chapter 8

You're all mad" was the only thing to come out of my mouth, forgetting all the decorum classes I had to take.

With shaking fingers I pushed my hair out of my face.

Danike Blackwell raised an eyebrow at me challenge.

It was like a fire started in my chest and it was burned with every thought of marriage at that moment.

"I'm not getting married.... Am not getting married especially not to him"

At my outburst, my mom jumped up. She grabbed my elbow, shaking me once.

"You don't get a say, not after what you did last night!" she hissed

I just knew I would lose it completely if I heard one more word about the incident last night.

"I keep telling you I didn't know anything about what Rivers was planning! She did that on her own. I screamed, breaking down. "i swear I didn't"

The grip she had on me only tightened.

" And you'd expect us to believe you?! You gave her your staff pass!

I shook my head crazy "I didn't"

"Stop these! We have visitors!" Grandma scolded us like dogs, "sit down, both of you"

"Irene, darling, do you know the extent of the damage caused last night?"

I didn't know and I didn't answer so she continued

"The Ruiz family are threatening to sue and since you are still a minor, they are suing the hotel and your mother who put you in the committee"

"What?" horrified, I glanced at my fuming mother. I turned back to grandma who seemed satisfied with my reaction.

"All evidence are pointing to your guilt,

But we have strong evidence that you were not with her last night. Don't you agree danike?"

I kept quiet, curious to know what she meant….

"Even if we decide to let the issue die down on its own, if they still decide to sue we will have no choice but to tell the world the Truth of the matter. That's why our family was generous enough to inform the Blackwell's of these matter"

She said, waiting for her words to sink in properly.

"i know what you are thinking, isn't this engagement going to make matters worse for us?, no it won't because the Blackwell's are going to hold a press conference saying the Ruiz threatened him into marrying their daughter, that you Irene snow Porter was who he was in love with, that Rivers told you she had a lover before hand and didn't want to marry you, but her parents being adamant about her marriage to me,so she eloped with her lover because of the pressure of an arranged marriage to a stranger"

So they were blackmailing one family and transhing another family name to save our image.

It was wrong! But opinion did matter at this moment, so anything I said would only be met with deaf ears.

"Why are we still prolonging this conversation? We have agreed to your demand already" Mr Blackwell sneered at her. "Aren't we done yet?"

"That's a good decision, boy" my grandmother sounded pleased

"Danike.." Mrs Blackwell looked at her son in discomfort like she wanted him to retract his words.

"Well, if that's that then I see, we have a contract to negotiate, should we start discussing the concessions of both families?" Mr Blackwell said.

"Wilson" Mrs Blackwell turned to her husband.

My grandmother jubilantly got up followed by my parents.

"Should we head to the study then? I believe both our family lawyers are waiting there at this moment."

And just like that Danike's parents stood up to follow my grandma. The mention of lawyers proved to me already that this was a done deal from the start. I think the Blackwell's already knew of that from the start.

They disappeared out of the door and I was left to stare long after they were gone. I was left there sitting in front of a guy I barely knew. No,a guy that I completely did not know.

He was Danike Blackwell, heir to the imani hotel empire, my best friend's ex fiance. That was the extent of the knowledge I knew of him.

Who knew this much could happen in 24 hours ?

I was marrying a stranger.

Something that I apparently could not do anything about.

It was as if the dam inside me broke and the tears started racing down my cheeks. I didn't want to look weak in front of a stranger, but when the first sob escaped I just knew it was over for me

What the hell was happening to my life ?

What have I gotten myself into?

"What a great actress," Danike suddenly said In Front of me. A wry smile graced his lips as he entertained himself by my tears "the Porter family are an amazing scheming group of people"

I looked away " I knew nothing of this"

I really didn't, I never imagined.

It was lash after lash from the people closest to me and all I could do was take it with clenched teeth.

"And you expect me to believe you?" Hr said laughing in the most threatening way.

I closed my eyes, taking in a shaky breath.

