Chapter 23

This is the day when the school examination will take place, whether you're a senior or a freshman.

As early as the morning, Juljen was already inside the classroom. She used her magic stick and arranged the seats for everyone. She knew from the behavior of her students that cheating during the exam was inevitable.

The extra desks and chairs were placed at the back. What remained in the middle were three columns. Each column had three chairs and a table. Since there were ten students, Juljen decided to place one chair at the front or near her.

Juljen also thought about who should sit at the chair next to her. After the preparations, the students began arriving. The first to arrive was Rhenz, and Juljen could immediately smell the scent of cigarettes as he passed in front of her. No matter what perfume he used or how expensive it was, Juljen could still smell the cigarette scent.