Chapter 10: Pouring Out to All Beings

Dongfang Wuya took out a massive beast egg and handed it over to Shen Qinghe, "Shen Zhuo is still in a deep slumber, showing no abnormalities. I've heard about your Foundation Establishment, this is my gift to you for your Foundation Establishment. Shen Qinghe, you must always remember, your Uncle is your senior."

So stop coveting him.

Shen Qinghe took the beast egg and looked at it curiously from left to right, "What is this?"

"This is a beast egg I obtained from the Ancient Secret Mirror. Seeing that you've had some good fortune recently, I'm giving it to you. If you are fated with it, after it hatches in the future, it might also become your blessing," Dongfang Wuya said with his usual aloof demeanor.

Upon hearing that the egg was from the Ancient Secret Mirror, Shen Qinghe was so excited that she hugged the egg and gave it two hard kisses. Her eyes sparkled like fire, gazing intensely at Dongfang Wuya.

Dongfang Wuya's brow slightly furrowed, he cleared his throat to remind her, "You must remember, I am your Uncle, and also your senior."

You must not falter, desiring his body.

"Yes, Uncle!" Shen Qinghe readily agreed, but her gaze towards Dongfang Wuya grew even hotter.

It wasn't that Dongfang Wuya had never been liked by other female cultivators, but none had ever looked at him with such passionate eyes. Her gaze was almost tangible, as though she wanted to strip off his clothes.

He couldn't deny that being too attractive was a trouble of its own.

Fearing that Shen Qinghe would pounce on him, he inadvertently took a few steps back, "Since you've established your foundation, you should cultivate well from now on. I'll be leaving."

Shen Qinghe followed Dongfang Wuya with enthusiasm, "Let me see you out, Uncle."

"No need!" Dongfang Wuya didn't wait for Shen Qinghe to catch up, hastily leaving on his flying sword.

Shen Qinghe, holding the beast egg, returned to her room, unable to express her gratitude towards Dongfang Wuya in words.

Next to Elder Shen and Shen Zhiyao, Mr. Wuya was the person who had treated her the best. If ever her cultivation greatly advanced, she would definitely repay Mr. Wuya's kindness.

That evening, Shen Qinghe still clutched the beast egg as she meditated, hoping it would hatch soon.

The following morning, Shen Qinghe went to the Juxiu Hall for her classes, full of energy.

When she arrived, Nan Sheng was surrounded by several male cultivators, all looking at Nan Sheng with fervent eyes.

The arrival of Shen Qinghe quieted the lively scene momentarily. Everyone looked at Shen Qinghe oddly, as if she were an outsider intruding into a territory that wasn't hers.

Just then, Yan Changsheng and Xiao Chen also arrived at the Juxiu Hall.

Upon seeing them, Nan Sheng immediately ran over, revealing a sweet and charming smile, "Brother Changsheng, Brother Xiao!"

In front of the sect disciples, Yan Changsheng remained aloof, only cautioning Nan Sheng, "Walk slower, be careful not to fall."

"Shengsheng is no child; I won't fall," she said, turning to look at Xiao Chen with a smile that became even sweeter.

Xiao Chen was as always, gentle and refined. His gaze passed over Nan Sheng and landed on the figure of Shen Qinghe, his eyebrows barely perceptibly furrowing.

Nan Sheng followed Xiao Chen's gaze and realized he was looking at Shen Qinghe, her smile fading away.

She took Yan Changsheng's hand and Xiao Chen's, choosing seats far from Shen Qinghe.

It was only when Yan Changsheng passed by Shen Qinghe that he noticed her presence. His peripheral vision caught a glimpse of Shen Qinghe, who beamed a broad smile.

His heart skipped a beat, thinking Shen Qinghe was smiling at him, until she stood up, looking past him, "Elder sister, come sit here!"

