Chapter 20

"Why?", she asked with a grin and ran back to Juljen's. Based on this ramp, it looks like Gerlie is still teasing her.

"You forgot to tell me something",

Gerlie frowned and looked up and acted thoughtful. No matter how Gerlie acts in front of Juljen, she cannot hide the fact that she is planning to annoy her.

"Huh, I don't remember anything.", she answered while meeting Juljen's gaze.

Maybe if someone like Juljen is just an ordinary woman and doesn't know how to read gestures and expressions, she really won't know Gerlie's true behavior.

Gerlie is good at acting because she always receives an invitation from a school theater director. But in her case now, she cannot escape Juljen's good reading of her acting.

"What I mean is won't you just ask for forgiveness, patience and forgiveness for crashing into my car.", Juljen said directly and kept her face serious.