"I don't expect anything from you…. I don't even know you" it was the truth and a miserable one at that.

"You don't know me?" He sneered at me

"Do you think I would be so stupid to believe you?"

Of course another accusation. It was like people couldn't run out of things to blame me for.

"I didn't do anything" I whispered to myself as I avoided his eyes.

" You planned River's escape so that you could have me to yourself. If you wanted a taste I would have given you for free, all you had to do was ask"

I shouldn't take these, no I can't take these at least not from a stranger. "Look here" I said looking directly at him, " there wasn't a master plan! Whatever my grandmother i have nothing to do with it"

The guy merely leaned back taking a glass of wine. "Don't be shy now, if even I do find out I still have to marry you" he mocked

I froze at the mention of marriage and he raised an eyebrow.

Danike Blackwell arrogantly smirked as he gave me an appraising look but then stopped.

The smirk left his lips and his face darkened as he continued to stare at me.

"How old are you?" He demanded in a harsh tone.

I was startled by the sudden question "huh?"

How. Old. Are. You?

Confused, I answered him. "Seventeen"

"Hell" he stood up and started laughing mencely.

He turned his back on me, passing his fingers through his hair, tugging at them.

All these before he drove his fist into the solid wall. The show if violence startled me, has he gone crazy?

His head whipped back in my direction, prompting me to scramble out of my seat, even though he was feet away from me.

His blue eyes sparked with emotions as they drilled holes into me.

"I've been bested by a child?" he pushed the wall harder for the second time causing blood to drip.

Fear enveloped me as I stared at the blood. "S-stop it"

His movements were quick as he turned back to face me, he took a step forward and I took two steps back.

"Do you know how many girls have tried these before you? Damn it all"

His hands were still dripping with blood and splashed on the immaculate white floor.

"What are you looking at?"

I pointed to his hands " you are bleeding"

He looked at it, even though he seemed surprised with his torn knuckle he just merely stared at it .

Something snapped inside of me, instincts kicking in. I went to the other side of the table. I pushed my anger out of the way and focused on a more pressing matter.

He needed to get that treated.

Gently I took his hand into mine "we need to clean these up". I murmured

Danike, who was in a trance, seemed to snap out of it and pulled his hand out of my grasp.

I forcefully grabbed his arm back before glaring at him "stop being so stubborn!" I snapped.

I dragged him to the sink and u realized how aggressive I was all of a sudden. I was in a dilemma. He was the last person I wanted to get close to, but I couldn't let him bleed out when I knew I could help.

I looked away from his face but didn't let his hands go.

I turned on the faucet and put his hand under it, he hissed will i resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

I quickly rushed to get the first aid box.

I shut the water off and pulled him to the first aid kit.

I dried his hands with a towel and applied antiseptic to his wounds.

I practiced first aid during my first year in college. I joined the emergency response team and enjoy learning first aid with that scholarship grantee… least before he was kicked out.

"Done". I finally said admiring my handwork.

I smiled realizing I still remember what I have been taught.

"Danike what happened to your hand?!"

Mrs Blackwell's voice made me jump.

I stepped away from him almost guilty before turning to the door…where everyone was standing.

But for some reason my grandma looked amused but my parents wore a frown on my face.

Wilson Blackwell raised a brow so similar to his son before clearing his throat and putting an arm around his wife's shoulder.

" Are you done talking?" Danike asked coldly.

My grandma peeked at me second before answering "well of course,child"

He went for the door and there was no other thing to do but to follow.

"This is going to be a grand wedding! I will have the preparation started at once" my grandmother said excitedly. I hung my head suddenly, tired of everything.

"Are the contrats drawn?" Asked danike

My grandma nodded "why yes, darling yes!"

"Draw it up again, I want my own clause added. Once we're married, we'll be living apart from the family house. You are not to pry in our lives. I expect her to quit school, she's already too cunning for her own good. I don't want the added headache of an educated opportunist, I won't tolerate anymore games from this family."

Shock written all over my face.

That had to be a joke