A New Me?

The light thumping of feet on a wooden floor and deep breaths filled the atmosphere of the training field. Smooth and graceful movements empowered their user, resembling a dance to the untrained eye.

He continued silently, diligently focusing on his forms as part of his morning routine. He could faintly sense the gazes of passersby, some going about their daily tasks while others stopped briefly out of curiosity.

Undistracted, he twirled into a kick and let out another practiced breath. There was only one person whose attention he sought: Gehan, the woman who had declared herself his mother.

It had been almost three weeks since his arrival at the Sanctuary, and he had yet to make contact with her. He suspected she was watching but doubted he could find her if she didn't want to be detected. To pass the time and work towards his goals, he followed a schedule recommended by the training manual.

His benefactor seemed to have anticipated his needs, as everything necessary for his training was readily available. He had also explored the property, which had apparently been given to him by his "Mother."

He hadn't paid much attention when he was brought in, but his living arrangements were luxurious. He had seen his room, bath, and dressing areas on the first night and discovered other rooms where the maids and staff stayed, along with the training field he currently used. Entertainment options were limited to a library, a music room, and an art studio.

Though some might appreciate these amenities, he wasn't much of a musician or artist, so the library became his main option. Despite the property's grandeur, the maids, and the training arrangements, one thing still surprised him: his new body.

He had assumed his body would be the same after it reformed, but the universe had other plans. He discovered this the first time he decided to take a bath. It was still strange to see what was essentially a natural pool of crystal-clear water with a mini waterfall declared as a simple bath.

Feeling uncomfortable when the maids wanted to undress and wash him, he vehemently denied their assistance. He had lost a lot already and wanted to maintain some normalcy—taking baths by oneself was normal.

He managed to find what he assumed was soap and was about to start cleaning when he noticed a reflection that wasn't his. The bath was comfortable, and it would have been better if the peace had continued. Taking a step towards the pool, he had an identity crisis.

Staring back at him was a reflection that wasn't his. He stood frozen for a few moments, processing the image. Instead of his previously dark, short purple hair and cute, rounded face and eyes, he saw long, straight white hair, sharper facial features, and eyes that formed cat-like slits in his excitement.

He used exaggerated gestures to confirm whether it was a real reflection and not a trick, knowing one could never be too cautious with such things. Observing his sharper teeth, he wondered whether he was the same person anymore.

That moment gave him another burden and a new goal simultaneously. He worried his family wouldn't recognize him if they reunited, but he resolved to stay true to himself and maintain his identity, no matter how much the world tried to force new things upon him.

As the days passed, he settled into a routine. Morning training was followed by breakfast, usually a quiet affair in the grand dining room. The maids were attentive but unobtrusive, serving him a variety of dishes he was slowly getting used to. He had managed to form basic relationships with them if only on a surface level and had memorized some names.

Lin was the one that had brought him his first meal in the Sanctuary and was slowly becoming the closest thing to a friend which he currently had. She seemed to be only a few years older than him but it wasn't something he planned on asking about since they were only acquaintances.

At the very least it made sure that he wouldn't feel completely alone in this foreign environment.

After breakfast, he would spend time in the library, immersing himself in ancient texts and training manuals.

The library became his sanctuary within the Sanctuary. It was a vast, labyrinthine place filled with books on every subject imaginable. He found solace in the quiet rustle of pages and the scent of old paper. The texts on martial arts and philosophy particularly intrigued him, offering insights that complemented his physical training.

Occasionally, he ventured into the music room or the art studio, if only to break the monotony. He dabbled with a few instruments and attempted some sketches, but nothing held his interest like the library and the training field. His thoughts frequently returned to his body and the transformation he had undergone. He spent hours poring over books, hoping to find answers to his questions.

One afternoon, while exploring a dusty corner of the library, he stumbled upon a hidden compartment. Inside was an ancient looking scroll, its parchment was surprisingly enough in good condition but yellowed with age. Carefully, he unrolled it, revealing intricate diagrams and cryptic symbols. His heart raced as he realized this might hold the key to understanding his transformation.

As he studied the scroll, a faint sound reached his ears—footsteps, soft and deliberate. He looked up to see a figure standing at the library's entrance. It was Gehan. Her presence commanded the room, and he felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.

"You've found it," she said, her voice calm and knowing. "That scroll has the answers you need."

He nodded, still processing the sudden appearance of the woman who had eluded him for weeks. "Why didn't you come to me sooner?" he asked, unable to keep the frustration from his voice.

Gehan approached, her gaze never leaving his. "You needed time to adjust, to discover things on your own. This journey is as much about self-discovery as it is about finding answers."

He wanted to argue but found he couldn't. Her words resonated with the struggles he had faced since his arrival. "What does this scroll say about me?" he asked, holding it up.

She smiled, a hint of pride in her eyes. "It speaks of transformation, of potential unlocked through trials and perseverance. Your new form is a gift, one that carries the legacy of our ancestors."

He felt a surge of emotion—relief, confusion, and a spark of hope. "So, what now?" he asked, looking at her with renewed determination.

Gehan placed a hand on his shoulder. "Now, you continue your training with a new purpose. There is much you need to learn, and I will be here to guide you. Together, we will unlock the true potential of your new form."

With her guidance, the days that followed were more focused. He trained harder, delved deeper into the library's secrets, and began to understand the significance of his transformation. He felt stronger, more attuned to his abilities, and slowly started to embrace his new identity.

As he stood on the training field one morning, executing his forms with precision, he felt Gehan's presence nearby. He glanced at her, and she nodded approvingly. In that moment, he knew he was on the right path, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.