One morning when she entered inside, she did not encounter any students. Not even one. What she didn't know was that her students were on their way to the classroom.
Sighing, she took out the magic stick. It is similar to what witches use. Before she could gesture to it, she quickly hid it due to the sudden entrance of her student.
They just go straight in. Juljen counted them and sighed again as only nine entered. She repeated it to make sure that maybe she just made a mistake but no matter how many times she counted it, one was not there. Only nine entered. Where is the other one?
"Class..Where's your classmate?", she asked but no one answered. They are just their own when talking to classmates. They didn't care about their teacher in front of them "Attention here! Where's your classmate?", she emphasized causing the attention to turn to her.
"We don't know where he is! And please! Stop driving our attention to listen to your boring discussion", she stood in front of her and smiled.
"Nessa Macline! Go. Back. To. Your. Seat. Now!", she ordered her but she didn't even move from her position.
"Why would I lessen to you, Ugly creature?", her colleague who was behind applauded because of Nessa's aggressive aura. Nessa raised her eyebrows at Juljen's. She is Nessa Macline one of the Bitches. She has pink hair and a perfect face shape. She also likes to put on make-up that adds to her beauty. She's the only Daughter of a business tycoon- Fred Macline-. A spoiled brat. She also believes in the saying 'What she wants, What she gets!'.
"Nessa is correct! Fix yourself first and come back here..Look at yourself! Yuck!", Jolly Jungco. The number 2 of the Bitches. She loves to party and chew gum. She's also a playgirl. She's a brunette, cute and has a perfect body. Businessman daughter.
"Your tigyawat is disgusting. Your fashion is like manang. You like a yaya", Gerlie Lincoln said conyong. The Bitch number 3. She has a seductive voice. Even walking looks like a beauty queen. It is also beautiful and rich like its companions. Its passion is nail cleaning. The first thing she will look at you is your nails." But your nail is nice at least a little",
"Girls, I don't have time for your shit chat!", she couldn't help but be annoyed with the three girls in front of her. "I just want to know where one of your classmates is?", she didn't even say the threatening word but it's her voice that says it.
"Excuse me! Why are you looking for Nito from us?!.. Gosh!", Juljen wanted to use her magic but she just stopped herself. She doesn't want to use power as an advantage just to take revenge and be satisfied with what she wants.
"I will find him and you here wait for me when I come back. When I come back you should still be here if you don't want to be punished by me", threatened by Juljen.
"Go on! We don't need your ugly face here!", Nessa said before turning away.
"Repeat what you said!?", he immediately waved at the man in front of him. The students around them stood aside. They know what Nito is. They know what he can do when he's angry. But the man in front of him didn't seem scared at all.
"Do you want to hear it again?", he shouted back at him with a challenge.
"Yes!", his saliva almost flew on the man's face.
"Listen, this man is the son of a father's hooker-----", the person in front of him could not finish what he had to say when Nito's fist suddenly landed on his face.
"Fuck you ahh!", he got up from being knocked down and punched Nito as well. All the students in the cafeteria screamed. There was chaos because of the fight between the two.
"What the hell? Separate them together!", someone shouted, but even though everyone heard it, no one wanted to separate them because when they separated the two who were fighting, they would feel sorry for each other. "No way, no one can separate those two. We might even get hurt", someone shouted and answered in agreement with the majority.
"What guys? Where are you going to bet on Nito or Jared? Who will win?", someone immediately bet thousands of money on who they would win.
"Nito! Nito! Nito!", yelled at Nito's party.
"Jared! Jared! Jared!", those who bet on Jared also shouted.
"Put it there, Nito!",
"Stay away Jared!", the cafeteria was full of shouts. No one left. The bet is steady on the two fighting. But because Nito is always involved in fights, it's like his body is used to being beaten.
Nito unleashed a powerful punch causing Jared to fall on the table. He punched him twice more. He was very angry. None of the people in the cafeteria have the right to insult her Mother
"I'll kill you, you fool!", he grabbed the broken glass and stuck it to Jared's face. Jared was terrified to see the broken glass stuck to his face. Nito took a deep breath and raised the broken glass he was holding and was about to stab Jared but a hand stopped his arm.
"Nito Azarcon! Stop! Now", that's not just a word, it's almost a command. Nito realized what he had to do. He withdrew his hand from their teacher's hold. Nito went out of the cafeteria so Juljen followed him. While the one it fought was taken to the clinic.
"Let's talk", he called to Nito but he didn't even look at him. She just Shake her head while looking at its distant bulk. Maybe she needs to put in more effort to find out what problems her students have. 'Am I going to become a stalker?' Juljen just shook her head at the thought.