Books and more

John stood there, smiling at her, not in his usual apron and baggy black clothes that he would usually be in over at The Alley, instead, he was in a cashmere sweater and jeans, clothes hugging his body to properly show off his physique. 

"John, hey, how are you?" Mia said awkwardly. "No shift at The Alley today?"

"No, I'm off today," he said, then tentatively added, "Plus, I quit a few days ago, actually, just tendering my last few days." He scratched the back of his neck.

"What? Why?!" Mia said, shocked, thinking if her coffee in the morning was going to be as good.

"I actually got a job as an editorial assistant in a publishing company," John said bashfully.

"That's great! Congratulations!" Mia said in too loud a voice. "I mean...if that's what you want to do." She added awkwardly, trying to compensate for her outburst of excitement.

"Thanks, and yeah, it is! I've always wanted to be in publishing," John replied with a kind smile. "I feel like a jerk, but I never asked you what you do, Mia."

"Oh, I'm actually a writer," she said. She wasn't sure why she didn't say that as enthusiastically as she thought she would; it just kind of fell flat.

"That's cool. What do you write? Books?" John said as he pointed towards the shelves.

Mia laughed. "I wish," she said, then stopped herself, realizing what had just come out of her mouth. "No, no, I work at the Daily Post. I'm part of the features team."

John smiled at Mia, his eyes crinkling at the corners in a way that made her heart skip a beat. "So, the Daily Post, huh? You must have some pretty amazing stories up your sleeve."

Mia chuckled, feeling a bit more relaxed in his presence. "Yeah, some of them are pretty interesting. But sometimes I wish I could just dive into a good book instead of writing articles all day."

John leaned against a nearby shelf, crossing his arms. "You know, you've got the kind of job most people dream about. You get to tell stories that matter."

"I guess so," Mia admitted, her fingers tracing the edge of the book in her hand. "But there's something about the permanence of books, the way they can change lives. Articles feel so...temporary."

"I get that," John said, his gaze intense. "But you're doing important work. You're giving people a voice, shedding light on issues that need attention. That's powerful."

Mia felt a warmth spread through her at his words. "Thanks, John. I needed to hear that."

"Anytime," he said with a grin. "So, what kind of books do you like? Maybe I can recommend something."

Mia's eyes lit up at the opportunity to talk about one of her favorite subjects. "I'm into all sorts of genres. I love a good contemporary fiction book, but I'm also a sucker for romance."

John raised an eyebrow. "Romance, huh? Any favorites?"

She blushed slightly. "Well, I've always been a fan of Sarah Thorne's books. There's something about the way she writes that just pulls you in."

"Good choice," John said approvingly. "She's great at creating characters you can't help but fall in love with."

Mia nodded, feeling a connection forming between them. "Exactly. It's like you're living their lives with them."

John glanced at the book in her hand. "So, what's the new novel you're picking up today?"

Mia held up the book, showing him the cover. "It's 'Gingham Dress' by Fred Silver. I've been waiting for it to come out."

"Great choice," John said. "I'm sure you'll love it."

They continued to chat, their conversation flowing easily. John's enthusiasm for books was infectious, and Mia found herself opening up to him in a way she hadn't with anyone in a long time.

"So, you're an editorial assistant now," Mia said, steering the conversation back to him. "What's that like?"

John's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I will be in a week. I don't know how it's going to be down to each second, but from what I've heard, it's amazing. I get to work with authors, help shape their manuscripts, and see books go from draft to finished product. It's a dream come true."

Mia felt a pang of envy, wishing she could share in that excitement. "That sounds incredible. I've always thought it would be amazing to work in publishing."

John's expression softened. "You know, it's never too late to try something new. You've got the talent and the passion. Who says you can't write a book?"

Mia laughed, but the idea took root in her mind. "Maybe one day. For now, I'll stick to the newsroom."

John nodded. "Fair enough. But if you ever need a beta reader or someone to bounce ideas off of, I'm your guy."

"I'll keep that in mind," Mia said, smiling.

They continued to talk, their conversation light and filled with shared dreams and ambitions. John's confidence and easy charm made Mia feel more at ease than she had in a long time.

Mia noticed the time on her watch, it was quarter to 9, "Shoot, is that the time? I'm so sorry John, but I have to head out to work, it was great seeing you." She said, cutting their conversation short. 

"Oh, hold on," John said, pulling out his phone. "I'd love to continue this conversation. Maybe over coffee or dinner sometime?"

Mia was caught off guard by John's directness, she wasn't entirely sure how to feel. He was good looking and easy to talk to, so what was the harm? 

"I'd like that. Here, let me give you my number."

She took his phone and entered her details, feeling a little nervous as she handed it back to him. She hadn't given out her number in awhile

"Great," John said, flashing her a smile. "I'll text you."

Mia nodded, feeling a little better about her day. "Looking forward to it."

With one last smile, John walked away, leaving Mia standing there with a new book in her hand and a renewed sense of possibility. As she left the bookstore and headed to her office, she couldn't help but feel a little lighter, a little more hopeful about the future.

But as she sat down at her desk and started to write her article, the familiar sadness and resignation crept back in. She loved her job, but a part of her yearned for something more, something different. 

She couldn't help but think about John and his new job in publishing, wondering if she'd ever have the courage to follow her own dreams.

For now, though, she had a job to do. She pushed those thoughts aside and focused on her work, determined to give it her all. 

But the seed of an idea had been planted, and she couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was something more waiting for her.