Chapter 9: Who Made Director Lin Eat Dog Food?

"You'll find out soon enough." Su Yuqing didn't lift her head, her hands moving so quickly they seemed to leave afterimages.

He Suyan looked deeply at Su Yuqing, then leaned in closer.

About five or six minutes later, a smile curled at the corner of her mouth as her slender, fair fingers pressed the final key, "Done."

She took a data cable, plugged it into the computer, and connected her phone.


Fu Jin gazed at her phone, his eyes unconsciously widening, "This, this, this..."

"How did you do this?" He suddenly turned his head to look at Su Yuqing, his eyes filled with amazement. Did she have this kind of high-tech means?

"Just like that, you saw it, didn't you?" Su Yuqing arched her eyebrows.


He Suyan chuckled lightly, "What do you plan to do? Release these photos and videos?"

Su Yuqing had just used her hacking skills to steal photos and videos from Jiang Chenan's phone, including some chat logs, but she hadn't looked closely at them.

"Of course, they said I was lying, didn't they? Let's give them some evidence."

"Thanks for the computer, see you tomorrow." She stood up, shook her phone, her beautiful eyes lifted in challenge, and left with composure.

"Do you need help? My PR team can be at your disposal," He Suyan's eyes shone with a glint.

"At my disposal?" Su Yuqing stopped in her tracks, silently gave He Suyan a look, "Your terms."

There's no such thing as a free lunch, and even if there was, it certainly wouldn't fall into her lap.

"Shall we sit down and talk in detail?"

Su Yuqing pondered for a moment before taking a seat on the nearby sofa.

Fu Jin exchanged glances with others, opened his mouth, but ultimately swallowed his words under He Suyan's gaze.

He Suyan took out a bottle of milk from the fridge next to him and offered it to Su Yuqing, "Have something to drink first."

Su Yuqing: "..."

Fu Jin was taken aback, only then remembering that Su Yuqing was just a girl under eighteen.

So, who had she learned that trick from just now?

"You, go out."

Fu Jin was dumbfounded, "Me?"

He Suyan nodded, "Yes, you go out first. We have something to discuss."

Fu Jin, "..." You must be mistaken about who the outsider is, right?

Also, his room was right here, where was he supposed to go?

This was a suite with three rooms, and both Fu Jin's and He Suyan's assistants also stayed here. However, the assistant had asked for leave due to a family emergency and had been gone for the past couple of days.

Eventually, Fu Jin was nonetheless kicked out.

He Suyan sat down opposite Su Yuqing, who had a calm expression and clear eyes that showed no sign of panic.

Her eyes, slightly moist, rested on him as she waited for him to continue.

"That move just now... was quite impressive." His eyes were sincere.

"Thanks for the compliment." Su Yuqing unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of milk.

He Suyan was taken aback, then coughed lightly and chuckled with his head down, "Huatai isn't right for you. If you continue with Huatai, you'll never have a chance to shine."

"Yeah, my next step is probably out of the entertainment industry," she said.

"You're not someone who gives in so easily."

Su Yuqing's eyebrows lifted, "So, you're willing to sign me?"

Under He Suyan's name was an entertainment company, a leading force in the industry. Everyone in show business was dying to get in; the terms for signing were stringent, but because of the top-notch resources, people were eager and competitive.

"I am," He Suyan nodded without hesitation. "I'll pay the liquidated damages to Huatai, and the Su Family will be handled by me."

For an average person, the Su Family surely wouldn't let Su Yuqing off the hook.

"Paying such a big price, I don't think I'm worth all this for you, God He," Su Yuqing was very clear-headed.

An eighteen-year-old girl, able to keep such a level head, made He Suyan see her in a new light.

"Of course, you have value. From now on, you will be my person."

"Ahem, you can't just say that casually."

"My apologies for not explaining clearly. From now on, you will be working for me. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you. At most, I will ask for your help once a month, with the time set for three years. After three years, I will set you free." He Suyan hooked the corner of his mouth, his eyes slightly upturned, carrying a hint of seduction.

Su Yuqing unemotionally shifted her gaze away, remaining silent for the moment.

Three years...

Considering that she currently lacked the ability to confront the Su Family and the Jiang Family, who would not let her off easily, it might not be a bad idea to find a big tree to enjoy the shade under at this moment.

"Host, agreeing to him is not bad for you," the mechanical voice she hadn't heard for a long time rang out.

"Shut up," Su Yuqing spoke irritably in her mind.

She then looked at He Suyan, "Okay, the contract ends after three years."

He Suyan suddenly revealed a smile that reached his eyes, the first step was successful.

"I'll have Fu Jin handle the Huatai side. The Su Family won't interfere."

Su Yuqing didn't ask how he would manage it and nodded as she stood up, "Fine, then I'll wait for your contract."

"Oh, there's one more thing..." He Suyan thought for a moment, then spoke again, "Never mind, we'll talk about that later."

They hadn't signed the contract yet. What if she ran away?

Su Yuqing always felt that something was off, but considering she currently had nothing to her name, she didn't dwell on it.

"If this gets out, it will definitely cause a huge uproar," she shook her cellphone a bit.

"Let Fu Jin handle it, but I want half the fees."

Fu Jin would never allow his own people to be exposed. He would surely clear himself off the hook, so selling the videos and photos to Jiang Chenan's adversaries would be the best choice.

"You can have it all," He Suyan chuckled in response.

"Then I won't hold back," Su Yuqing smiled with a curl of her lips, "I'll be leaving now. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

He Suyan walked her out. At the door, Fu Jin looked at the two of them with a resentful gaze.

"... You've been at the door all this time?"

"Where else could I go? Are you done talking?" Fu Jin spoke in annoyance, not knowing what the two of them had discussed.

He Suyan was silent; if he knew not to say the last part aloud, then Fu Jin being there didn't matter.

Su Yuqing said goodbye to the two men and returned to her room. Not long after, the hotel delivered food.

She swiped through her phone and sent the photos and videos to He Suyan, as they had already added each other on WeChat the day before.

The next day, Su Yuqing got up at six-thirty. She washed her face, applied some moisturizer, and didn't do any makeup. She tied her hair into a high ponytail and wore loose clothes and sweatpants.

Then she went to the fifth floor and grabbed something to eat.

When she arrived at the practice room, Gu Zhan and He Suyan were not yet there.

"You're pretty dedicated, coming this early," the assistant director, who was focusing on the camera, rubbed his eyes.


He squinted suspiciously, his eyes widening as he saw Su Yuqing moving effortlessly on the ice.

After seeing clearly, his mouth twitched, but he did not intervene more.

Walking on ice with towels tied to her shoes was one thing, but dancing was out of the question.

Su Yuqing practiced for half an hour, and Gu Zhan and He Suyan arrived one after the other.

"You're here so early?" He Suyan spoke with much more familiarity than yesterday, leaving Gu Zhan puzzled.

"Yeah, slept... no choice, with Director Lin being a dog, I don't want to be kicked out of the entertainment industry with a finger pointed at my nose."

Su Yuqing gritted her teeth, 'System, you're courting death!'