Running in the dark

The night is silent, save for the sound of crickets.

The full moon in the starless night sky casts it's gentle light down on the quiet countryside road, it's light reflected on the surface of the water.

Fireflies gather around beneath the moon light, their soft green light illuminates the rice field around them.

A gentle, serene atmosphere.

This beautiful air of nature's singing is then rudely interrupted by the sound of a car engine approaching closer. It was a military truck, but inside is not a hardened soldier, but a young boy. His golden hair is messy, his eyes red from crying, his expression dark. The boy has just lost his father and grandfather.

Their deaths and his father's last words keep replaying inside his head like a broken cassette player, looping endlessly. The sadness of their loss became a pain blooming in the depths of his heart. On the way home, he has tried his best to hold back his tears like the man that his grandfather always wanted him to become, a strong dignified man who never break down. But each time their faces and memory of the time he spent with time came and went in his mind, his walls starts to break down and, eventually he couldn't contain it any longer as droplet of tears started to stream down his face.

It was embarrassing, but he couldn't hold himself back. Before he knew it, he started to break down completely, stopping the car, and leaning his head against the steering wheel to cry. His hand clutching his head.

The young boy sobs echoes through the night. He yells out to the heavens above " Why? Why did they have to die?". But the starless sky is quiet offering no comfort nor answers to the boy.

He tries to compose himself many times, but despair keep striking at his wounded heart making him break down even further. As he allows his mind to further sink further into the darkness, his body starts to curl into a ball, arms hugging his knees like a newborn baby afraid of the world. The loneliness becomes a chill at his back, he can feel his body becoming colder as his heart starts to freeze over.

The boy was mourning the loss of his family when the ground started to shake. His face suddenly shot up, his still red eyes started scanning the perimeter for the source of the noise. The shaking was getting closer and more audible. The stones on the side of the road started bouncing up and down, some falling down the water below. The boy's eyes was still darting around in a panic looking for the giant monster approaching him, his hands was already on the wheel, and he was ready to step on the pedal immediately. 

From the shadows in front of him, the moonlight reveal a terrifying figure- a massive boulder of muscle, its footsteps shake the ground below it's feet, on it's body were several deformed heads merged together into it's flesh creating a horrifying abomination. As soon it saw the boy, the giant let out a loud roar, enough to make to boy's heart jump out of his chest. The giant rushes toward the truck, it's arm in motion preparing to swing it's colossal pillar like arms into the truck. Right before the car is smashed, the boy jumped out of the driver seat and landed on the rice field nearby.


I jumped right out the car at the last moment, and right as I landed, I could hear the car being sent flying.

The monster's devastating swing has totaled my car and landed the truck right behind me. I look back to see the wrecked car is now starting to catch ablaze. The sound of the truck being swatted like a fly attracted the nearby zombies to my location.

I looked up to see a scrawny zombie still snarling looking down at me, or it is looking at the car?

Has it noticed me? I thought quietly to myself, my mouth wouldn't dare to open.

But then-


My heart jumps for the second time as the zombie before me lets out a bone chilling screech. 

As the zombie starts to advance toward me, I could only clutch my head in reflex like a scared child waiting for the zombie to decide my fate

Is this is? Am I going to die? Even after everything father have done for me?

My mind was in a panic, my thought process was all over the place like a siren blaring out warnings. 

But then a foot lands right next to me, splashing water into my left ear. I held my breath waiting for the inevitable and then-

*splash* *splash* *splash*

The zombie have walked away-?

 It was walking toward the burning car, ignoring me completely. Many zombies were following it's lead, dragging their rotten body towards to truck that have become a torch. 

My mind was relieved for a moment but then it snapped back quickly. Even if the zombies have ignore me, I was still surrounded by them. Any stupid move and I would alert them to a full course meal laying helplessly on the ground. It doesn't help that I'm surrounded by water too. Any careless movement would make splashing sound alerting the zombie to me. 

I try to pick my self up, but it seems like my left arm is wounded as it couldn't handle the sudden movement and slipped making me collapsed back into the water making an audible *SPLASH*.

I turn to look carefully to my left to see if the zombies have noticed yet but it seem their attention is still glued to the truck. I breath a sigh of relief but then- I felt it

Something was breathing on my back, something huge. I fearfully look up and my heart nearly jumped as I saw it's blood-red eyes staring back at me. IT'S WAS THE GIANT FROM BEFORE.

It's was staring intensely at me almost like an elderly man without his glasses trying to identify what is in front of it. I could only hopelessly stare back at it like a petrified rabbit looking straight into the eyes of a predator. I could hear my heart beating loudly in my ear drums. My brain is threatening to shut off at any moment now, I could feel my eyelids twitching at the pressure and my lungs.. is my lungs still working!!??

I want to scream so bad but if I do it'll crush me or devour me clean. My mind was spinning, trying to decide on what to do until-


The truck that was on fire a minute ago explodes. It's flames shoots far up into the sky like a dragon spitting fire from it's breath. The giant that was staring into my soul look away, it's attention is on the truck that incinerated the zombies around it. With a mighty roar, it leaped toward the burning heap of wreck and started smashing it into pieces.

I use this opportunity to claw my way up to dirt road. I place my still okay right hand on the spot where giant just stood and dragged my entire body on the road. Then as I stood up, I scan around for any potential zombie lurking around. Seeing as the only zombie still around is the raging steroid zombie over there, I decide to run as fast as possible using the noise that the zombie is making to hide the sound of my footstep. 

I ran away deep into the night leaving everything that just happened behind. My heart still beating loudly.