Shen Zhiyao quickly approached Shen Qinghe, and just as she was about to sit down next to Shen Qinghe, she suddenly pulled Shen Qinghe up and followed her upon seeing Xiao Chen.

She was about to sit in the empty seat next to Xiao Chen, but when he gave her a look that was neither cold nor warm, she immediately backed down. Instead, she pushed Shen Qinghe into the empty seat next to Xiao Chen and took a seat one spot over.

Although Shen Qinghe liked the abundant spiritual energy of the three main protagonists, the closer she was to them, the more spiritual energy she could draw. However, being so close to the protagonists, she worried about causing trouble.

The distance just now was good; she could draw from the protagonists' spiritual energy without letting them detect her presence.

Sitting beside Xiao Chen, she could feel the pressure emanating from him.

She understood that Xiao Chen was not pleased with her sitting there.

Feeling like she was on pins and needles, she nudged Shen Zhiyao and whispered in her ear, "Elder sister, come sit over there with me."

Shen Zhiyao didn't want Nan Sheng to get too smug and threatened in a low voice, "If you dare leave, I won't acknowledge you as my sister!"

Shen Qinghe met Shen Zhiyao's resolute gaze and found herself in a difficult position.

The two sisters stared at each other, but in the end, it was Shen Qinghe who compromised. She could only try to sit closer to Shen Zhiyao to avoid displeasing Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen glanced at Shen Qinghe with the corner of his eye and seeing that she had no intention of approaching him throughout, he was satisfied with her compliance.

Everyone had been waiting left and right, and after half an hour, Tongxuan Zhenjun still hadn't appeared to give his lecture, causing murmurs among the cultivators.

Just when everyone's patience was running thin, a tall figure in red finally made an appearance.

When they clearly saw the face of the man in red that captivated all living beings, everyone inhaled sharply in unison; it was Mr. Wuya, who was usually as elusive as a dragon.

Dongfang Wuya walked forward, each step blooming with lotus flowers, the hem of his red robe tracing beautiful arcs. Once he leisurely walked up to the podium, he leaned back in his chair with a casual air. His long, otherworldly legs had nowhere to rest, so he simply placed them on the table.

Despite what seemed a crude action, quite indecent in fact, he executed it with an effortless charisma.

All the female cultivators present blushed and whispered in admiration of Dongfang Wuya's striking looks.

Dongfang Wuya, finding the scene too noisy, swept his peach-blossom eyes that brimmed with suggestive spring charm across the room, and immediately, it became quiet.

"Tongxuan has no time today and has entrusted me to come. Carry on with your usual activities, but do not make noise," Dongfang Wuya spoke, his gaze just touching the direction of Shen Zhiyao.

Shen Zhiyao excitedly shook Shen Qinghe's arm, her voice slightly unstable, "Qing, Qinghe, Mr. Wuya is looking at me."

Shen Qinghe didn't expect Shen Zhiyao to be a fan of Dongfang Wuya; didn't her sister like Xiao Chen?

Shen Qinghe looked towards Dongfang Wuya, eyes meeting his tempting, profound peach-blossom gaze.

She cursed inwardly at the seductiveness, Uncle Dongfang's pair of peach-blossom eyes appeared to flirt with people at all times. No wonder his appearance sent all the female cultivators into a frenzy.

Xiao Chen, who was closest to Shen Qinghe, naturally noticed Dongfang Wuya's gaze lingering on her as well.

Logically speaking, Dongfang Wuya and Shen Qinghe should not have any interaction, but Master was seriously injured last time, and it was Shen Qinghe who begged Mr. Wuya to help. In the end, Mr. Wuya took action and saved him...

From the moment Dongfang Wuya appeared, Nan Sheng had been watching him unwaveringly; after all, Mr. Wuya was too handsome, even making crude gestures with an enthralling allure.

When Dongfang Wuya looked in her direction, she unconsciously held her breath, only realizing that he was not looking at her but at Shen Qinghe when Shen Zhiyao's cry of surprise rang out.