Chapter 2: She Cannot Die

Shen Qinghe was impatient with Nan Sheng's whining, "Since you think you are in the wrong, why don't you just take a sword and slice your own throat to atone for your sins!"

"Qinghe, how can you be so malicious?" Yan Changsheng's voice rose from behind.

Shen Qinghe turned to glance at Yan Changsheng, "Or maybe I should stab her with a sword to avenge my father, how about that?"

Upon hearing these words, Nan Sheng's doe-like eyes filled with tears as she anxiously looked towards Yan Changsheng.

Yan Changsheng instinctively shielded Nan Sheng behind him, "If you have any grievances, come at me. It was I who stabbed the Elder; Shengsheng has nothing to do with it."

"Fine, I'll stab you with a sword, and then we'll be even!" Shen Qinghe folded back into the room to fetch a sword.

Seeing this, Nan Sheng quickly protected Yan Changsheng behind her, "Miss Shen, be reasonable. Brother Changsheng didn't mean to harm Elder Shen. You're not distinguishing right from wrong—"

Shen Qinghe couldn't be bothered to listen to Nan Sheng's nonsense and swung her sword towards her.

Yan Changsheng hastily picked up Nan Sheng and dodged Shen Qinghe's sword thrust. He swept his sleeve, and the palm wind swept towards Shen Qinghe.

Already weak, Shen Qinghe had exhausted all her strength just lifting the sword, how could she withstand Yan Changsheng's strike?

The sword flew from her hand, and she collapsed to the ground, her chest heaving with surging blood, in a somewhat bedraggled state.

"The one at fault towards the Master is me, Shengsheng is innocent. If you dare harm a hair on her head, I'll never forgive you!" Yan Changsheng spat out these harsh words, holding Nan Sheng by the waist, and took to the sky on his sword.

Shen Qinghe, drained of strength, felt a wrenching pain in her chest and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The moment she hit the ground, she felt like she was nearing her end. She laughed at herself sarcastically, as in a daze she remembered that today in the book was her death anniversary.

If today was destined to be her time of death, how could she save her father, save Shen Zhiyao?

Yes, her father was seriously injured; she couldn't die yet. She needed to save her father, who must be in the Medicine Tower at this moment.

Even if it meant crawling, she would make it to the Medicine Tower.

In the end, fueled by a strong belief, she struggled to stand and staggered towards the Medicine Tower.

Unfortunately, Medicine Master Huang, the most powerful of the Sky Pole Sect, also told her that Elder Shen's injuries were too severe for him to help.

"Qinghe, why don't you go to Bixiao Tower and plead with Mr. Wuya? If he's willing to take action, Elder Shen is certain to be saved."

About an hour later, Medicine Master Huang saw Shen Qinghe and Shen Zhuo to the outside of Bixiao Tower.

Regrettably, Bixiao Tower had a barrier set up, and Shen Qinghe, weak as she was, couldn't enter.

Dongfang Wuya was one of the crazed male leads in the book; she should have stayed away from such a character, but to save her father, she couldn't afford to be choosy.

She knelt outside Bixiao Tower, lavishing Dongfang Wuya with praise, yet unfortunately, the man did not respond at all.

Her health was already faltering, and she could collapse at any moment, sustained only by an indomitable spirit.

"If Mr. Wuya is willing to save my father, I will work like an ox or a horse, in gratitude for Mr. Wuya saving his life. If Mr. Wuya ever encounters the Destined Heavenly Maiden, I...I will help you pursue her!" Shen Qinghe tempted with a benefit.

This man was also destined to become one of the main characters, and would one day go mad for Nan Sheng. If she was still alive then, Dongfang Wuya would certainly find a use for her.

Inside Bixiao Tower, a man clad in red lazily reclined on a couch, limp like a boneless creature, idly reading a book out of sheer boredom.

The man had a distinguished appearance, with deep-set, peach blossom eyes, and a high-bridged nose like a peak. His skin was fair as cold jade, his proud demeanor enhanced by the red garment.

Shen Qinghe's words elicited a scoff from him; his peach blossom eyes shimmered like glistening springs, irresistibly charming.

