30. What to do?

Tristan's brows knitted together. He didn't understand why the system gave him such a task.

Tristan was sure that the man's voice he heard in the all-white room after he died and before he was in Tristan Madigan's body was the voice of the god who put his soul into Tristan Madigan's body and gave him the system.

Then he got the reward of the skill to scare the opponent from the God of Judgment.

Tristan assumed the gods were offended because they had been accused of giving hundreds of people a disease with purulent lumps and red eyes. Therefore, they asked Tristan to thwart the sacred ritual.

The task made Tristan realize that the disease outbreak was not due to a lack of belief in the gods, and it could be said that the system indirectly gave him a hint.

That means the disease could be cured with medicine!

That was good news.

Tristan would get a reward if he succeeded, and if he failed, he would get a penalty.

This was a relatively easy task compared to the special task and the fourth task that required him to ignore his conscience.

Tristan looked at King Albert, who was sipping his honey tea. He had to give a reasonable reason, so King Albert would believe the disease did not come from a god.

"Have you ensured that all the people infected with the disease don't believe in gods? Perhaps not all the villagers may worship the devil." Tristan put on a serious face.

"If a person or group of people are followers of the Human God or other gods, they will go berserk when the sacred ritual is performed," Tristan said.

If the system had not given him an emergency task, Tristan would have believed that the gods sent the disease of purulent lumps and red eyes. Of course, Tristan was afraid because he did not believe in God.

"I have confirmed that they all believe in demons." King Albert nodded with conviction on his face.

"There is a large temple there with two giant demon statues inside. The temple is never empty; every day, people in the area come to give food offerings." King Albert said it passionately.

King Albert was a devout servant of the Human God; he was disappointed to learn that hundreds of his people believed in demons. As a king, he could not interfere, let alone force them to leave the demons.

"I am sure we can find a medicine to cure them," Tristan said. "Trust me, we just need to wait a little longer. We leave everything to the physicians."

King Albert raised an eyebrow. "Have you forgotten that many plagues disappeared after the priests, nuns, and people from the temple of the God of Purity performed sacred rituals?"

Tristan's eyes widened. After King Albert said that, he immediately dug into Tristan Madigan's memory. King Albert was not lying.

In this world, many people believe in priests. Sacred rituals were often performed during plagues, natural disasters, and wars. Somehow, some plagues disappeared immediately after they performed sacred rituals.

"I know that I haven't forgotten." Tristan shook his head. "But I believe the physicians can find a medicine to cure them."

"I've been waiting for 4 days, but until today, the physicians haven't managed to cure them, while the number of infected people continues to increase." King Albert was desperate. "Today, two of my people died from the disease."

King Albert took a deep breath, his chest tight, seeing his people suffering. "We will perform the sacred ritual tomorrow morning. The sacred ritual must be done immediately before the number of people infected with the disease increases."

King Albert stood up, looking at Tristan, who was still sitting. "I hope you also perform the sacred ritual, Your Majesty."

King Albert suspected that King Tristan did not believe in sacred rituals. It was only natural; the Madigan Kingdom had never experienced an epidemic, a natural disaster, and war.

King Albert of the Kavar Kingdom returned to his palace, leaving Tristan frozen with his gaze fixed on the table surface.

He could not respond to King Albert's words or persuade him that medicine might treat the disease.

"What should I do? They are going to perform a sacred ritual." Tristan massaged the bridge of his nose, his head was very dizzy.

If he paid assassins to kill the priests, nuns, and people from the temple of the God of Purity in the Kavar Kingdom who were going to perform the sacred ritual, Tristan was sure that King Albert would ask for help from other kingdoms to send priests, nuns, and people from their temples of the God of Purity to his kingdom.

King Albert believed in sacred rituals, and he was in a desperate phase after seeing hundreds of his people being attacked by a terrible and deadly disease. He couldn't wait for the physicians to create the right medicine; they needed to act quickly before everyone died.

Tristan understood King Albert's anxiety. He was also worried that the soldiers who were touring the region would find people who were infected.

"The disease can cause death." Tristan looked into the house. The condition of the husband and wife and the mute man was getting worse.

The two people from the Kavar Kingdom who died were caused by their inability to breathe when the festering lump was on their nose.

"Do you agree with the sacred ritual?" Tristan asked the two physicians sitting in front of him. They were in the living room.

"Many sacred rituals that have been performed have been proven to be able to lift the plague from a region or kingdom," said physician Joseph.

"That's why many physicians don't want to handle this plague because, in the end, priests, nuns, and people from the temple of the God of Purity will perform the sacred ritual," said physician Jennifer.

Now Tristan understood why only physician Joseph and physician Jennifer were willing to treat the three people, and were also enthusiastic about concocting many herbal plants to cure them.

After tens of minutes lost in their own thoughts, the Minister of Health arrived at the house to meet with his king. The two physicians moved to another room far away; they didn't want to overhear the conversation between the king and his guest.

"Have you found any medicine or herbal plants for them?" Tristan asked.

Yesterday, after Tristan saw the condition of the husband and wife, he sent a soldier to inform the health minister. He asked the health minister to gather information about the disease and its medicine.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Minister of Health nodded. "I found information that the Monette Kingdom has a very effective medicine to cure lumps, pus, and red eyes. They also sell the plants if we want to make them ourselves or store them in warm water."

The Monette Kingdom is known for producing herbal plants and medicines. Many physicians attend school there to deepen their knowledge of medicine.

"That's good news." Tristan looked happy. Finally, he could prove to King Albert that they didn't need to perform a sacred ritual, and he would avoid the penalty.

"But, Your Majesty, the Monette Kingdom is far from ours. It takes a week to get there by riding a horse very fast and only resting for an hour a day," stated the Health Minister with a grim face.

Tristan closed his eyes and patted his forehead. The three medicines would arrive in his kingdom within two weeks.

What if, in 14 days, the number of people who were attacked by the disease of purulent lumps and red eyes reached hundreds of people?

Tristan also could not make King Albert wait that long, especially since the disease had already killed two people.

For some reason, Tristan could feel the god smiling crookedly and impatiently, announcing that he had failed. However, he would not give up. Perhaps there was another way to thwart the sacred ritual.

However, Tristan never expected dozens of priests, nuns, and people from the temple of the God of Purity in his kingdom to come to see him, even though he did not send his knights to summon them.

"Your Majesty, allow us to perform the sacred ritual," said a high priest.