Other pov

(Authors not: Ive decided to do 1 chapter per day per day instead of 2 per day ) In mountain Olympus Zeus and the gods felt a strange aura coming from earth.

So Zeus called a meeting with the other gods, the meeting room Zeus spoke "I have gathered you all that a unknown being is on earth" Zeus said.

'WHAT, but there are only human and animals on earth, what do you mean there is a unknown creature on earth, what do you mean there is that we cannot identify it is impossibl"e Area's said in a shocked tone.

A orb appears showing ultron saving people from a buring hotel.

"My oh my that is something I never seen before and wait how does it have a soul is that meant to happen" hera said.

"No it is impossible for a machine to have a soul since we didn't allow it" Zeus said.

They continued to watch him until they surprised at what they saw "oh my goodness he has a human form" aphrodite said 

They see him coming out of an alley way acting normally like nothing happened "hm we should keep a close eye on him his aura is different from the other human" poseidon said. 

Then suddenly when saw ultron healing patients in the infirmary they saw him use a powerful healing skill that can repair and replace any missing body parts.

"Wow thats a stronge healing skill he has" Artemis said which surprised everyone.

"So far he hasn't done anything evil in the past few weeks he been spotted" Zeus said. 

"Hm looks like things might change in the future" Buddha said while having a lollipop in his mouth.

3 years pass by more than 35% of Japan villain activities have been decrease which all for one wasn't happy about so he decided to 2 stronge nomus to try and kill to regain villain activities.

At musutafu high school some people have a normal conversation will others were talking about heros and the new vigilante ultron.

"Ultron is so cool when he comes and saves people i even got his Autograph a student said showing his friends.

"Tch he is nothing but a villain all might is stronger than him bakugo" said while walking with his goons.

Meanwhile izuku was righting down on his notebook about heros and thinking about what quirk he might get to analyze.

Oi deku bakugo on your stupid notebook again bakugo said in a rude voice.

Yea Kachina I am izuku said in a happy tone getting used to bakugo attitude.

"You want to play to play hero vs villains with us deku" bakugo said.

"Yea sure" izuku said while he was putting away his notebook.

100 meters away ultron was fighting 2 nomus in parking lot, bang crash blast as ultron was fighting for his life he gained several damage spots they have been fighting for 1 hour so ultron decided to kill them by taking out the brain's.

"Is that all you all you got i can do this every day" as ultron said that he shooting laser blast at them managing to kill 1 nomu while the other managed to impale his right arm rendering it useless "GAH"! Ultron said while pulling out his blade staring its head while pulling the head out.

"Man that was fun but exhausted I should return home and get repairs and upgrades on myself" ultron said as he blasted off back to his city.

"Master it looked like the nomus managed to wound him" kurogiri said.

"Excellent that should buy us some time before are strongest nomus can kill him, return to base i think its time to begin are first plan" all for one said while looking at a test tub.

"Yes master" as kurogiri warps away from his location. 

"Soon my successor will be ready" all for one said as it cuts to shigaraki playing out with his sister.

"The new symbol of fear will rise" all for one said.