Chapter 26: Love Him to the Bone

"Elder sister, would you like to move into Simple Residence Courtyard and live with me for the time being?" Shen Qinghe seized the opportunity to present her plan.

In the book, their entire family served as stepping stones for Nan Sheng, each of them meeting a bad end. The recent incident of Nan Sheng stealing the Secret Manual had been a warning bell for her.

Shen Zhiyao was innocent by nature, and in terms of cunning, she could never be Nan Sheng's match. The safest approach was for the sisters to live together and look out for each other.

If it had been before, Shen Zhiyao would certainly have been reluctant to live with Shen Qinghe, since she wanted to pursue Xiao Chen and take his virginity. But now, her obsession with Xiao Chen wasn't as deep, and her sister's safety took precedence.

She readily agreed, "No problem, starting from today, I will stay in the Simple Residence Courtyard to protect you!"