Small World and Technique Of Flowing Time

Meanwhile in the room Li Tian was currently trying to peak into the space bead he had earlier received from the cave. (Refer to Chapter 12)


He was confused with this bead as he could sense some familiarity with this bead but still was unfamiliar with it. He could sense the space element from this bead but still couldn't grasp the concept within it at all. He concluded that this bead was truly related with the space element.


But knew that with his current understanding of the element he couldn't tell anything related to this bead. This was an opportunity for him so that he could gain more insights in the space element and if he really refines this then his space element understanding would be of equal level at his mother or even greater than her.


With the intention to refine this bead he started pouring his qi in it and the bead also started absorbing the qi like a beast who has been hungry for a long time. Few moments passed and the bead was still devouring his qi like a hungry animal. But still due to Li Tian's physiques the qi stored in his body was ten times the most individual and with time and cultivation it would only grow more. Due to these large reservoirs of qi he was able to feed the bead with it without feeling any discomfort.


If it would have been any normal cultivator he would have fainted or worse died through expending his entire qi and the bead would have then devoured their life essence as a substitute of their qi.


A lot of time has passed and now the bead was devouring the qi at a relatively lower rate than which it had started to, this meant that the bead was almost full but Li Tian for the first time in his life was feeling this weak as almost eighty percent of his true qi has been sucked out of him. This was the first time he felt what tiredness meant after using his qi.


Then the bead stopped sucking out his qi and glowed am little. Li Tian was relieved that the bead was fully satisfied with it. He by now knew that this bead was a little different than most artifacts as he knew it was recorded in the books that some artifacts in this world have gained sentience and have a will of their own which no one can force and only after you fulfil their condition will you be allowed to become their master and if they deem you unworthy to become so then the artifacts would consume you and merge you to increase their strength.


By the looks of it, he knew that he had satisfied the first condition of the artifact and now he wanted to check what could this bead provide to him after all he did spend his most qi nurturing this thing.


He placed his hand above the bead and soon felt as if there was a connection formed with his mind and inside the bead. The space element he felt earlier was now easily noticeable for him and he was sure this bead has some hidden space formations within it which are quite complex to decipher and with his current abilities he can't do so.


Suddenly he felt as if the bead was trying to pull his consciousness into it and started resisting it. But sensed that it had no ill will, so he decided to trust it this time and entered the space bead.


The inside scenery surprised him as what he saw was nothing less than a miracle as he could see a round like object where land was scattered, and water was present. He soon descended from that point and tried to get a clear view.


What came in his view was clear land and open space with qi but the concentration of qi here was lower than the one in his world.


He felt a connection with this world and power was brimming inside him as if he was omnipotent here and can do anything. Thus, he tried to concentrate and think about something. He tried growing a tree which is quite unrealistic even he knew that but still tried.


To his surprise in an instant a plant came out of land and started growing at a visible rate and soon became a whole tree. This cleared his suspicion, this truly was a small world inside the space bead and the reason he is feeling such powers were because the bead took his qi to form this world and has accepted him as his master.


This small world is different from any artifact or anything as someone must have perfectly mastered the space element to make this world different from the space they were present in.


He thought what realm must a person reach before creating something like a smaller world with his space element and how much efforts would be required in doing so. He felt a connection with the world will and as if totally accepting him suddenly some information was poured into his mind.


Due to sudden transfer of information, he felt like his head would burst open but suddenly a light came towards him from the sky and it provided a soothing effect on his mind. This must be the artifact helping me relax my mind well it is good now I can try to mesmerize all this information and then he closed his eyes.


After few hours he opened his eyes, and it had a strange glow in it as if looking towards nothingness while also looking at everything. Suddenly he punched towards a spot in the air and a small hole appeared there. After seeing this Li Tian became happy and was astonished by the information which the bead provided him.


The information that came into his mind was something related to space element and how to control the void gaps and how to slighty alter the time space. These memories and information must be something which was collected by the previous owner of the bead. This is great with this his comprehension in the space element had a breakthrough and now he could open a void easily but still he can't maintain the void for more than 10 minutes. Whereas now he has also mastered the concept of flowing time.


By the information and description, he could tell this technique couldn't be practiced by people who don't have a talent for space element as with this he could slow the time or even increase the speed of time. But due to his current strength being too low he can't alter the time much but with increase in his strength he may be able to fully alter the time in a small area.


"The future prospects of such techniques are immeasurable, and this space bead is totally something I never expected it to be" thought Li Tian.