Chapter 4: Has Best Actor Sir Become Possessed?

Xia Chuwei is also an artist under Huatai Entertainment.

Last year, Huatai had five people participate in the talent show. The company secured a debut spot, and one artist debuted in a high position thanks to immense popularity. This left the remaining four vying for the spot.

She remembered Xia Chuwei never made it into the top ten.

But she debuted in the end, and Su Yuqing didn't believe for a second that there was no trickery involved.

[Why is Su Yuqing directly slapping her in the face?]

[I'm dying of laughter, isn't this just admitting Xia Chuwei stole someone else's debut spot?]

[Confirmed, Su Yuqing and Xia Chuwei are from the same company.]

[Su Yuqing, get lost, you are slandering our sister!]

[Has Su Yuqing changed her persona?]

"God He, your seat is over here," Lu Minglan said as he looked towards He Suyan, who was halfway to turning around.

Everyone's attention immediately shifted in that direction.

He Suyan had already walked up to Su Yuqing and then took the seat beside her, "I'll just sit here."


Has Actor He been possessed? Just yesterday he jumped into the water to save someone without hesitation, and today he even chose a seat next to Su Yuqing.

"Now that everyone's here, let's cut to the chase and announce the rules for today..." Director Lin retracted his gaze and picked up the microphone.

The participants were accustomed to his style and pacing for the show.

"The theme for this episode is 'freedom'. The assessment is at eight o'clock tomorrow night. Starting now, everyone is free to form their own teams, ranging from three to five members. Hidden within the hotel are the missions for tomorrow's assessment. The first to find them can go and rehearse. Each person will receive three clues, which will be sent to the phones provided by the program group shortly."

"Time waits for no one. If you keep failing to find them, you will be deemed as having failed the assessment."

The crowd... so 'free'. Brutally straightforward.

"Director Lin, we haven't eaten breakfast yet," Xie Shiyun wailed.

"Yeah, I'm starving."

"Following the clues will lead you to food," Director Lin said with a smile.


Staff quickly distributed phones to everyone, sponsored by the brand endorsed by the show.

Participants couldn't bring their own phones during the live broadcast.

Su Yuqing took the phone, checked the three clues while avoiding others' gazes.

"Shall we team up?" a deep and pleasant voice came from beside her.

Su Yuqing resisted the urge to rub her ears, packed up the phone, and looked up, "You want to form a team with me?"

With teams of three to five, it was unlikely that anyone would want to team up with her.

"Would that be alright?" the man's eyes were deep.

"Sure," Su Yuqing suddenly flashed a smile. Why reject a man who was right on her aesthetic radar?

He Suyan also smiled, his presence radiant like a pine forest on a snowy mountain, and the moon high in the sky.

The two huddled together, ignoring the variety of scrutinizing gazes.

[Has Best Actor Sir been bewitched???]

[I noticed something was off about him yesterday.]

[Keep watching, maybe Best Actor Sir is just being charitable?]

[Su Yuqing has no shame!]

"Here are my clues," He Suyan offered his phone proactively, "Perhaps we are looking for the same song."

That would make the search much easier.

Su Yuqing glanced at his clues, "Unfortunately, I don't think so."

She handed over her phone.

The camera clearly captured the clues of both participants.

The audience in front of the screen was a bit baffled—what kind of lousy clues were these?

Su Yuqing's three clues: 1. Light, 2. Bright, 3. Five

Just three plain words—

He Suyan's were even more brutish, three unrelated emoticons.

[Gosh, I just knew Director Lin is awesome!]

[Hurry up and search, let's see if there's anything related.]

"I think mine should be easier to find," Su Yuqing rotated her phone.

"The range is too broad, there's light inside the hotel, and outside too," He Suyan pondered.

"And your three emoticons..."


At that moment, everyone also started to grumble and complain.

"Director, isn't this a bit too much? We might spend a lifetime and still not find the clue."

"Aren't you just making things difficult for us?"

Director Lin coughed and said, "You can do tasks to exchange for more detailed clues."

Immediately, a staff member brought over the Mission Card.

They stood to the left and in the front, with the tasks being all kinds of varied.

Acupressure board jumping shots, blindfolded apple eating while spinning around, one-minute rapid-fire Q&A…

There were also tasks for pairs, trios, and larger groups.

"Those who have already formed teams must select group tasks. After completion, choose any direction, and we will provide detailed clues," Director Lin glanced at everyone.

The first to step forward was Xie Shiyun. He was a popular idol from a previous talent show, a thorny issue with both singing and dancing skills.

"Does anyone want to team up with me?"

Out of the thirty or so people, swish, swish, swish, over ten hands went up.

Having someone skilled in singing and dancing for tomorrow night's assessment could save a lot of trouble.

"Teacher Lu, Teacher Cheng, let's team up. Sorry to the others, we'll do it together next time." He chose Lu Minglan and Cheng Xingye.

Lu Minglan was a popular young actress, while Cheng Xingye had been a hot rapper in recent years; both were talented.

"Director, we choose the group task...",

Lu Minglan glanced in the direction of He Suyan and Su Yuqing. She had actually wanted to team up with He Suyan.

Although Xie Shiyun was a hot young idol, compared with He Suyan, he was but a minor figure. Fortunately, she was clear-headed, afraid that greed for one thing might make her lose another, so temporarily choosing Xie Shiyun wasn't a bad idea.

"We're still short one person," Su Yuqing said softly as the three went to draw their Mission Card.

"Who do you want to team up with?"

"Will you listen to me?"


"Forget it, you decide." Su Yuqing raised an eyebrow.

If she took the lead, probably no one would join them.

He Suyan paused for a moment, a smile appearing on her lips. "Gu Zhan, would you like to team up?"

Gu Zhan, the face of a popular boy band and their lead dancer, had been famous for three years since his debut.

He walked over, suppressing the excitement in his eyes, "I'd be glad to."

Being able to team up with his idol, even with Su Yuqing who might hold them back, he didn't mind.

"We can start the task now." He Suyan turned to look at Su Yuqing.

"Alright, you go draw the task. I can do anything."

Such confidence.

Gu Zhan muttered to himself.

The three of them had to choose a group task then, which would be drawn randomly.

He Suyan let Gu Zhan do the drawing.

Pop Balloons—

The three looked at Xie Shiyun's group across from them, holding the same Mission Card: "..."

Director Lin had the camera zoom in, "You have drawn the same task. The two teams will compete. You have three minutes. Whichever team has the most balloons left at the end wins!"

It was a coincidence that both teams had two men and one woman.

The others weren't in a hurry to do their tasks; they all gathered around to watch.

"You'll hide behind me and Teacher He later," Gu Zhan instructed Su Yuqing.

The staff quickly brought over the balloons and tied them to their feet.

One balloon per foot.

Stirring music began to play in the arena.

"We'll go for Su Yuqing's first," Xie Shiyun narrowed his eyes, deciding to pick on the easy target first.

Lu Minglan and Cheng Xingye didn't object.


"Wait, Su Yuqing, don't rush to..." attack.


There was a moment of silence on the scene.