Chapter 50: Sadly, Heaven is Jealous of Talented People

"Hello, Teacher Xu." Su Yuqing greeted with a tranquil smile, and her gaze toward Xu Xingzhou revealed nothing improper.

But just a moment ago, Xu Xingzhou seemed to have sensed that Su Yuqing's smile had faded slightly.

After the greeting, Su Yuqing turned with a smile to Huo Qinian and Shen Zhiyi, "Hello to both teachers as well."

"Xiao Su, impressive!" Shen Zhiyi didn't hide her admiration for Su Yuqing.

"We have a scene later, if you have time, you could stay and watch."

Huo Qinian also nodded with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Su Yuqing's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Of course."

"I promise I won't disturb both teachers while you're filming!" Su Yuqing saluted playfully.

Shen Zhiyi was kindhearted, truly wanting to teach her from the bottom of her heart.

How could she not be grateful?

Xu Xingzhou naturally sensed the difference in Su Yuqing's attitude as well, his eyebrows slightly raised, but he said nothing more.