Chapter 15: Do Not Dwell on Romantic Love

Shen Qinghe still wasn't at ease, "Uncle-Master really doesn't feel any discomfort?"

She was very close to Dongfang Wuya, and increasingly felt the relentless spiritual energy rushing desperately into the birthmark between her eyebrows.

"Does this girl wish something upon Your Excellency?" Dongfang Wuya lightly raised his eyebrows, his demeanor flirtatious.

Shen Qinghe thought to herself, how could anyone's every move be so full of seductive power, as if they were deliberately flirting with someone at all times.

"Does Your Excellency think you are that good-looking?" Seeing Shen Qinghe stare dumbly at his face, Dongfang Wuya knew she was captivated by his beauty.

Shen Qinghe came back to her senses belatedly, "Uncle-Master is indeed handsome. Um, it's rare for me to come here, may I stay and keep Uncle-Master company a bit longer before I go?"

Dongfang Wuya glanced at her lightly, seeing through her ulterior motives in getting close to him, probably hoping to take advantage of the moment to steal his virginity.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt insecure, adopting a noble and cold demeanor: "Stay further away from me."

Shen Qinghe stepped back as instructed, but Dongfang Wuya remained within her visible range.

About an hour later, she couldn't help but ask, "Uncle-Master really doesn't feel any discomfort?"

Dongfang Wuya looked at Shen Qinghe lazily and casually replied, "Your Excellency is feeling very well. It's best you keep quiet."

Shen Qinghe had no choice but to remain silent.

Another half an hour passed, and Shen Qinghe asked the same question again, but this time Dongfang Wuya simply ignored her.

After observing for a while longer and confirming that Dongfang Wuya was not affected by her, Shen Qinghe planned to leave.

Dongfang Wuya watched the girl's retreating figure and, recalling how she had just been rejected by Yan Changsheng in their engagement and was now infatuated with him, felt it necessary to speak plainly, "Shen Qinghe..."

Shen Qinghe turned her head to look at Dongfang Wuya, "What are Uncle-Master's orders?"

"I am your elder, and you should respect me as such. You, with your mortal body, have fortunately received the opportunity to practice cultivation. You should seize the chance to focus on your practice, and not be distracted by romantic entanglements," Dongfang Wuya admonished with a serious demeanor, putting on the airs of an elder.

He was wholeheartedly devoted to the path of cultivation, believing love to be the most useless thing, which he despised and detested.

No matter how much she loved him, he could not reciprocate her feelings. She should focus on her cultivation instead.

"Uncle-Master is right, Qinghe will bear it in mind," Shen Qinghe replied softly.

Dongfang Wuya's voice was devoid of warmth, "From now on, unless necessary, do not come to Bixiao Tower again."

Shen Qinghe was taken aback and took a while to understand Dongfang Wuya was expressing his disdain for her disturbance of his peace.

"Yes, Uncle-Master," Shen Qinghe said, flushing with embarrassment.

Mr. Wuya was her savior, but she approached him out of greed for his spiritual energy, never considering whether it might disturb his tranquil practice.

If she was to disturb anyone, it should have been the other protagonists, even if it meant getting closer to Nan Sheng, rather than approaching Dongfang Wuya.

After leaving Bixiao Tower, Shen Zhiyao noticed Shen Qinghe's unusual silence and couldn't help but worry, "Did Mr. Wuya reprimand you?"

She was even more concerned that the girl had fallen for Mr. Wuya. For women to flock to a man like him was the most normal of occurrences. Even she felt weak at the knees at the sight of Mr. Wuya's face.

"It's just that I feel I shouldn't bother Mr. Wuya so casually in the future." Shen Qinghe glanced back at Bixiao Tower.

"That's also true. It's already an unexpected joy for us to have entered Bixiao Tower today," Shen Zhiyao embraced her sister, "Sis, in the future, we must practice cultivation seriously. Some people are beyond our reach. You understand?"

Shen Qinghe couldn't help but laugh and cry, knowing her sister had misunderstood, "It's not what elder sister is thinking..."

Shen Zhiyao gently patted Shen Qinghe's shoulder, "Elder sister understands, matters of the heart are like drinking water, only the drinker can tell if it's cold or warm. I can understand you, after all, Mr. Wuya is so outstanding, even I like him, but he's not someone we sisters can yearn for. How about setting your sights on someone else? You're still young..."

