An Offer

Soon he arrived in front of a room several maids could be seen here and all were busy even then when they saw him they gave a slight bow to him in a respectful manner. This was his mother's room and she was the only wife of Li Sheng. Her name was Li Ming.

She was a beautiful woman who had long black hair and crystal clear eyes which showed a glow whenever one looked at them. She excluded an aura of maturity and nobility. She seemed gentle but everybody here knew that even though her appearance was gentle but still she was a strong cultivator at the void realm. She was around 160 years old but still her appearance was that of a 20 years old girl.

"Enter Son" a gentle voice came from inside the room and he recognized this voice as the one speaking was his mother. He knew his mother fondness towards him and although good but sometimes it becomes a problem as she was very fond of Li Tian the only child she had. She would go to any length if it means to protect him.

This was both a blessing and curse and he also knew that matter related to his marriage and fiancee will all be managed by her rather than his father. She was somewhat surprised when she found that Li Tian had come to visit her as he rarely came to her.

She knew he must have wanted something so she asked "Son, is there anything you require?" to answer this he just a gave a slight nod but soon saw that he was a bit embarrassed so she ordered everyone else to leave the room and let them be alone.

"Mother lately I have been thinking about one girl and I think I like her so I would ask you to allow me to extend an offer to her family regarding this." said Li Tian

Li Ming was shocked as this was the first time her son asked something from her and it was about a women he liked. She was indeed happy as up until now he didnt show any interest in women so she and her husband had started to force their son to take a fiancee but she didnt knew that he already had someone in mind.

"Who is she and tell me about her background and Son dont worry even if she is of great background dont forget that we are the Li Family and we can almost set you two up together so dont worry and tell me everything." said Li Ming she wanted to know about the woman who was the first love of his son.

"Mother she is Lin Xia from the Lin Family and she is the fourth daughter of the family although her cultivation isnt that great but I like her." said Li Tian and soon he saw that his mother although was happy but there a look of confusion as she knew about Lin family but she couldnt remember Lin Xia.

Soon she remembered that there a girl in Lin Family who almost was like a maid as she performed all the chores and other activity for the family the reason being that she had below average talent for cultivation she seemed like almost a child of mortal couple rather than cultivators for this reason her cultivation was too basic.

She didnt know about how she managed to interest Li Tian but she knew that this request was even easier than she seemed it to be. The Lin family is a declining faction and if they are extended a offer of something like this then they couldnt refuse as this will be beneficial for them more.

"Son are you sure you want her ?" asked Li Ming to which Li Tian replied with a affirmative nod she could see in his eyes that he really loved this girl but she couldnt understand how did she even manage to catch his eyes as from birth he was surrounded with beauties and woman who had the best talents but still he showed no affection for them. She knew her son was a genius with great talent and a good mind but still she cant understand him at all.

"But only on one condition I would accept this proposal that is she wont become your wife instead she will assume the role of a concubine." said Li Ming and Li Ting knew this was about to come as no matter what she cant allow a average talent woman to become the main wife of next leader of Li Family.

"I accept the condition Mother" said Li Tian and just like that I have my first fiancee and also have taken one of the protagonist woman. 

"Lets go Son lets just go to the Lin Family and give them this offer they shouldnt refuse this and if they do then I will have to take some slight action" said Li Ming and started walking our of her room with Li Tian normally she wouldnt rush such things and could just send a messenger but she wanted to spend some time with her son and also she thought that maybe he was a bit angry as she said that Lin Xia could only be a concubine.

Li Tian was surprised as he knew he had to wait for some time before Lin Xia would come here as a message would be sent to Lin Family and only after reading that would they come here but he didnt know that his mother was such eager for him to get a wife.

Both completely misunderstood each other thoughts but still everything still was within Li Tian's grasp and he would ultimately make Lin Xia his even early now so he didnt mind this eagerness from his mother.

Soon his mother waved her hands and a crack appeared in space in front of them and they entered in it and soon they were 10000km away from there home but were only 500km away from The Lin Family manor. Even now Li Tian was excited not because of his Fiancee and marriage but because of his mother ability.

Everytime he saw her using this he was excited as Space control was extremely difficult and only a few people can use this but even if one can manage to learn it they still cant master it as this is one of the most mysterious ability known. Even his mother could only grasp about 5% of the space powers but still this was considered genius as normally only 1 in a 100 million can learn this ability and even if they do learn they still cant grasp more than 3% of its power.

Currently there were only 2 people who were stronger than his mother in this space control and eventually he has plans to meet them as he also had a ability of space control maybe due to his mother but he couldnt even grasp 1% of its power thus it was ineffective. 

But soon his thoughts ended and he once again came back in real world when his mother started pulling him towards the Lin Family manor which was quite grand and exquisite but still pale in comparison to the Li Family manor.