Chapter 74 I'm very happy

Mingshu was afraid of many things, and snakes were among them.

Stepping on one so precisely, she even began to wonder if the heavens could no longer overlook her misdeeds and had sent a warning.

However, at the corner of her eye, Mingshu inadvertently caught a glimpse of a corner and immediately stiffened.

She halted her steps in time, her eyes showing disbelief, "Zai Zai?"

Si Chu stepped out from behind the wall, his expression indescribably complex.

It really was him!

Mingshu instinctively asked, "What are you doing here?!"

Instead of answering, Si Chu countered, "Then what are you doing here?"

Mingshu blurted out, "I am of course..." but stopped herself just in time, clearing her throat awkwardly, "I am of course out for a walk!"

Si Chu glanced toward the house, his look full of confusion, "Walking all the way into someone's room?"

Mingshu: "..."

Something dawned on her, and she stared incredulously, "You saw what just happened?!"