Heightened Senses

The newsroom hummed with the usual clatter of keyboards and low murmur of voices as the day unfolded. Mia, Andrew, Sarah, and Claire moved through their tasks with a heightened sense of caution, each aware of the heavy secret they shared. 

The revelation about the Argors and the Grangers hung over them like a storm cloud, ready to drop at any moment. They did their best to keep their interactions discreet throughout the day, checking in with each other only when necessary, their faces carefully neutral as they passed by one another in the office.

Mia's focus wavered as she glanced around the room, ensuring that no one else seemed too interested in their group. Her thoughts were interrupted by the familiar, clipped voice of Mr. Thompson. "Mia," he called from across the room, striding towards her with a purposeful gait. She braced herself, offering a polite smile as he approached.