chapter 14

Chapter 14

I never believed the good girls always fall for the bad guys.

To me that was absolutely ridiculous and stupid like, why would they?.

What kind of nonsensical thinking would make a good girl or a human in general to chase a person completely outside their beliefs or moral code of conduct.

In my case, why would I want to get married to a guy that has slept with every girl within a 10 meter radius and also a woman beater, who has made it clear from the beginning of his lack of respect for me and has made me his future punching bag.

Oh yeah, I Know why I am marrying him because my parents thought it would be a good idea and it made no sense to me. None whatsoever.

Come to think of it, I don't think I have actually established a type.

I haven't generally spoken to a guy one on one, I mostly did obligatory greetings to dads business partners and their child if they were at the occasion and an occasional run-ins with the next door neighbor who I will admit was sculpted by the gods.

That was the end of it for me.

It was usually cute in movies and romance books but let's be real it made the majority of us cringe.

I have seen enough divorce cases, domestic violence and suicidal heartbreaks to convince me that reality is far too dysfunctional from what movies and books portray.

And sadly enough we were okay with that, because we all needed an escape from reality.

Knowing most of our lives was planned out from birth some due to events, like mine was.

I decided to set realistic standards for myself and this marriage was not one of them.

The elevator opened only for miss secretary to step out looking at me from head to toe and pursed her lips as she took me in

"Who would have thought that an innocent little girl like you was likely to blackmail someone into marriage"

It felt like I was shot and it took everything in me not to flinch at her words.

That's the exact words for what my family did to the Blackwell's to save their name.

They drove our proud bloodline into a corner with nothing but cheap blackmail.

It was clear how wrong it was that I was here in his office, that I was going into places where the welcome was forced, that's why I'm always insulted by him.

I dragged a smile to my face and masked my thought from making an appearance on my face

"Thank you, it's always the innocent ones"

Her brows shot up at my reply before she could say anything else,my legs moved on their own will, taking one step in front of the other to the elevator.

My hands automatically slammed on the descend button, the elevator dinged open and I hastily went in.

I collapsed on the floor, only to pick myself up quickly when I realized the position I was in wasn't media friendly.

Decorum was heavily ingrained in my system and I was taught not to show weakness in public places.

I had no right to, no reason to ever show such considering the family I belonged to.

One of the things I was continuously taught was that my self respect will always be bigger than my emotions.

I stomped on whatever emotions I was feeling and schooled my facial expression into a serene mask.

When the elevator doors opened I straightened my back, held my head up high and stepped out as the queen I was trained to be.

The woman at the front desk perked at the sight of me, there was a question in the way she eyed me.

I rolled my eyes in my head am sure he was fucking her as well.

I smiled at her instead and she raised a brow.

"Good day future Mrs Blackwell"

I almost stumbled at that but I steadied myself quickly.

She returned the smile in a mocking manner.

There was anyone else in the lobby that was an added bonus, but really what am I supposed to expect being that nans wife?!!

I nodded, at her not trusting myself to speak and hastily walked out of there before I lost composure.

Once I stepped out I brought out my phone to call my driver when I was hit by realization.

My parents were possibly watching me, they are not careless enough to let me go out on my own after Rivers' incident, they would have expected me to stay for a duration of an hour for lunch.

I couldn't go home now , it would raise eyebrows and voices against me and I couldn't go upstairs to get beaten and insulted.

So what was I to do now?.

Irene, use your brain p.

I didn't have much choice. Rivers is not available anymore to be my excuse , so I guess I had to go home.

I could face my mother and cook up a story for her but she knows I am a bad liar or i could go to dad directly and cook up a lie as far as he feels I am building a relationship with Danike that could get us more money, he would definitely defend me in front of mom.

Grandma isn't around, that's a bonus for me.

I took my phone out of my bag and dialed my driver but there was no response, it failed the second time, still nothing. Should I hail a cab to take me home or should I wait.

No, I couldn't wait on the street, especially not In Front of my alleged fiancee.

If someone took a picture and posted it with the wrong caption, my mom would have my head on a golden platter.

I decided to try my cursed luck and call one more time and this time it went through. I really needed to rest.

My mind was in shambles, my thoughts were shattered, my body was malnourished and my future looked hostile.

I needed to find a way out of this life even if it means death.

I needed an escape before I burned in the flames.