Chapter 53: Dust Settles

Shen Qinghe meticulously recalled everything and confirmed that there was no such scene in the book where Nan Sheng married Xiao Chen.

Within the book, Nan Sheng's emotional entanglements with the male lead and male supporting characters were complex and ever-changing, but certainly, there was no scene where she married Xiao Chen so early on.

Could this development be a sign of an impending plot collapse?

If the plot really did collapse, wouldn't that mean Shen Zhiyao's ending wouldn't unfold as it did in the book?

Thinking of this possibility, Shen Qinghe felt so happy she could fly.

Seeing Shen Qinghe's beaming smile, Shen Zhiyao thought it was because Yan Changsheng and Nan Sheng had parted ways, which made her younger sister so cheerful.