Through the Gate: Rebirth and Emergence Part 1

"You're awake." The voice gently pierced through his consciousness, his eyes opened immediately. Slowly, he tried take in his surroundings, a wave of curiosity mingling with the remnants of his dazed state.

Aware that he was alive, the sensation in his body felt strangely distant, as if control of it was beyond him, an unsettling realization that flitted through his mind. He couldn't move, it was a different kind of paralysis from the sensation he got from the void.

That feeling was completely disembodied while in this case he could sense that he had a physical form but just couldn't get himself to move. Answering the question of how he was still alive and why he was like this would have to come later. The were more interested things in front of him.

Hovering above a crystalline stream, he was encompassed by a golden aura, while unfamiliar flora lined the bank in his field of view in neat formations. A meticulously crafted wooden bridge spanned the gentle water, connecting the verdant edges of the stream. Attempting to turn for a better view, he encountered resistance within himself, halted abruptly by the voice's return.

"It's best for you to remain still, little one. Your new vessel is still adapting, and we can't risk another surge of your innate ability." The voice, feminine and soothing, brought an involuntary calmness to his mind.

"It's rather unsettling—a tiny thing like you causing such... destruction. But now, we can have a proper conversation." With a shift in energy, a purple aura enveloped him, guiding his float toward one of the banks. Finally, he met the source of the voice, face-to-face. She exuded both beauty and an undeniable authority.

The woman was far from human, her striking features transcending the ordinary: piercing purple reptilian eyes, sleek obsidian hair, elegantly pointed ears, and two majestic dark purple draconic horns gracefully jutting from her forehead. Adorned in resplendent purple garments accented by glistening golden ornaments, she stood an otherworldly figure, her presence both captivating and commanding.

She looked at him as she remained seated on a stool with an expression he identified as curiosity as she analyzed his floating form. He tried to speak but still couldn't command his body.

The other being seemed to notice his struggle. He felt a forced calm and the bondage around him seemed to release its hold a bit as the golden aura surrounding him faded slightly. He tried to speak again, only to be confused by what he heard.

"Whear ae we?" he heard himself say clumsily in a language he had never learned or spoken before. The name floated to the surface of his mind as if it had always been buried there: Chinese.

The woman sitting in front of him seemed to understand what he said as she replied in the same language "We are currently in a sanctuary of sorts so no harm will come to you as long as you don't do anything wrong."

"It seems scanning your memories for your language wasn't necessary, but you must have absorbed some useful information as you burrowed your way into my home."

"Thanks, I guess?" Tatsuya replied, staring at the woman with confusion. Whatever she had done to calm him down had completely faded, and he was now being bombarded by random emotions and information. He grunted at the sensation and pushed through it to continue.

"It's a bit strange to speak a foreign language. Is there a way to turn it off or something?"

She answered him in Japanese. "Just think about which language you want to speak. It's simple."

"Thank you, I guess that was a bit obvious," he responded. "So, may I know how I got here? My mind is still fuzzy."."

She smiled a bit at his reaction " That is the first question most people ask but that can be answered later. Now that you are awake we have a lot to do. "

As if on cue, another person appeared next to her, another female, also dressed peculiarly in a maid uniform.

"My Lady, we've prepared what you requested along with a place for the child. May I take him to get cleaned?" she asked.

Tatsuya noticed that this maid had only one horn, unlike the person he had been speaking to. Her speech was also something to file away for later.

"No. Thank you for your service, Yue. You may leave now," the woman replied coldly.

The maid tried to interject but was silenced by an icy glare from her superior. She then disappeared at a speed Tatsuya couldn't track.

Tatsuya remained silent, testing his body's functionality. He could move his head and neck but still felt resistance when he tried to move anything else. His eyes swept over their surroundings, absorbing the details.

They appeared to be in a garden filled with plants that seemed otherworldly, glowing with energy. Other people were tending to them, each with a single horn. Did the horns represent their class or power level? As he pondered this, the woman rose from her seat and stood in front of him.

"Their status has nothing to do with you. All you need to know is that you rank above them," she stated, caressing his face. "What is your name, my child?"

Tatsuya hesitated slightly before answering. "Don't you already know it?"

'After all you can read my mind ' Tatsuya thought to himself.

"Now that's a little rude, answering a question with a question. But yes, I do. I thought it would be better if we introduced ourselves properly."

Tatsuya felt more confident as he realized his voice was normal again. "If we're really discussing etiquette, shouldn't you give your name before asking for someone else's?"

The woman smiled at his retort. "By your customs, that is true. But it does not apply to me. However, I will play along."

She began walking, and he floated alongside her. "My name is Gehan Zhusheng, but you will refer to me as Mother."


"Yes, Mother, after all we now share blood."

Tatsuya studied her as they moved through the garden, his mind racing with questions. He wasn't sure what to make of this situation or the woman who called herself "Mother."

"Mother?" he echoed, testing the word on his tongue. "Why am I here? What do you want from me?"

Gehan Zhusheng stopped and turned to face him, her expression softening slightly. "You are here because you are special, Tatsuya. You have a role to play in a much larger plan, one that transcends your understanding at this moment."

"What plan?" Tatsuya pressed, frustration creeping into his voice. "Why can't you just tell me what's going on?"

"Patience, my child," she replied, a hint of amusement in her tone. "All will be revealed in time. For now, you need to rest and regain your strength."

She gestured towards a large, ornate building at the edge of the garden. "That will be your home for now. You will find everything you need inside. Rest, and tomorrow we will speak again. You will also receive training when you have recovered fully."

"Training for what?" he asked, but she had already turned away, signaling the end of their conversation.

Two more maids appeared, both with a single horn, and gently guided him towards the building. Inside, it was lavishly furnished, with soft, inviting furniture and an array of exotic plants that gave off a soothing light.

As he was led to his room, Tatsuya's mind raced. Who were these people? Why did they have horns? And what was this mysterious plan Gehan Zhusheng had mentioned?

His room was spacious and comfortable, with a large bed that looked incredibly inviting. The maids left him alone, and he the aura that had kept him afloat previously dissipated completely as he plopped gently onto the bed, trying to make sense of everything.

Just as he was about to close his eyes again his mind began to bombard him with stray thoughts. What if this was some sort of dream? What if closing his eyes meant his death? What if they planned on harming him. These trains of thought raced through his mind at top speed before crashing into each other, bringing everything to a standstill.

This silence brought clarity as he came to a conclusion. In any of those scenarios there was really nothing much he could do to save himself so why waste time and energy worrying. He decided to try and scan the room he was in and move his body more.

He immediately noticed a small book on the bedside table. Curious, he picked it up and opened it. The pages were filled with handwritten notes and drawings, detailing various exercises and meditations.

The title page read: "A Guide to Harnessing Your Inner Power."

Tatsuya's curiosity deepened. Was this part of his training? He flipped through the pages, absorbing the information. It seemed to be a comprehensive guide to developing abilities he never knew he had, it seemed like his mother and Rize had been holding out on him.

The thought of them brought a pang of pain to his heart but also reminded him of why he had to get stronger and leave this place as soon as he could.

As he read, a sense of determination began to replace his confusion. Whatever this place was, and whatever these people wanted from him, he would find out. And he would be ready. After all of them planned on using him, he would reciprocate the gesture.

A smirk broke out onto his face as he continued to read.

With a newfound resolve, Tatsuya lay down and closed his eyes, letting the soothing light of the room lull him into a deep sleep. Tomorrow, his journey would truly begin.