Chapter 23: Qinghe, Don't Blame Me

Their gazes tangled like a spider's web, wrapping around each other until Nan Sheng took the initiative and pressed her lips against Xiao Chen's.

Xiao Chen's heartbeat missed a beat, and suddenly he gripped Nan Sheng's slender waist fiercely, his voice husky, "Weren't you injured? Haven't you got Changsheng, and you still dare to seduce me?"

Nan Sheng's face blushed to crimson, her body going soft, all her sensations focused on the hand Xiao Chen had placed on her waist.

She had to admit, Xiao Chen had some bad boy traits that fascinated her even more than Yan Changsheng did. She couldn't just hang herself on one tree. Xiao Chen's looks, physique, and temperament suited her taste perfectly. Why not take the opportunity to snatch both his body and heart? To make this man completely fall under her skirts?

Resolved, she intended to lean into Xiao Chen's embrace, but unexpectedly, he rudely pushed her away, "I have no interest in sleeping with my junior brother's woman!"