Wine and Memories

They were seated at a cozy table in the corner, the soft hum of conversation around them creating a warm, intimate atmosphere. Mia tried to focus on the menu, but she could feel Andrew's presence beside her, his every movement magnified in her mind.

Mikee, ever the peacemaker, did her best to attempt to break the ice. 

"So, I had an absolute blast furniture shopping today!" she began, her eyes lighting up. "You wouldn't believe the amazing deals I found. There's this gorgeous vintage dresser that I snagged for a steal. I think it's going to look perfect in my bedroom."

Mia smiled, grateful for the distraction. "That sounds great, Mikee. I can't wait to see it."

Andrew nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, vintage pieces add so much character to a room."

The waiter came to take their orders, and after a few moments of deliberation, they settled on a bottle of red wine and the rest of their orders. As the waiter left, much to Mia's sadness, the conversation took a more uncomfortable turn.

"So, how's the article coming along?" Mikee asked, desperate to break the silence.

"Good," Andrew replied, glancing at Mia. "We've had some... spirited discussions, but I think we're on the right track."

"Spirited discussions?" Mikee raised an eyebrow, looking amused. "Sounds intense."

"You have no idea," Mia muttered, earning a chuckle from Andrew.

The conversation lulled, and they sipped their wine in silence for a few moments. 

Finally, Mikee leaned back in her chair, a nostalgic smile on her face. "Do you remember our university days? It feels like a lifetime ago."

Mia smiled, the tension easing slightly. "Yeah, those were some good times. Remember that road trip we took to the beach? That was fun."

Andrew chuckled, the memory brightening his expression. "Fun? We got lost for hours, all because you refused to stop and ask for directions!"

Mia put a hand to her chest, showing mock offense, "That's cause I knew where we were going!"

Both Andrew and Mikee dissolved into laughter.

"Oh, and the time we tried to cook Thanksgiving dinner in your tiny dorm kitchen? We nearly set the place on fire." Andrew added.

They laughed, the shared memories breaking through the lingering awkwardness. The wine flowed, and the conversation grew livelier. They reminisced about their late-night study sessions, spontaneous adventures, and the carefree days of their youth.

As the night wore on, the laughter grew louder, and the wine glasses emptied more quickly. But just as the evening seemed to be heading in a lighter direction, Andrew brought up a topic that sent a chill through Mia.

"Do you remember that night, around a month before graduation?" he asked, his tone softening. "All of our deliverables were in and we were practically done with uni. We stayed up all night, talking about our dreams and plans."

Mia's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Yeah, that was a good night," she said, trying to keep her tone light. "We were so young and full of hope."

Andrew's eyes lingered on her, a hint of something unspoken in his gaze. "It was one of my favorite memories." Mia couldn't be sure if she imagined it, but she felt his hand brush hers under the table. 

Mikee, sensing the shift, quickly interjected. "Oh, remember that impromptu karaoke session we had at that little bar? You both were terrible singers, but it was so much fun!"

The mood lightened again as they shared more stories and laughter. The rest of the dinner passed pleasantly, the earlier tension slowly dissipating. By the time they finished their meal and paid the bill, they were all in high spirits.

As they walked back to the apartment building where Mia and Andrew lived, Mikee regaled them with more tales of her day, her excitement infectious. "I can't wait for you to see my new place, Mia. It's going to be amazing once it's all set up."

"I'm sure it will be," Mia said, smiling. "And you know you're welcome to crash with me until then."

"Just two more days, and I'm out of your hair." Mikee said.

"Please don't get out of my hair, I love you there." Mia teased.

"Ooooh she rhymes now." Mikee said back with a laugh.

Andrew silently watched and smiled at them as the two girls continued to chat his ear off.

They reached the apartment building, the cool night air refreshing after the warmth of the restaurant. 

"Thanks for dinner, you guys." Andrew said, then briefly glanced at Mia as they walked inside towards the elevator. "It was...nice catching up."

"Yeah, this was nice…" Mia said, almost in a whisper, in response. 

As they approached Mia's floor, Andrew suddenly faced towards her, "I have to admit, I'm impressed with how passionate you are about this project. It's... inspiring." He said.

Mia felt a flush of warmth at his words. "Thanks, Andrew. I guess we just have different ways of showing our passion."

Andrew nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I guess we do."

The elevator doors opened to Mia's floor, and Mikee looped her arm through Mia's as they headed out. "Goodnight, Andrew. Don't be a stranger."

Andrew nodded, giving them a small wave before heading to his own apartment. "Goodnight, Mikee. Mia."

The closing of the elevator doors felt like they went in slow motion, and as they were almost closed, Mia met Andrew's eyes, stirring something inside of her as he softly smiled at her. 

As soon as the doors closed, Mia let out a sigh of relief. "Well, that was...interesting."

Mikee grinned. "You two are like fire and ice. But hey, it keeps things exciting, right?"

Mia laughed softly. "I guess so. Thanks for being there tonight, Mikee. I needed that."

"Anytime," Mikee said, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Now, let's get some sleep. We've got another busy day tomorrow."

As they made their way to Mia's apartment, Mia couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Andrew bringing up that specific night had stirred both the worst and the best memories. She was shocked at how he thought of it fondly, because to her it was the day her life began to crumble.