"Are you the new teacher who will handle Section Marcos?", She nodded to Mr. William. She also smiled so the principal winced even more because of her ugly face. That thing did not escape Juljen's eyes. She grinned even more because of the Principal's expression. Who wouldn't hate and insult her appearance? She has many freckles all over her face. She has a cleft nose. She still has nerdy glasses and curly hair. Not only that but when she smiles, you can see her uneven teeth with braces. She was wearing a long skirt that went a few inches above her knees. In short NERDY.
"Yes, Mr. William. I am Juljen Gloria, the teacher sent by Mr. Ricardo", Mr. Ricardo is the owner of the private school where she will work temporarily as a class adviser.
"I'm Principal William. I'm glad to meet you", Principal William extended his hand in front of him and she didn't hesitate to accept even though she knew that Principal didn't like her because of her appearance. Juljen's hands were rough, which was different from the other girls' hands. "So, Ms. Gloria before I let you in tomorrow you should know something about the student you are facing. These students are tough, mischievous and rude when they speak.", He said while emphasizing the student's attitudes.
Juljen smiled when she read what was on Mr. William's mind. She can't read minds but she's good at reading and recognizing the person in front of him just by using her eyes, expression and actions. Because the person in front of her now thinks that she is the same as the previous ones who will only last a day or two at work but she only gave a smile to the person in front of her and showed how confident she is in the job. There is no problem at all with the attitude shown by the students compared to what she faced before.
"I like your Confidence. I hope that it will last long.", Commented Mr. William when he could see and feel the confidence that came from the novice teacher.
"You can count on me, Mr. William. I'm the one you need and can help you.",
"You can start tomorrow but before that, I have something to give you. This folder has information that you need about the students you are holding.", He gave them the folder so she accepted it gently. Even if he is not given information about the students, she will still find them using the power she has. The principal only gave the information to the teacher so that the novice teacher would be aware of his students.
When she left the principal office, she immediately went straight to the parking lot where her old car was waiting. She purposely made the car old because she didn't want to drive fancy cars even though she had one. She wants it to be simple and she doesn't want to be called arrogant just because of her fancy car.
When she arrived at their mansion, she waved to her grandmother before going upstairs. Their house is big and old like a haunted mansion because apart from being surrounded by the forest, the design is also old but that doesn't stop most people from expressing their admiration for it. They have a wide garden in the back where her grandmother always hangs out in the hut in the middle of the garden. In front of their house is the fountain.
She lay down on the bed and stayed in that position for a while before grabbing the folder that Mr. William gave her. The list and information on students in Section Marcos is placed on its first page.
The first man who looked like a Greek God because of his perfectly handsome face exposed himself to her. All of them have different beauty and attitude.
"First Person his name is Nito Azarcon. A Governor Son. Only Unico Ijo. Hm..What a handsome guy but I prefer to see him in person. 6 foot.Wow! Tall.", Jujen read a lot more but passed it's just because it's not important. She stopped when her attention was caught on the last line.." Oh, A trouble maker..tsk.tsk.tsk", she shook her head.
She flips to the next student.
"Second Person..Kether Gamana is the name. What a nice name. A Bad Genius in the Classroom. He has a soft figure and a Boyish smile. The Brainy one.", she was about to read the third student when she heard a knock at the door.
She went out and went straight to the dining table. In front of him was her grandmother looking at her seriously.
"How's your day?", her grandmother opened the topic when she felt her Granddaughter's boredom.
"It's fine and tomorrow is my first job, the First Mission that you gave me.", she shook her head and sliced the steak on her plate. She chewed it slowly, and he reached for her glass of water which was poured with water by their cute servants. Only the small finger lengths, their small and visible wings, the beautiful long ears. They wear green clothes that they made themselves. The Fairies.
"I'll take it", he took the glass jug from the hands of the three fairies. They are fighting over who will pour water into her glass. They flew towards the middle of the table and sat down while fighting over a piece of grapes. She gave it two pieces of grapes so they wouldn't fight.
She looked back at her grandmother who was happy looking at the three fairies.
"I think my First Mission is not boring", she told her grandmother about those stubborn students. Her grandmother was proud of what she heard from her granddaughter. Her grandmother knows why she was sent there to the School to help them change and give them a lesson.