Meeting Qing Lan

After learning about the identity of her saviour she was awestruck as till now she has only heard news and rumoursabout him regarding his appearance and talent but now when she saw this herself she was amazed because the last news regarding him which she received was recently where it was told that he had a cultivation base of 10th stage core formation realm at the age of only nineteen but now she was surprised by finding that within such a short period of time he not only advanced from one minor realm but had a major breakthrough and now is a master of nascent soul realm.


This level of talent was horrifying because how will the people of his generation compete with this person because he is even stronger the elders of the sects now. Ice Palace was an upper medium level sect neither too weak nor too strong but still they were a good sect which had a high level in martial arts due to the nature of their techniques and unless. Still, they were one of the top 10 sect in the Empire.


But even Xu Ye knew that the Ice Palace shouldn't offend some people and Li Family was one of them because their strength was higher than theirs and even their connection was better than them. 


She initially believed that Li Tian would be an arrogant and cold person because anyone with such talent and background should be like that. But in person she found that he was relatively easy going and somewhat better than the other young master of great families she had already seen and met with few young masters of great families but found that they were very arrogant just because they had their families supporting them. Their own talents were only slightly better than average but due to their families they got the best techniques which helped them a great deal.


But this man was different he had the talent to be arrogant and not put anyone else in his eyes but he didn't do so he was approachable and soon had a look of admiration and respect towards him.


"Young master but this forest is far away from Li Family so are you here for anything?" asked Xu Ye this was what she was wondering as normally he should not be here unless he wants something.


"I was just travelling places to places in search of opportunities and soon I will be joining a sect but there was some time before the selection ceremony, so I decided to gain practical experience but near one forest I got lost and ended up near this place when I found the traces of battle and rushed here finding you in half dead state." Said Li Tian 

"Ok so you were lost near this forest well I can help you find your way back let me recover just a little more than we can head towards the entrance of The Ice Palace from their you can then continue your journey to the next destinations but I am curious which sects are you going to join  because no matter which sect you go to they will easily accept someone like you as you are even as strong as some elders" said Xu Ye technically she was not wrong it is widely known that whichever sect Li Tian will apply to he will be directly accepted due to his talent and maybe he can even become the holy son of the respective sect thus each and every sect wants to recruit him.


"I think I will go to Heavenly Immortal Sect they are the best in terms of strength, and they have few opportunities which I can only find there," said Li Tian


"Yes Even I think that is correct because currently they are the strongest and have the best environment for cultivation and sorry I won't disturb you any further I will start cultivating to heal my injuries and then we can leave" said Xu Ye as she didn't wanted to waste time of Li Tian and right now she had given up on giving him some gift as now she also knew that whatever she will give him will be of lower grade that what he already has so she just decided to invite him to meet her master and then the master can decide how to compensate him.


Few Moments Later,

"I am ready young master; we can leave now I know the way back, so it won't take us long before we reach the Ice Palace" said Xu Ye and started moving towards a certain direction where Li Tian followed her and soon they reached the front gate of Ice Palace.


The guards were alerted when they saw someone approaching the gate but soon relaxed their vigilance after they saw that the person coming was Xu Ye but soon their mind was a little occupied as they saw the condition of Xu Ye clothes because while the fight, she became a little messy.



"Saintess is this person with you because I don't think he's from our sect" said one of the guards 


"He is my guest so he can enter the sect with me" responded Xu Ye and they entered the sect as soon as they entered countless beauties were seen everywhere in the sect and Li Tian was also amazed by seeing this as earlier he knew that The Ice Palace mostly only consisted of female cultivators because mostly only females had the talent for ice attribute but few males were also present there but they didn't had the same level of talent as them.


The male cultivator who practiced ice attribute cant cultivate after core formation realm as their body don't allow them to cultivate further and even reaching core formation is very difficult for them thus very few males are there in this sect but their status is very low in this sect mostly they perform all the odd tasks and jobs and some even become servants of the female cultivators who have a high level of talent in search of opportunity to impress the female so that they could at least become a couple with them.


Just when Xu Ye came she became the centre of attraction as everyone here admired her and respected her but right now they were more captivated by the young man standing next to her as he had the appearance of a male god and he was the most handsome they had ever seen in their life but they also noticed that they can't peek through his cultivation realm which meant that he was way higher than them. All the present female cultivators were impressed by this as a man so handsome and such strength they all wish to become his partner.


They all wanted to go there and strike a conversation with him, but they couldn't because their saintess was accompanying him. Meanwhile all the male cultivators also saw him but they were only jealous of him as no doubt he was handsome, but he also had the strength, so they also knew that they were incomparable against him.


Under the gaze of all the disciples they made their way towards the main hall where usually the vice sect master stays while dealing with the affairs of the sect. Their sect master had gone in seclusion few years ago and handed all the powers of decision making regarding the sect to the vice sect master it should also be noted that the vice sect master was the younger sister of the sect master.


After entering the hall soon, they saw the vice sect master whose name was Qing Lan she was a master with the profound strength of 7th stage of void realm. As soon as she saw that her disciple, she knew that she was injured but just when she was about to ask her regarding that she saw a behind her even she felt attracted towards that face as even in her lifespan she haven't seen anybody this handsome.


But unlike other disciple she regained her composure and asked "Disciple who is this young man and I don't think he practices Ice element because his cultivation is 2nd stage of nascent soul realm so why have you brought a foreign unknown man in our sect" 


"Master no I brought him here because he is my saviour and I wanted to let him meet you so that you can give him a suitable reward for saving me" said Xu Ye while unsure what her master would do or say because she knew that although her master didn't hate men, she still was a very reserved person who will minimalize all contacts with others. 


"Hoh…. you said your saviour explain disciple what happened and don't miss out on any details" said Qing Lan with an authoritative tone.


Thus, Xu Ye recalled all the events that unfolded earlier in front of her master and spoke all truth in it. After hearing about the events that unfolded Qing Lan knew that Xu Ye was speaking the truth because she could sense a foreign ice element from her body which was not hers.