23. This morning should be beautiful

It was a bright morning after last night's heavy rain, but Tristan didn't hear the sound of rain or thunder, he slept very soundly. This made him lose the opportunity to witness and breathe the smell of rain.

Tristan wasn't too sad because he knew he would be in this world for a long time. He would wait for the rain when it came, and he swore that he would immediately run and stand under it.

Ten years in a cramped prison and having to share a cell with four other prisoners, Tristan has never seen rain directly.

He could only stare at the vents and hear the raindrops hitting the roof and the ground. He couldn't enjoy the distinctive smell of rain because of the body odor of his friends and himself.

"Tristan Madigan sleeps like the dead," grumbled Tristan.

He was a sensitive person when he was sleeping, which was why he could never sleep well in prison. When his friend snores, talks, kicks or slaps him, his eyes immediately open wide.

Strangely enough, in this world, he had difficulty waking up quickly. The head maid even had to bang on the door of his room dozens of times. Then he discovered the fact that, since he was a baby, Tristan Madigan had been sleeping like the dead.

Tristan Madigan was caught in a fire when he was staying at an inn. Everyone screamed in panic, and the women screamed in fear. The noise didn't make Tristan Madigan wake up from his dream at all.

His two knights had to face the fire to get him out of the bedroom, and once outside, he awoke because he was chilly.

"I'm trapped in the body of someone who couldn't wake up when a powerful earthquake occurred and is capable of collapsing buildings. Maybe I'll wake up when a big rock hits my head." Tristan did not want to die just because Tristan Madigan sleeps like the dead.

The two knights walking behind Tristan stared at each other. They heard their king's voice, but they did not know what he was talking about. Their king had changed a bit, lately he liked to mumble.

"Welcome, Your Majesty." An old man with a white beard and wearing a dark brown round hat welcomed his king at the horse stall.

Tristan held his breath without realizing it.

He was already in the presence of dozens of trained horses belonging to the kingdom. Dozens of horses were ready to serve their master well, and they were not afraid to fight alongside him on the battlefield.

The old man, who had cared for and looked after dozens of horses belonging to the kingdom for decades, invited the king on a tour, pointing out several horses that he thought were suitable for the king.

Tristan was still confused about how to choose the best horse for him.

He was very annoyed with the system. If the system hadn't made Max go berserk or the light brown stallion hadn't run away and broken his leg, Tristan would never have come to this horse stall to choose the horse that would be his.

A light brown stallion that was having breakfast caught Tristan's attention. He has a similar body color to Max, but not necessarily the same behavior as Tristan Madigan's horse.

Look at that horse, he did not stop eating. He ignored Tristan, who was observing him. Somehow, Tristan had a feeling he wouldn't be able to tame the horse.

Without Tristan realizing it, his two knights and the old man with a white beard looked at their king sadly. Their king couldn't forget Max yet. They misunderstood.

Tristan continued his steps. Three stalls away from the arrogant horse, a white horse was sticking its head out of the stall, she had already finished her food. The white horse stared at Tristan deeply, as if she was begging Tristan to choose her.

"She's a mare, Your Majesty," said the old man with a white beard. He was worried that the king would choose that horse. "A mare is not good for a king to use. She also got tired and thirsty easily."

Tristan nodded. He was determined not to choose a mare because he was a man, it felt uncomfortable as if he was being carried by a woman.

When Tristan went to the other horse's stable, the white horse lowered its head to show its sadness. Tristan ignored the mare and focused on looking for another horse.

If he had entered the body of a king in his previous life, right now he would have chosen a car instead of a horse.

Of course, Tristan would be delighted and happy if he were currently selecting a car. His mind would recall all the cars he sees on the highway, as well as the commercials on social media. That would allow him to swiftly choose which car he wanted to buy.

When the old bearded man recommended a white stallion with golden hair that shimmered in the sunlight, Tristan immediately stopped in front of the stable.

The horse had finished breakfast, he was standing in the stable with his gaze fixed on Tristan.

"His gaze is firm." Tristan commented. He remembered Max, who had a look like that.

Tristan dared to approach the stable, then he stretched out his hand to touch the horse. He was surprised when the horse approached him and lowered its head to make it easier for Tristan to pet it.

A smile spread across Tristan's face. He liked the white stallion with golden hair. It could be said he fell in love at first sight, and he was sure he would have a bond with the horse.

"Do you choose that horse, Your Majesty?" The white-bearded old man approached his king.

When he saw his king nod, he smiled. "Your Majesty, you chose the proper horse. He is the second-quickest horse among the other horses, and he excels at jumping and landing properly. He is a horse who is eager to serve his master."

"Do you want to be my friend?" Tristan spoke to the horse, and he was surprised when the horse nodded as if it understood what he was saying. "You must have misinterpreted what I said."

Tristan frowned. He was looking for a suitable name for the horse until he ignored the old man with a white beard who asked him if he wanted to try riding the horse.

"Your Majesty." A palace soldier came to his king, panting for breath.

"What's wrong?" Tristan raised an eyebrow.

"Your Majesty, hundreds of young people want to meet you. They are conducting a demonstration; they implore you not to side with the merchant. You should assist the farmers who are concerned because the merchant insists on purchasing their plantation lands," said the palace soldier.

Tristan let out a sigh through his mouth. He was fed up with the farmers' problems, and the merchant failed to keep his promises.

They had made Tristan's mood worse. He should be happy to get a horse according to his wishes.

"I don't want to meet them," said Tristan, his sharp gaze fixed on Knight Aiden, which made his knight shudder in horror. "Tell them, I'm not on the side of the merchant or the farmers. I only advise the farmers, and all decisions are in the hands of the farmers."

Knight Aiden nodded. Then he went to meet hundreds of young people who were demonstrating in front of the gate of the king's palace.

He would inform them that the king was busy with his duties. Knight Aiden would not let anyone disrupt his king's mood, as he had discovered a way to relieve his sorrow after killing his beloved steed.

Tristan looked at the palace soldier who was about to leave. "You go meet General Tamothy. Tell him to send hundreds of palace soldiers to repel the protesters. Don't use violence."

"I understand, Your Majesty. I will convey your message to General Tamothy." The palace soldier ran fast towards the office where General Tamothy served.

"I don't like being disturbed." Tristan muttered. He looked back at his new horse.

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