Karma Points

"Indeed, this is truly the setting from the novel," I muttered to myself as I left school early that day, the download progress at 70%.

"Nyx?" I heard a gentle voice accompanied by the sound of a cane, and turned to see my grandmother, her warm smile contrasting with her aged features yet still radiating vitality. "Dinner is ready."

"Yes, Grandma," I replied with a genuine smile.

She was my grandmother, or rather, the grandmother of the original inhabitant of this body.

Descending the stairs to the dining table, I observed the picturesque scene of a picturesque and harmonious family. Yet, this idyllic family wasn't my real one—a loving mother, a dashing middle-aged father, a lively grandmother, a sturdy grandfather, a sweet younger sister...

"Oh, Nyx, come sit. We need to eat before the food gets cold," Father chimed in with a bright smile.

"Mom, I'm not your child, am I?" I questioned, causing them to fall silent.

As I suspected, Nyx wasn't truly their child. According to the novel, Nyx belonged to a political and business dynasty. His biological father was a formidable tycoon, and his birth mother owned a vast expanse of land spanning 100 kilometers.

"Let's leave that topic for now. I understand the truth, but I won't delve further into the full story just yet. However, if I ask again, please answer me honestly," I requested, and they exchanged glances before nodding in agreement.

~Ding, download complete...~

After dinner, I followed Nyx's usual routine and retired to my bedroom.


~Congratulations on being the first to access the system before the Trial.

Title: Pioneer Random: 1 occupation card or 1 item (please choose one)~

While both were random, I already had an inkling of which option was preferable.

"I choose the occupation card."

A radiant light filled the room.

~Ding, you have obtained an A-rank occupation card, 'All-Rounder.'~

~All-Rounder: This occupation grants you three skills: Copy (E-rank), Merge (E-rank), Karma (SSS-rank).~

~Copy (E-rank)

- You have the ability to replicate any E-rank skill and elevate it to D-rank. (The skill rank can be raise)

- Cooldown: 1 day

~Merge (E-rank)

- You possess the skill to merge copied skills, thereby increasing the skill rank.(The skill rank can be raise)

- Cooldown: 1 week

~Karma (SSS-rank)

- This extraordinary skill enables you to accumulate karma points by capturing individuals' emotional sentiments towards you.

- The accrued points can be utilized in the market.

- Through this skill, you've unlocked a new feature called the "Karma Store"

_ no cooldown.

~Karma Store

- You can make purchases from this exclusive store using the karma points you've accumulated.


_F-Rank Mission: Level up to level 5


1. Accumulate 100 Karma points to progress to level 1.

2. Locked

3. Locked

4. Locked

5. Locked

_Reward: Random Job card (with the possibility of obtaining a mythical rank job card)

_Time limit: 3 days for each level

_Notice: Progress to the next level to unveil the requirements for subsequent levels. Your destiny will be influenced by your accomplishments.

"Hmm, so reaching level 1 entails amassing karma points, which are acquired through others' emotions toward you," I mused, grinning as I contemplated a strategy.

"Then let's begin tomorrow," I murmured as I made my way to bed and drifted off to sleep.

Ring, Ring.

The alarm clock's persistent sound welcomed the morning, prompting me to rise and adhere to Nyx's daily routine: Eat, Bathe, Attend School, Work, Return Home, and Sleep once more.

Heading to the university, I crossed paths with Alexander at the entrance.

"Yo, did yesterday's beating jog your memory?" he taunted with an arrogant smile as he approached me.

Alexander Mortez, the main male lead in the novel, was an S-rank Elemental Fighter proficient in utilizing elemental skills for close combat. As an exclusive tank in the Awakening stage, he possessed both formidable strength and resilience. However, he faced challenges when confronted with a catastrophic villain in the middle of the narrative.

"What do you want, Alexander?" I retorted, rolling my eyes.


You gained 10 karma points from Alexander (anger).

Alexander's demeanor shifted as he grabbed my collar. "Feeling confident, huh? Perhaps you need another lesson," he threatened.

I smirked and uttered softly, "Then go entertain yourself."


You received 10 karma points from Alexander (amusement).

Alexander smirked and ushered me into an unused storage room. "Entertain myself? Why not join me?"

"I-I'm straight, you idiot," I stammered, but he persisted, locking the door and pinning me against the wall, restraining my arms.

"So what? I'm bisexual," he grinned, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine as he whispered into my ear.

"S-top... let go," I protested, but his strength was overwhelming.


You acquired 10 karma points from Alexander (affection)

You gained 10 karma points from Alexander (amusement).

Overwhelmed by unease, I impulsively headbutted him, causing him to collapse to the ground, wincing in pain.

"Ouch, why'd you do that? It hurts, damn it," he complained.


You accumulated 10 karma points from Alexander (anger).

With a total of 50 karma points acquired, I asserted, "Of course I did it, you were crossing the line." I helped him up before walking away, leaving him bewildered.

It does seem unusual to accrue karma points through such interactions, especially considering my orientation, but every point counts...

"Sighs, he's becoming increasingly peculiar," I muttered as my attention was caught by the sudden appearance of the system panel.

A figure with sharp green eyes, cyan hair that sparkled, towering at 6'4, and undoubtedly affluent crossed my path.

Our eyes met briefly, and he appraised me before nonchalantly continuing on his way.


You received 10 points from Richard (Shock)

You earned 10 points from Richard (Glad)

You have gathered a total of 70 karma points.


Richard? Who is this Richard? His striking gaze and mysterious demeanor leave me wondering about his role in the novel. Why can't I recall him...

"Hey Richard, What's up?" a young guy, slim and tall, with a messy gold hair and deep diamond eyes.

Richard just rolled his eyes, "I'm fine, How about you, Michael?"