Did he look like he was desperately in need of a woman, requiring this sickly girl to help him chase a wife?

He scanned the Shen father and daughter with his divine sense, clicking his tongue lightly. The Shen father and daughter indeed looked pitiable, one with serious injuries, and the other with one foot already stepping into Ghost Gate Pass.

Though Shen Zhuo's injuries were severe, he could wait. Shen Qinghe, however, was different; this woman was clearly lingering at the Ghost Gate Pass.

Shen Qinghe had no reason not to know that she was at the end of her strength, yet she dared to fool him with a straight face and calm heart.

Dongfang Wuya had intentionally waited for half an hour, only to find that Shen Qinghe's vitality was more tenacious than he expected, which did pique his interest.

In the end, he still took Shen Zhuo inside Bixiao Tower.

Shen Qinghe, who couldn't enter Bixiao Tower, waited outside, faint and groggy.

It wasn't until it was dark that Dongfang Wuya finally finished healing Shen Zhuo.

When Shen Zhuo woke up, his thoughts were still fixated on Shen Qinghe.

Dongfang Wuya didn't want to deal with Shen Zhuo, but Shen Zhuo clung to his sleeve and wouldn't let go, "Qinghe's life is about to end, Wuya, save her!"

Dongfang Wuya had countless spiritual treasures in his possession and plenty of top-grade spirit pills on hand. If he wanted to, he could certainly save Qinghe. He would soon fall into a deep sleep, and he didn't know if he would ever awaken from it.

He was not worried about Zhiyao, who was still out facing trials, for Zhiyao had talent in cultivation. After returning from this current trial, she wouldn't be far from Core Formation, and then Zhiyao would be a Golden Core Stage cultivator.

The only one he couldn't let go of at this moment was Qinghe.

He only feared that when he woke from his sleep, Qinghe would be no more.

"Why should I save her?" Dongfang Wuya elegantly pulled his sleeve from Shen Zhuo's grasp.

Shen Zhuo, however, rudely grabbed hold of his cuff again, "If you save her, I'll grant you a request, as long as it's within my power!"

Dongfang Wuya thought that the Shen father and daughter were cut from the same cloth, both fond of making empty promises without substance.

"You can barely take care of yourself, needing at least ten years of sleep before you can wake up. What can you possibly do for me?" Dongfang Wuya pulled his cuff from Shen Zhuo's grasp once more.

Shen Zhuo thought for a moment, then suddenly looked at Dongfang Wuya with a burning gaze.

Dongfang Wuya felt a creepy sensation from Elder Shen's stare, and he quickly pulled his clothes tighter, not revealing a hint of vulnerability, "Don't you dare have designs on me!!"

Shen Zhuo leaned in to look Dongfang Wuya over from left to right, the more he looked, the more he felt that this man was incomparably beautiful.

"If you save Qinghe, I will let her offer her body to you in gratitude for saving her life!" Shen Zhuo made a shocking statement.

Dongfang Wuya silently scoffed in disdain, not at all surprised that Shen Zhuo, the loving father, could have such outrageous thoughts.

"In order to avoid Shen Qinghe throwing herself at me, I'd rather not save her." Dongfang Wuya scanned the girl outside with his divine sense, only to see her eyes half-closed, as if she might stop breathing at any moment.

Two more hours had passed since he had saved Shen Zhuo, and yet Shen Qinghe was still not dead. She had been hanging by a breath three hours ago; what kind of monster was this woman?

"Our Qinghe is quite something, Changsheng that boy has no taste. I'm serious, Qinghe actually looks quite beautiful because she resembles her mother, it's just that her birthmark is in the wrong place. Back in the day, I fell in love with her mother at first sight..."

Dongfang Wuya listened to Shen Zhuo once again reminiscing about his romantic episodes in the Mortal Realm, but he himself had no impression of Shen Qinghe.

Shen Qinghe was well-known alright, but only because she was infamously obsessed with Yan Changsheng in the Sky Pole Sect.

If Shen Qinghe could be smitten with someone as ordinary as Yan Changsheng, what would happen if she saw his face? Would she not throw herself at him in an instant?