

They were about 3.5 meters high from the floor.

With their current strength, they could practically not jump from the floor to those manhole covers.

The floor below each manhole cover, however, already had a small elevator without a cover ready to send you up.

You just need to stand on that elevator, and it will send you up while the manhole cover above you will open automatically.

The system here is as simple as that, but if you're not recognized by the system, it won't work.

For now Oliver and the others had no plans to go out. They were just watching through the two screens that were now displaying footage from the various CCTVs.

Something bothered them because the footage that was currently pointing upwards showed that there were several helicopters circling back and forth.

They were flying low so the pilots must have been able to see the base clearly.

"Aunt, they're not watching us, are they?" Oliver couldn't help but ask Miya.

The latter shook her head and replied, "I don't know, maybe they're just patrolling. This entire base is fully licensed and documented, the government has no right to intervene. They shouldn't be blatantly breaking the rules at this early stage."

"Patrolling?" Oliver thought and maybe it was because in a situation like this, the military and police couldn't just stay in their offices.


(Warning: the civilization test will begin in 10 minutes!)

The system suddenly gave Oliver a notification.

Everyone should have gotten the notification because Miya and Kim Hana showed the same reaction to it.

After the notification appeared, there was a countdown displayed by the System, adding tension to people who were curious what kind of monsters would appear in this world.

Everyone knew they were monsters, but so far, no one knew exactly what they were. Are they beasts that have grown bigger?

No one knew.

Oliver and the other two waited quietly without saying anything.

Seconds passed, and strangely time seemed to speed up.

When Oliver realized he was starting to daydream, less than a minute remained.



The countdown numbers were getting smaller and smaller.

At this point, his fingers began to press against the ring on his finger that could turn into a knife at any time.

Although he was in a safe place, he still felt unsafe because there would be many monsters appearing.


The countdown was finally almost over.

Oliver no longer blinked, especially after reaching 2, he narrowed his eyes very sharply.



(Attention: the test of civilization begins now. Move faster than others because excelling in the early stages tends to be a sign that you excel in the later stages.)

Oliver was not interested in reading the notification from the System.

His eyes were focused on the screen in front of him because he noticed that there was some kind of vibration on the ground although it was not felt in the base.

"Mm..." His eyes then widened somewhat.

This was due to the appearance of hand after hand from underground.

They were not human hands, some were similar but covered in scales. There were also hands with extremely long nails that seemed to be made of steel.

Oliver couldn't pay attention to all of them because there were too many variations.

When they pressed their palms against the ground, figure after figure jumped up from underground.

"Monsters!" Kim Hana spontaneously spoke when she saw the figures.

They weren't any kind of animal, they were really monsters with strange shapes, looking like standing lizards but their backs were much bigger.

The average of them was about three meters tall coupled with large feet and a slightly hunched body.

The more unique ones have wings or certain elements surrounding them such as fire or water.

Their gaze wanders around, and their mouths emit a faint roar even if they do not open their mouths directly.

Despite the faint sound, their roars seemed to send vibrations into the air as the screen shook slightly.

'Are they some kind of aliens?' Oliver wondered.

With that kind of shape, he could only say they were alien monsters.


(Dragozilla Level 1!)

(Dragozilla Level 2!)

(Dragozilla Level 3!)

(Warning: You should not attempt to use firearms against them as it will not be able to scratch their skin. Only use the skills and weapons given by the System!)

Suddenly the System gave him a notification as he observed the monsters, consisting of their names and levels in addition to the notification that firearms would not be able to hurt them.

"Eh!" When he thought there were only them, suddenly the space in an area split in two, creating a gap over 30 meters long.

This was a phenomenon that never happened no matter in any disaster.


A wolf's voice echoed from the rift, so loud that Oliver could hear the sound directly from inside the base without going through the speakers.

It gave him an involuntary sense of fear until the hairs on his body stood up.


A large figure jumped from the rift, so fast that Oliver only saw a black shadow.

When it finally fell and landed, only then could it see clearly.

It was a wolf, but it was huge with a height of up to 7 meters while its length was hard to predict.

It had silver fur that looked more like thorns.