Chapter XX

It was the sixth day of the last week of the ninth month, and the village of Eldergrove was buzzing with activity. The anticipation for the upcoming trip to Lumina Lake was palpable, and everyone was busy with preparations. I spent the morning helping Isabella and the twins with various tasks around the house, making sure everything was in order.

After lunch, Zane suggested we go to the village square to gather some supplies for the trip. As we walked through the bustling streets, I noticed how friendly everyone was. It seemed like the entire village had turned out to prepare for the journey.

"Hey, Evan!" called out a voice. I turned to see a tall, broad-shouldered man with a friendly smile approaching us. He looked like he could be around Zane's age, with short brown hair and an easygoing demeanor.

"Hi," I replied, smiling back. "Nice to meet you."

"This is Cael," Zane introduced. "We grew up together. Cael, this is Evan."

Cael extended his hand, and I shook it. "I've heard a lot about you, Evan. Zane's been talking about you non-stop."

Zane rubbed the back of his neck, looking slightly embarrassed. "Cael, come on..."

Cael chuckled. "No worries, Zane. So, Evan, what do you think of Eldergrove so far?"

"It's wonderful," I said honestly. "Everyone's been so welcoming."

"Glad to hear it," Cael said, his eyes twinkling. "You know, you're quite the catch, Evan. If Zane ever gives you any trouble, you can always come to me."

I felt my cheeks heat up at his comment, unsure of how to respond. I glanced at Zane, who was staring at Cael with a tight smile.

"Cael, I think Evan's doing just fine with us," Zane said, his tone a bit sharper than usual.

Cael raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. Just teasing, Zane. Don't get all worked up."

We chatted a bit more before Cael said his goodbyes and walked off. As we continued our shopping, I noticed that Zane seemed quieter than usual.

"Are you okay?" I asked, nudging him gently.

Zane glanced at me and then looked away. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... Cael can be a bit much sometimes."

I could sense there was more to it, but I didn't press him. Instead, I tried to lighten the mood by asking about the preparations for Lumina Lake.

"Do you think we have everything we need for the trip?" I asked, looking at the supplies we had gathered.

Zane seemed to relax a bit. "Yeah, I think we're good. It's going to be an amazing experience, Evan. You'll love it."

We finished our shopping and headed back to the house. As we walked, I noticed Zane glancing at me occasionally, his expression thoughtful. I wondered if Cael's comment had affected him more than he let on.

Back at the house, we joined Isabella, Mira, and Lila in the main room. The atmosphere was cozy, with a fire crackling in the hearth and the smell of freshly baked bread filling the air.

"I got the herbs you needed," Zane said, handing a small bag to Isabella.

"Thank you, dear," she replied, smiling warmly. "Evan, could you help me with these?"

"Of course," I said, taking the bag from Zane and following Isabella to the kitchen.

As we worked together, Isabella chatted about the upcoming trip. "It's always a special time of year. The cleansing at Lumina Lake is a tradition we've upheld for generations."

"I'm really looking forward to it," I said. "It sounds magical."

"It is," Isabella agreed. She paused, looking at me thoughtfully. "You know, Evan, Zane cares about you a lot. I can see it in the way he looks at you."

I felt my cheeks heat up again. "I care about him too. He's been so kind to me."

Isabella's smile was warm and knowing. "Just be patient with him. He's not always good at expressing his feelings, but they're there."

After finishing in the kitchen, I joined Mira and Lila in the main room. We talked and laughed, sharing stories and jokes. Zane sat nearby, his eyes often drifting to me. I caught his gaze several times, and each time, he looked away quickly, a faint blush on his cheeks.

As the evening approached, we gathered around the table for dinner. The conversation flowed easily, filled with warmth and laughter. Zane seemed to have recovered from his earlier mood, and he joined in the conversations with his usual good humor.

After dinner, we by the fire, sipping warm herbal tea. The atmosphere was relaxed and cozy, a perfect end to the day. Mira was telling a funny story about one of their childhood adventures, and everyone was laughing.

"You should have seen Zane trying to climb that tree," Mira said, giggling. "He got stuck halfway up and had to call for help."

Zane chuckled, shaking his head. "I was just a kid. Give me a break."

Lila grinned. "You still get into ridiculous situations, Zane. Remember the time you fell into the river trying to catch that fish?"

"Hey, I caught the fish, didn't I?" Zane retorted, his eyes sparkling with humor.

I laughed along with them, enjoying the easy camaraderie. It was moments like these that made me feel truly at home.

Later, as the fire died down and the night grew late, I found myself alone with Zane in the kitchen, cleaning up. The day's events played over in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and gratitude.

"Thanks for helping me with the dishes," I said, handing him a plate to dry.

"Anytime," Zane replied, smiling. "I enjoy spending time with you."

I looked at him, feeling a surge of affection. "I enjoy spending time with you too, Zane. You've made me feel so welcome here."

Zane's expression softened. "Evan, I know I've said this before, but I'm really glad you're here. You've become an important part of our lives."

I felt my heart swell with emotion. "You've become important to me too, Zane."

For a moment, we stood there, the air between us charged with unspoken feelings. Then, suddenly, the door to the kitchen opened, and Cael walked in.

"Hey, Zane! Evan!" he called out, his usual cheerful self. "Just wanted to see if you needed any help with anything before the trip."

Zane's expression tightened slightly, but he managed a polite smile. "Thanks, Cael, but we're just about done here."

Cael walked over and leaned casually against the counter. "So, Evan, what do you think of our little village? Must be a big change from where you were before."

I nodded, feeling a bit awkward under his direct gaze. "It is, but I love it here. Everyone's been so kind."

"Glad to hear it," Cael said, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary. "You know, if you ever want to explore more of the forest, I'd be happy to show you around. There are some spots Zane might not have shown you yet."

I glanced at Zane, noticing the tension in his posture. "That's really nice of you, Cael, but I think Zane's done a great job showing me around."

"Of course," Cael said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But the offer's always there."

Zane stepped closer to me, his presence reassuring. "Thanks, Cael, but we've got it covered."

Cael shrugged, his smile never wavering. "Alright then. See you both tomorrow."

As Cael left, I turned to Zane, who was looking down at the plate in his hands with a frown.

"Zane, are you okay?" I asked gently.

He looked up, his eyes meeting mine. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... don't pay too much attention to Cael. He can be a bit... forward."

I chuckled softly. "I noticed. But don't worry, Zane. I'm not interested in him. I'm interested in you."

Zane's eyes softened, and he took a step closer, his hand lightly brushing mine. "I'm glad to hear that."

We finished cleaning up in comfortable silence, the earlier tension dissipating. It was clear that something was growing between us, something special.

As the night drew to a close, we all headed to bed, knowing that the next day would be filled with excitement and new experiences. The bond between Zane and me had grown stronger.