Chapter 19: Su Yuqing, You're Dead!

"Shut up, I'm not done yet." Su Yuqing yanked Su Chengxi's hair forcefully, causing her to cry out in pain twice.

A face painted with delicate makeup twisted grotesquely, completely devoid of any beauty.

"Give me all my documents, and another 50 million, transfer it to my card immediately, otherwise, the Su Family will become tomorrow's headline, having a daughter who attempted murder... the Su's... tsk tsk..."

Once the news of Su Chengxi's attempted murder spread, the Su Corporation's stock price would definitely plummet, and by then the Su Family's losses would be enormous.

"Su Yuqing, don't forget you're also a member of the Su Family!" Old Madam Su glowered at Su Yuqing.

She then glared fiercely at Ou Yulan, "Your fine daughter, what does she take the Su Family for!"

"Old Madam, don't beat around the bush with me. You have five minutes to transfer the money, otherwise..." Su Yuqing sneered.

"You... five minutes isn't enough?!"

"Yuqing, there's a transfer limit..." Ou Yulan took a deep breath, desperately suppressing the irritation and panic inside her.

"Pfft, the distinguished Madam Su is limited by transfer amounts? Hurry up, I don't have all day to wait on you." Su Yuqing sneered, turning to the servant from earlier, "Sister Li, bother you to go upstairs and gather my documents."

Her room was in the darkest corner on the second floor, small and gloomy, never touched by sunlight.

No wonder she relied on the Truth System to cling to life.

The servant hesitated, glancing at Old Madam Su and Ou Yulan. Su Yuqing met their gazes, then slapped Su Chengxi again.

"Go get her things!" Old Madam Su roared furiously, her complexion turning dark.

The servant immediately went upstairs. Su Yuqing glanced at her wristwatch, "Three minutes left. If I don't hear the sound of a transfer..."

Her tone was extremely dangerous as she yanked Su Chengxi's hair even harder.

Old Madam Su glared at Ou Yulan, "Idiot, transfer the money to her!"

What's 50 million? She would make Su Yuqing, this ingrate, spit it all back out with interest.

Ou Yulan's heart was in turmoil, her resentment towards Su Yuqing surging. Did she not know that this act would render them powerless within the Su Family!

Confronted with Su Yuqing's cold gaze, Ou Yulan felt a jolt in her heart, but there was no time to think further as Su Chengxi was already cursing loudly, "Are you deliberately wanting to see me tormented by Su Yuqing? Why aren't you transferring the money quickly?!"

Ou Yulan took out her phone and transferred 50 million to Su Yuqing with great reluctance.

It wasn't easy for her to save money; this 50 million was almost her entire fortune.

"You can let go of Chengxi now." She stared at Su Yuqing intently, her mind racing. She needed to think of a way to get the money back.

Just then, the servant came downstairs carrying a bag. Su Yuqing had her take out the contents for inspection.

After confirming everything was there, she took the bag, dragged Su Chengxi to the door, then bolted.

"Wait, Su Yuqing, stop right there!" Su Chengxi's scalp throbbed as she gasped in pain. Turning around, she saw Su Yuqing's retreating figure and panicked.

"Why are you still calling her? A wretched girl who will never be presentable!" Old Madam Su clutched at her heart in pain, "Don't worry, I will have someone avenge you."

"Grandma, she still hasn't promised to delete the video..." Su Chengxi's face turned ugly.

After running out of the Su residence, Su Yuqing sprinted all the way, bursting into laughter once she was out of the door.


Ha ha ha ha!

Passersby thought she seemed crazy, giving her a few extra glances. Su Jinglin, who had just returned, rubbed his eyes and then widened them—Su Yuqing!

Just as he was about to get out of the car, Su Yuqing had already hailed a taxi and left.

"God He." In the car, she was on the phone with He Suyan.

"Hmm? What's up?" He Suyan's deep voice, seductively alluring, came through the phone.

He Suyan bit back the urge to rub her ears, "I want to buy a house."

The person opposite her was taken aback, and just as they were about to speak, she continued, "I just got some money from the Su Family, you can help with that, right? And there's also the issue of residency registration; I'm almost of age in less than a month."

If there's a problem, find the boss.

He Suyan wasn't the least bit embarrassed.

"Where do you want to buy?" He Suyan chuckled lightly.


"Walnut Place."

"...Okay." This girl, properties at Walnut Place start at a minimum of 150,000 per square meter.

After hanging up the phone, He Suyan thought of the chaotic Su Family situation and felt terrifically good.

She had already blacklisted all the Su Family members' phone numbers.

Walnut Place, a hot property development in the last two years. He Suyan got off the car, paid the fare, and walked into the sales office.

"Good day, miss. May I ask what type of unit you're interested in?" A beautiful sales lady greeted her warmly.

He Suyan might have appeared young, but her demeanor was evident, and which salesperson wasn't sharp-eyed?

"Large Flat."

Alright, a big spender indeed.

The beautiful sales lady smiled broadly, warmly introducing her around. An hour later, He Suyan swiped close to 40 million and secured a large flat.

The sales lady saw her off, and when He Suyan hailed a taxi, the corners of the sales lady's mouth twitched.

In the car, He Suyan hesitated not a moment to send the video to He Suyan, letting him deal with it.

She certainly hadn't agreed not to send the video out.

After some thought, she composed another message on WeChat and sent it to Ou Yulan.

'Madam Ou, please hasten the sorting of my father's inheritance. I will come to the company for the handover next month.'

After which, even WeChat was blacklisted.

He Suyan's biological father was one of the shareholders of Su Corporation, holding a mere five percent, but he was far from the poor wretch Old Madam Su had described.

His will, after his accident, left his real estate and savings to Ou Yulan, but the shares were hers.

These five percent shares were worth far more than 50 million.

On the other side, the Su Family, in a frenzied rush, took Su Chengxi to the hospital. After the check-up, Su Chengxi suddenly came up with an idea to expose He Suyan, and that's when Ou Yulan saw the message from He Suyan.

Her heart sank, and she hurriedly intervened.

"Are you in cahoots with her? She put me in this state, and you are still protecting her. It's just like grandmother said, stepmothers are always malicious…" Su Chengxi had been harboring anger, and finally, she found an outlet to vent.

Ou Yulan's face turned pale. All these years, she had humbled herself for her daughter, trying to curry favor with the Su's, and this was the result?

She couldn't accept it!

Having played her role for so many years, she couldn't let all her efforts be for nothing. With an injured expression, Ou Yulan said, "Chengxi, you are the one I care about the most; don't you know that?"

"I just think that your method of exploding the news is not effective. She sent me a WeChat message, and that 50 million... she can even claim it's compensation..."

Su Chengxi's mind flashed to the shares that would soon be transferred to her name and she fell silent.

Before they even got home, He Suyan's phone rang again. She frowned and pressed the green answer button.

"He Suyan, you're dead meat!"