Sir, it's The report about slaves! 


The 26 slaves we brought this time ran away.

What about the mercenary captain?

Someone killed him. We found his body not far from the capital. We also found traces of having a battle there. Maybe it's a battle between the mercenary captain and the one who killed him. The fight destroyed the area around there. He might be as strong as the mercenary captain or even stronger than him.

Stronger than Bolg huh! Have you found out who killed him?

Sorry sir, we are not certain about him but maybe he is one of the slaves we brought this time. He might be the subordinate of the warrior slave imprisoned in the basement.

Hmm.. so he is a subordinate of that slave. Bring him here, I will ask him personally.


Guard, bring that slave to the master's room.

Yes, sir, I will bring him right away. 

15 minutes later...

He is here sir.

I found you on the battlefield, you were dying there, I saved you, and treated your wounds you should have been grateful to me but what did you do? stabbed me in the back. 

how shameful... You made a slave out of a warrior who was going to die fighting his battle. Was that not enough that now you are blaming me for something I have not done?

Your words will not fool me. The one who made a mess outside the capital is one of your subordinates, isn't it? 

What are you talking about orc? My entire army was killed in the war, I was the only one left alive who was about to die, you were the one who stopped me from attaining martyrdom. If I was in my full strength right now, I would have killed people like you.

....Don't look at me with your eyes human! If it wasn't for the "Prince Azog" I would've sold you to the royal family to die there miserably. aah... by the way I forgot to tell you that we will help you to regain your full power.

Are you in such a hurry to die? Why would you do that?

Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not helping you because I'm in a hurry to die, I am helping you because you have to fight our kingdom's sixth prince within a month. by doing that I am also giving you a chance to die on the battlefield. 

Your words are nice to hear but what are you getting from them?

So I can't deceive you huh? What can a merchant get when he gives his customer what he wants? it's money, power, and status he can give me whatever I desire. hah aha...

you will regret it after giving me my original powers back. you don't have any idea what I can do.

Don't be fooled by my words. Do you think that I will let you do whatever you want? Durak let him in.

yes sir.

Why did you call me here Gorbag?

how are you these days sir Brugnak?

You called me here to ask about my well-being. Tell me why did you call me here?

Sorry for wasting your precious time, sir Brugnak. but you have to cast a slave mark on this human's body so that he can't harm us.

You have called me here for such a small task. 

I apologize for interrupting sir Brugnak. we called you here because you have to cast a powerful mark so when he regains his powers he won't be able to break it.

how powerful is he to break the spell?

I don't know exactly how powerful he is. but he has survived a war where no one was able to survive. so he may be a 5th-rank or above-rank warrior.

I guess you call me for a reason, I will cast a spell that can withstand a 6th-rank warrior power. 

That would be a great help, sir Brugnak.

... We only have one month to bring him to his original condition. Gather as many healing herbs and potions as possible.

Yes, my lord.


"I think this cave is the safe place to rest and it's far from the orc kingdom. rest for tonight we will start the hunting from tomorrow."

it's the hardest day of my life, never thought I would kill someone.

"Don't feel guilty towards those creatures, remember they are the only resource of your power. if you don't kill them you will stuck where you are now."

But I can't kill those who have feelings like us, who can understand emotions. I may seem a selfish gay but I don't dare to kill someone because of my need.

"Then kill those who do not have any feelings, those who do not understand the meaning of warmth, a reckless being who only thinks about killing and destruction."

Who are they?

"They are the "asuras". who follow The God of destruction "Shiv" when he begins to destroy the world. they will also start to devour the remaining life who survived in the chaos. This is the perfect time for them to move because no one dares to stand in front of "Lord Shiv" even my lord has to think twice before interfering with the work of "lord shiv"."

Asur? you mean the one we have been hearing their story since childhood.

but I thought they were just a myth from our religion.

"Everything you have heard so far is all true. they all are real. The gods, Deva, asur, The epic of Ramayan, the Mahabharat war, the Incarnations of gods whatever you have heard so far all are real not myth. and you are the $?@#&???..., Guess I can't tell you about this yet."

"When the time comes you will get your answers until then grow strong enough to find it on your own."

Let's rest here for tonight, I will start exploring tomorrow.


What do you think brother "samhlada" Does this kingdom have enough sacrifice to offer their god?

The Rakshasas have given us the information about the sacrifice, they have been living with them before we even arrived here. so you don't worry about the information brother "hlada". Father will be happy to see the sacrifice we'll bring.


There has been a report about the orc kingdom Sir Samhlada.

speak up.

The sixth prince has gone mad after he used our Strengthening Mantra. 


Well, What can we do? even though they have a strong body, they lack the intelligence to understand the concept of Mantra. In the end, he will only cause chaos around him. anything other than that.

A...No sir, nothing special but a fight occur outside the kingdom's main wall. 

Anything else.

No sir.

You can go now. A fight outside the wall, why does it bother me? 

Don't worry Hlada, it must be the sixth prince's man.

Well, if you you say so.


"Wake up Daksha, hey wake up ."


"It's me, you sleepy baby."

Aa...ah O su, it's you. is it morning already? I want to sleep more.

"Wake up you lazy pig haven't you heard the saying that says, He who sleeps loses everything, he who wakes up gains everything."

yeah...yeah, I know that's a famous saying in our country too. but where do I go in these huge rocky mountains?

"Why do you think the orcs have made such a great wall."

For decoration, I guess!

"Aa...ah, can't you sense the evil energy of Asuras, they are everywhere in these rocky mountains. we will start with the low-level asuras until you reach the average of 40 stats. after getting the total of 250 stats you can get the occupation for more skills."

"Alright, let's start with the small mountains where only low-level asuras live."

Ok...Ok, let's do that.

(Dakhsha starts his quest to become strong with his partner su.)




  1. martyrdom means, that he was about to go to the Valhalla and live in peace there.
  2. He is the merchant's secretary
  3. One of the demon race, same as asuras