Chapter 8: Devil slayer


The eerie star shone its light on the dark, jagged rocks, casting a spectral glow that transformed the landscape into a scene of mystical foreboding.

The rocks jutted from the ground like the claws of a monstrous titan, desperate to escape its earthen prison.

Fog clung to the ground like a second skin, shifting and drifting as if alive, hiding the ground from view and shrouding the ground in an eternal twilight.

Isaac trudged onward, each step a delicate balance between progress and caution.

His eyes darted around constantly, never dropping his guard for even a moment.

"I should check for any shadow devils hiding," he thought, glancing down at the fog-covered ground.

Finding a suitable rock with a bit of a flat surface to stand on was his first priority.

After several minutes of careful searching, he found a short, dark stone jutting out from the fog, only half a meter tall.

It was perfect.

He approached the rock cautiously, channeling the energy flow within him, guiding it toward his hand and sword just as he had practiced.

With a surge of concentration, he reached the rock and climbed onto it, feeling the rough, cold surface beneath his feet.

His body tensed as he focused on directing the mysterious energy into his rusty katana.



The sword vibrated in his hand, the ancient engravings coming to life with a bright red glow, and the blade itself shone with a lethal sharpness.

Isaac looked down at the ground, the shifting fog swirling around the rock, and saw the telltale shadow. 

A sigh of resignation escaped his lips.

"Sigh~" The appearance of the shadow confirmed his suspicions.

Without hesitation, he plunged his sword into it.


A sound like fire meeting ice erupted from the shadow as the sword made contact.

"Wooooo," the shadow devil howled, its form writhing in a desperate attempt to escape.

But the sword held it fast, and slowly, it faded away like a mist dispersing in the wind.

[You have gained a small soul shard of a shadow devil!]

[Your abyss grows more profound and treacherous.]

The monotonous voice echoed in his mind again, a grim confirmation of his victory.

Isaac decided to take his third break on top of the small rock. Though small, it offered just enough room for him to rest.

He looked back at the path he had traversed.

The journey had been a constant vigilance and the repeated killing of shadow devils.

He had been walking for over an hour and a half through the black stone forest, dispatching one shadow devil after another—nine in total, counting the latest.

Initially, the appearance of each shadow devil had filled him with alarm and paranoia.

But as he killed the second, the third, and then the fourth, a grim routine began to settle in.

The threat, though still unnerving, became less immediate, and his concern about these entities started to wane.

Despite the eerie repetition, the sight of each new shadow devil was unsettling.

Their persistent appearances were a constant reminder of the forest's malevolence, yet none had managed to harm him so far. 

"Is it because I don't have a shadow?" he wondered aloud. Or is it something else entirely?

He decided to set aside his musings about the shadow devils for now. His thoughts turned to the cryptic messages he kept hearing.

Every time he killed one of these creatures, the same omnipresent voice told him he had gained a small soul shard and that his abyss had grown more profound and treacherous.

"What the hell is a soul shard?" he muttered to himself. The idea of collecting fragments of a monster's soul was unsettling.

"What can I even use a soul shard for?"

And then there was the enigmatic statement about his abyss growing more profound and treacherous.

"What does that even mean?" he asked in frustration.

"My abyss? I don't see any holes in my body that could be an abyss. What does more profound and treacherous even imply?"

The voice in his head was baffling, but there was one noticeable effect: he felt a slight increase in his strength.

After killing nine shadow devils, he noticed he was a bit stronger, the difference almost imperceptible but undeniably present.

"Is it the souls? Or does it have to do with the abyss?" He was unsure, but he welcomed the newfound strength, even if it was a mystery how he had gained it.


His stomach grumbled, a stark reminder of his need for sustenance. His lips were cracked from dehydration.

"Sigh~ I was so lost in my own head that I

almost forgot to take a break and eat."

He retrieved his bag and pulled out his lunch box and thermos.

He ate one of the bite-sized sandwiches with a sense of glee, savoring each bite as if it were his last meal.

A small sip of cold water followed, refreshing and clean.

Isaac looked at his remaining rations—two more bite-sized sandwiches and about 100 milliliters of water.

Using his power left him drained, tired, and more hungry, but he had to ration his food carefully.

His control over his energy flow had improved, becoming more efficient, allowing him to conserve his strength while still delivering effective attacks.

"Well, I should get back on the road," he said, finishing his meal and packing his things.

He climbed down from the rock, his feet making a dull thud against the ground.


He resumed his journey, moving through the eerie stone forest, finding rocks to check for shadow devils, channeling his energy, and killing them before continuing.

The routine was monotonous but necessary, each cycle a test of his resolve.

After hours of walking, he decided to take another break, searching for a small rock to sit atop and check for shadow devils once more.

As expected, he found another shadow lurking.


The katana hummed with energy, and Isaac plunged it into the shadow again.


"Wooooo," came the familiar wail as the shadow devil disintegrated.

"And my rightful reward?" he asked the air, half in jest.

[You have gained a small soul shard of a shadow devil!]

[Your abyss grows more profound and treacherous.]

"There it is," he said with a weary smile.


His stomach grumbled once more, demanding food.

"Sigh~ I should take a break now."

He decided to take his fourth break, reflecting on the uneventful journey so far, if one didn't count the shadow devils.

He figured he was nearing the town, guessing he was close to leaving the black stone forest.

"Thankfully, I didn't encounter one of those gigantic monsters."

The thought of encountering a giant monster like the one in the forest was a lingering fear, but so far, he had been lucky.

But he suddenly recalled all the annoying shadow devils he had slain along the way.

"How many of these stupid things are there?" he muttered, annoyed.

He had killed 26 shadow devils by now, each one a monotonous, draining exercise.

Yet, he wouldn't stop killing them, not trusting these shadows to be harmless.

Despite the annoyance, the shadow devils served as practice targets, helping him improve his control over his energy flow and making him a bit stronger.

"Sigh~ at least they helped me get stronger," he said, his tone a mix of annoyance and satisfaction.

After another meal from his meager rations, he packed his things and got up, ready to continue.


He jumped down from the rock and immediately noticed something emerging slowly from behind one of the black stones in the distance.

"Is that a human?" he wondered aloud, rubbing his eyes to ensure he wasn't hallucinating.

The silhouette of a human figure was unmistakable, but something felt off.

"Why is it walking so awkwardly?" he muttered, suspicion creeping into his voice.

The figure moved with an unsteady, almost drunken gait.

Isaac hesitated, unsure whether to approach the person.

Curiosity and caution battled within him.

He wasn't sure how the locals here would react to a foreigner, so he decided to sneak closer and observe first.