Tension paired with a Latte

Mia and Andrew walked in almost absolute silence.

As they approached The Alley, Mia realized she had never really asked Andrew where he lived. Was that an invasion of privacy? Did she really have to know? As all these thoughts coursed through her head, Andrew spoke up.

"So, um, I kinda need one last cup of coffee. I'm gonna drop by The Alley real quick. You can go ahead if you want," Andrew said sheepishly. The funny thing was, Mia was planning to do the same thing.

"I actually normally get a cup of coffee here on my route home too," Mia said.

A smile spread across Andrew's face, a laugh escaping him. "What are the chances?" he said. Well that was exactly what Mia's been saying to herself all day: what are the freaking chances? At this point she wouldn't be surprised if someone just compiled all of her worst nightmares and had her live it out tomorrow.

As they walked into The Alley, the smell of freshly ground coffee hit Mia's nose, and the stress of the day started to melt away. Up until she heard her stressor order his cup of coffee.

"I'll have a cappuccino," Andrew said, then looked over at Mia. "Is your drink still an iced latte with an extra shot, princess?" He smirked.

Mia didn't bother stopping herself from rolling her eyes. There was that nickname again. "Yes, and I'm surprised you could retain that information in that head of yours," Mia jabbed.

Andrew made a mock hurt look and was about to order when John, the barista, cut in.

"So your usual then, Mia?" John said with a gleam in his eye and a warm smile.

"Yes, thanks, John," she said, returning the smile.

She took out her wallet to pay only to have Andrew wave away her cash.

"I got this. Consider it payment for all the hassle of today," he said, handing his card over to John, who now seemed to give Andrew an annoyed look.

"Thanks, I guess," Mia said.

"So, Mia, did you pitch that article yet?" John asked as he processed their orders, his eyes lingering on her with genuine interest.

"Not so great, but you know, that's life," she replied, trying to keep it short, not wanting to relive the rejection she went through today.

John's smile faltered slightly. "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe I can make it up to you with an extra shot on the house?"

Mia chuckled softly. "That's sweet, John, but I think I'll survive."

John handed them their drinks, his hand brushing lightly against Mia's as he did. "Well, if you ever need to vent or celebrate, you know where to find me," he said, his voice warm and inviting.

Andrew, sensing the flirtation, decided to interject. "You know, Mia, if tomorrow's another rough day, maybe we should make this coffee run a tradition. I could use a little more caffeine and a lot more of your witty banter," he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Mia couldn't help but laugh. "I'll think about it. But if you keep calling me princess, I might have to pass on the offer."

Andrew grinned. "Noted. How about 'queen' instead?"

John chuckled as he cleaned the counter. "Careful, Andrew. Mia's got a sharp tongue and a sharper mind. You'll need more than flattery to keep up."

Mia raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the playful challenge. "Thanks for that, John. We'll see if he's up for the task."

As they left The Alley, Andrew's mood was light, the earlier tension between them easing into something almost friendly, and dare she say it, enjoyable.

"So, where do you live?" Mia asked, trying to sound casual.

"I moved over to 25 Bleeker. You know it?" Andrew replied.

Mia's jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me?" she asked, incredulous.

"No, why?" Andrew said, confused by Mia's reaction.

"I live in the same building."

"Oh, hey, that's pretty cool. I moved in last week. Apartment 5B," Andrew grinned.

"5B? I'm in 4A!" Mia exclaimed, her mind spinning.

"Well, it's nice to have a friendly neighbor," he chided.

"Friendly might be overdoing it," Mia joked back.

"Well, I guess I really am walking you all the way to your building then," Andrew said, a light laugh escaping his lips.

"I guess so, not like I have a choice," Mia said.

They reached their apartment building, which they apparently shared. How could Mia not have run into him in the past week?

Andrew continued their easy conversation all the way into the elevator as they pressed the buttons for their respective floors.

"How have you been these past few years, Mia?" Andrew asked her, sincerity dripping from his voice. Mia knew he could be kind; she had seen it once, and then never again.

"Me? Oh, you know, working hard. Got a dog, two publications so far, and this one seems to be a good fit. How about you?" She asked, trying to keep things light and surface-level, shifting the attention back to him.

"I'm glad to hear that. I've been good too," Andrew replied. "I've been keeping tabs on you, you know? I read your articles. You've gotten so much better. I mean, you've always been such a good writer—engaging and yet not too pretentious. But your articles, especially last year, they really blew me away."

Andrew's words caught Mia off guard. She never knew how to take a compliment, and she was especially unsure how to take a compliment from Andrew.

"Thanks, I guess," Mia replied sheepishly.

"I also heard about your parents," Andrew said quietly.

This stopped Mia in her tracks. Today had been too much.

The elevator dinged and opened its doors to her floor. She got out, not bothering to reply to Andrew. As she looked up back at his face, she saw it was full of worry, and she assumed hers had gone ashen. She waved goodbye, and without another word, walked away from him and toward her apartment.