All the students screamed and ran towards the same building. Juljen was surprised and shook her head when she saw them. Suddenly, a student bumped into her and dropped the book she was carrying. She doesn't need to bring books. The book she was carrying can only be called 'props'.
"I'm sorry, ma'am", the student who bumped into her helped her to pick up the dropped book. "I didn't mean it", she apologized while handing her the book.
"It's okay. What's going on, why are you all running?", she was also wondering because of everyone's actions. Juljen's heart rate suddenly increased, causing her to simply rub it. Why is she suddenly nervous? She felt that something related to her had happened.
"They said ten students were possessed in a section", she said as Juljen frowned.
"Possessed? By what? Ghost?", Actually a woman like Juljen believes in strange events, magic and such paranormal activity because even she can do things that normal people can't do.