I Love My Wife - Episode 7

"But I am your best friend," Minji again held his arm, but this time Jungkook pushed her a little harshly.

"And Yin is my wife, Minji," Jungkook said and was about to leave but stopped as he heard Minji's words.

"Why are you behaving like this, Kookie? You don't even love her. I am the one who you loved," Jungkook looked at her with his rage-filled eyes.

"I thought I did, but you know what? I never loved you! After meeting Yin, I knew how love feels like, and I know who I love. Now you must know it too," Jungkook said and left from there, leaving Minji in shock.

A smile appeared on Jungkook's face, his eyes showing pride. He is proud to say that he loves Yin, his wife.

With so much happiness, Jungkook went to Yin's coffee shop. Yin, who was taking some orders, saw Jungkook and went to him.

"What are you doing here?" Yin asked. She was happy but also angry because he had ignored her for the past few days.

"Of course, to have a coffee, wifey," Jungkook said with a smirk on his face. Yin felt a tickle in her heart as she heard the name "wifey" after a long time.

But she managed to remain calm. "Why here? Can't you go to another coffee shop?" Yin asked. This time, Jungkook came a little closer to Yin and said,

"I heard the boss of this coffee shop is beautiful." Yin widened her eyes at his indirect compliment while Jungkook's smirk never left his face.

Jungkook went to an empty table in the corner and sat down. Yin just glared at him and went to the counter.

"Why is he suddenly being so flirty with me?" Yin mumbled to herself. "You are driving me crazy, wifey," Jungkook thought while admiring Yin.

"Mrs. Jeon!" Jungkook shouted, making everyone look at him. Yin widened her eyes and looked at Jungkook, who was smiling mischievously.

Before Jungkook could shout again, Yin immediately went to him. "What do you want?" Yin asked, holding an irritated look.

"Give me a medium Americano, Mrs. Jeon," Jungkook said. Yin sighed annoyingly and went back, while Jungkook chuckled.

It was already time to close the coffee shop, but Jungkook was still there watching Yin, while Yin was confused about why he was doing that.

A guy came to the coffee shop and ordered a coffee. Yin was the one who took the order.

The guy seemed to have dirty thoughts. He was looking at Yin with lustful eyes, which was noticed by Jungkook.

"You are working so hard, baby. I can make you feel relieved, what do you say?" the guy said, about to touch Yin.

But Jungkook came over and held his hand, saying, "She has me, her husband. You don't have to worry." Jungkook pushed his hand harshly, making it bump against the table.

The man hissed in pain and stood up, grabbing Jungkook's collar. Jungkook glared at him with his sharp eyes.

"I don't care if she is your wife. I will make her mine if I want to," the guy said, making Jungkook lose his patience.

Jungkook held both hands of the guy and twisted them, causing the guy to groan in pain.

"You dared once. If you dare to even look at her, don't blame me for doing the worst," Jungkook said with his deep, scary voice.

And he pushed the guy out of the coffee shop. Jungkook took Yin with him and they went home.

The whole ride was silent, with no one speaking a word. When they arrived home, Jungkook pinned Yin to the wall, making her eyes widen. "Couldn't you just give him a hard slap? Why didn't you say anything to him?" Jungkook asked, holding her shoulders.

"Answer me, Yin! Answer me!" "Because you were there!" Yin shouted, shocking Jungkook.

"I would have taught him a lesson if you weren't there!" Yin repeated with a shout.

Jungkook loosened his grip on Yin's shoulders. "W-what?" Jungkook asked, unsure of what he had heard.

"Forget it. As you said, it's not that big of a deal. You're overreacting," Yin said, pushing Jungkook gently and walking towards the bedroom.

Jungkook now understood how she felt when he had said that to her that day. Unknowingly, tears filled his eyes.

Jungkook wiped his tears and immediately ran to their room, where he saw Yin getting her clothes from the closet.

Jungkook ran to her and hugged her tightly from behind, causing Yin to be shocked.

"It is a big deal, Yin. You are my wife. It's a big deal if someone tries to touch you. I can't bear it. You are mine, just mine," Jungkook said, his voice cracking. Yin was shocked to hear his words, and her heart was beating fast.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard Jungkook say, "I love you Yin, don't be like this, I know I did wrong by ignoring you these days, but trust me I was missing you, and that's when I realized how much I love you, how much you mean to me."

Hearing Jungkook's confession, Yin's eyes unknowingly filled with tears. Yin broke the hug and looked at Jungkook with her tearful eyes.

Jungkook waited to hear her answer, but Yin gave him a soft slap. Jungkook held his cheek while widening his eyes.

"Why did you wait so long, Cavalier? I thought I was the only one who fell in love with you," Yin said while hitting his chest softly.

Jungkook held her both hands and pulled her closer to him. "Y...you love me?" Jungkook asked just to be sure.

Yin nodded her head and smiled. Jungkook's smile widened as he swirled her around while Yin giggled.

The next day was Sunday, and both Yin and Jungkook were at home. Yin was making lunch when Jungkook came and back hugged her.

"Why are you making so many dishes, chipmunk?" Jungkook asked, resting his chin on Yin's neck.

"Our parents are coming, that's why," Yin said, still focusing on the food. That's when the doorbell rang.

Both the Jeon family and the Guem family came inside. They chitchatted for some time. "You two aren't going to give us a little boy or girl?" Mrs. Jeon asked.

Yin widened her eyes. "It's not that big of a deal, Mom," Jungkook said, smirking at Yin who was looking at him with her doe eyes.

Jungkook wrapped his tattooed arm around Yin's neck and pulled her closer to him. Both family members smiled as they looked at them.

"I remember someone said, 'I won't marry her even if she is the only girl in this world!'" Mr. Jeon said, imitating Jungkook's voice, while the others laughed.

"Ok, ok, I admit, but now I am telling you, if it's not Yin, then no one," Jungkook said, looking at Yin as they smiled at each other.

"Ok, let's leave these two lovers alone," Grandpa Jeon said, and everyone left for their houses.

It was already night, and Yin was getting ready to sleep, but Jungkook pulled her by her hand as she bumped into his chest.

"I thought, why don't we fulfill our families' wish?" Jungkook whispered, giving Yin shivers. But Yin smiled at him.

Jungkook smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Both of them shared a passionate kiss, and soon they were laying on the bed, drowning in each other.

They spent their night romantically. After a few weeks, Yin felt sick and went to do a check-up with Jungkook.

Jungkook was worried about Yin, but when the doctor said, "there isn't something to worry about but to be happy, Mrs. Jeon, you are going to be a mother," Jungkook and Yin looked at each other with wide smiles. They were extremely happy, and they shared the good news with their families, who were all so excited.

After 9 months, Yin gave birth to a cute little girl. Jungkook and Yin named her "Jeon Ari."

The two people who hated each other from the first meeting had to marry because of an unexpected connection. They spent their time in the same house as husband and wife, slowly falling in love and confessing.

Chipmunk and Cavalier, who once didn't even want to see each other, started to love without any conditions.