Shen Qinghe was lectured all the way home, and it wasn't until she returned to the Simple Residence Courtyard that her ears finally found peace.

Because she had absorbed a lot of spiritual energy from Dongfang Wuya, for the following month, Shen Qinghe didn't go to Juxian Hall and concentrated solely on cultivating in seclusion at the Simple Residence Courtyard.

She felt that her cultivation was indeed effective, but as an individual without a Spirit Root, she had no precedents to refer to and didn't know whether she had made any progress.

When the spiritual energy in her birthmark was exhausted and she could no longer cultivate, two months had passed.

Only then did she find out that Nan Sheng was making rapid progress, reaching the Middle Stage of Foundation Building in just three months and becoming the pride of the entire Sky Pole Sect.

Additionally, Nan Sheng's romantic exploits were certainly worth mentioning.

It was said that recently Nan Sheng had been caught between Yan Changsheng and Xiao Chen, leading to a fight between the two brothers on one occasion.

Shen Qinghe had started Foundation Establishment later than Nan Sheng, but her Cultivation Base was still marking time. When she heard that Nan Sheng had already stepped into the Middle Stage of Foundation Building, she felt no jealousy whatsoever.

After all, Nan Sheng was the female protagonist, blessed by destiny, a rare genius girl that comes once in a thousand years. Progressing to the Middle Stage of Foundation Building in three months was totally in line with Nan Sheng's character setting.

As for Nan Sheng's love affairs, that too was within Shen Qinghe's expectations. This was just the beginning of Nan Sheng's journey of romance, and for thousands, even tens of thousands of years to come, it would be Nan Sheng's main stage for love.

If possible, she would have liked to stay away from the male and female protagonists, but considering her current situation, she needed to stay close to them in order to absorb sufficient spiritual energy.

She left the Simple Residence Courtyard and naturally headed towards places abundant with spiritual energy.

When she arrived behind the Library Tower in the west, she saw a Female Cultivator about to pin Xiao Chen to the wall and forcefully kiss him, leaving Shen Qinghe at a loss for a moment.

The Female Cultivator, intent on kissing Xiao Chen, hadn't noticed Shen Qinghe. Xiao Chen initially wanted to dodge, but catching a glimpse of Shen Qinghe, he decided to stay still and leisurely watched her.

Shen Qinghe, belatedly realizing that this was not a scene for her eyes, was about to leave when Nan Sheng suddenly also arrived and caught sight of the Female Cultivator's kiss landing on the corner of Xiao Chen's lips.

Anger flared in Nan Sheng, and she immediately snatched Xiao Chen away from the Female Cultivator's clutches.

Nan Sheng protected Xiao Chen behind her, her voice carrying a melancholic tone, "Brother Xiao, why didn't you dodge?"

The Female Cultivator who had tried to forcefully kiss Xiao Chen was named Rong Yu, fair-skinned and beautiful. She wasn't timid and delicate like Nan Sheng, but her beauty was distinctive nonetheless.

She had always liked Xiao Chen. Having seen him in the Library Tower today, she suddenly grew bold, wanting to take her chances with Xiao Chen, hoping that he would agree to Dual Cultivation with her, which would be more than she could ask for.

She never expected her plan to be thwarted by Nan Sheng.

"Don't you already have Yan Changsheng? Why are you still holding on to Big Senior Brother?" Rong Yu, a disciple under Shen Zhuo, stepped forward, attempting to take Xiao Chen back from Nan Sheng.

Nan Sheng had long considered Xiao Chen her own possession. She sidestepped Rong Yu's question and kept Xiao Chen protected behind her, "Brother Xiao doesn't like you, you can't lay a finger on him, stay away from him!"

Xiao Chen, shielded by Nan Sheng, faced Shen Qinghe directly.

He had thought Shen Qinghe would turn and leave, but the girl's gaze flitted from left to right without showing any sign of departure.


Qinghe Lighting Incense.jpg: Where there's an Asura Field, there I am. Please, continue everyone.

Xiao Chen: ...

Nan Sheng: ...

Rong Yu: ...