Chapter 3: Fu Hao Comes Again

Liang Shaofen brought Song Chenghao back to the house, and within a short while, the place had undergone earth-shattering changes.

Liang Shaofen was meek but still held a place in her heart for her daughter Song Yitang, albeit not nearly as much as for Song Chenghao.

Before dawn, she packed a bunch of things and went out, looking for Song Yitang's residence.

When Song Yitang heard the knocking, her heart sounded an alarm, thinking it was Fu Hao again.

After leaving the void, the house was still pitch-dark, and she groped her way to the door.

Just as she was about to scold the visitor, she heard Liang Shaofen's voice.

"Tangtang, are you awake?"

Liang Shaofen knocked on the door again, sniffling from the cold outside.

"What are you here for?"

Song Yitang leaned against the door panel, her tone indifferent.

Song Yitang had mixed feelings about her mother, loving her for keeping a place in her heart, but hating her for her weakness and incompetence.

"I've brought you some things. Why are you so stubborn? Apologize to your father in a few days, and all this will be over."

Liang Shaofen prattled on outside the door, trying to persuade Song Yitang.

In her past life, she had been abused to the brink of disability, and when she sought divorce, she was dissuaded with words that still haunted her to this day.

"What husband doesn't beat his wife?"

"Just endure it, and it will pass. Every household is like this, why can't you bear it?"

These utterly absurd words brainwashed her, and Liang Shaofen often endured domestic abuse until Song Jianguo had a stroke and became paralyzed at the age of 65.

"I won't apologize. You should go back."

"You're so headstrong, child. I'm doing this for your own good. Look at what I've brought you. If your dad finds out, I'll get another beating."

Song Yitang couldn't listen anymore and opened the door.

The young girl's face was dark, her eyes showing a cold harshness.

"Isn't it normal for women to get beaten? Can't you just endure it?" Song Yitang returned her past life's rhetoric in full.

Liang Shaofen's face turned from pale to green and back.

She couldn't understand how her obedient daughter had suddenly become so sharp-tongued.

"Take your things and go. Don't come here again under the guise of looking out for me."

Having said that, Song Yitang slammed the door shut with a bang.

After Liang Shaofen left, the sky also began to brighten.

Song Yitang set off for the commune, bought some necessities, and returned.

When she got home, she saw someone skulking fearfully by her door.

Fu Hao paced back and forth at Song Yitang's doorstep, thinking she was probably still angry with him and had pretended not to hear when he knocked earlier.

He wasn't interested in this girl; she was yellow and thin with a dried-up figure.

But her matter had spread through the entire Golden Team last night, being officially notarized by the newly arrived Secretary Zhao, who even actively found her a place to live.

It seemed she must have caught his fancy. If he used her to get to know the new leader,

Then getting back to the city early wouldn't be a problem. Just the thought made Fu Hao's steps quicken with excitement.

Song Yitang, holding her things, ignored Fu Hao. She opened the door and then prepared to close it.

Fu Hao saw his chance and stretched out his foot to prevent Song Yitang from closing the door.

Song Yitang was not one to be trifled with; she had been doing farm work since she was young and was strong.

She forcefully shut the door, squeezing his foot until it was misshapen.

"Ouch ouch ouch!" Fu Hao cried out in pain as he pulled his foot back.

Although he wanted to lash out, for the sake of his own future, he suppressed his anger.

"So you went out, little sister? That's why there was no answer when I knocked."


"Did you sleep comfortably last night, sister? I have some extra bedding; should I bring it to you?"


"Little sister?"


So, the girl's gone mute now, has she? Wasn't she quite the talker yesterday?

Outside the door, Fu Hao was clinging on tightly, comforting himself.

A little patience may spoil a great plan.

"Fu Hao, what are you doing here?"

Wang Chunhua, wearing a bright red floral cotton-padded jacket, walked over. She had been looking for Fu Hao for a long time, and today she wore a new jacket, just so he could see it.

"Just saw a little sister here, thought I'd come over and take extra good care of her."

Wang Chunhua had also heard her family mention it at dinner last night.

"That ungrateful wretch, huh."

Wang Chunhua spoke with disdain, her heart souring. She really couldn't muster any good feelings for Song Yitang, especially now that the man she liked was lingering outside her door.

The two started chatting outside the door, seemingly in no hurry to leave.

Since the house was windowless, Song Yitang wanted to open the door to brighten up the room so she could tidy it up.

Well now, these two had started chatting right at her doorstep, Wang Chunhua's laughter never ceasing.

Fu Hao was outside telling Wang Chunhua stories, making her laugh unrestrainedly, blooming with joy.

"If you want to flirt, go do it farther away."

Song Yitang suddenly opened the door, startling the two outside.

Flirting? Such a direct and crude word.

Wang Chunhua felt a surge of shame and wanted to give Song Yitang a lecture.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

She reached out to push Song Yitang but was stopped by Fu Hao.

With a forced laugh, Fu Hao said, "Oh, it's just a misunderstanding, let's chat some other time, Chunhua."

After sending Wang Chunhua away, Fu Hao switched to a fawning demeanor, eager to please Song Yitang.

"Little sister, you finally came out. Is there anything I can help with?"

"Or if you're missing anything here, I can go fetch it for you."

Wang Chunhua, not far away, was so agitated that her teeth itched, swearing in her heart to teach Song Yitang a lesson.

To let her know she wasn't someone to be messed with, and neither was her man!

Half the village knew she was interested in Fu Hao. If that damned girl wasn't trying to snatch him away, then what was she up to?

Song Yitang was unaware of Fu Hao's true intentions, but she was utterly certain that they weren't good.

"I'm short of quite a lot, can you satisfy that?"

Hearing Song Yitang give him a chance, Fu Hao was overjoyed and nodded eagerly.

"Just say the word, there's nothing I can't do."

"Get me a bigger bed, a new stove, a washing machine, a radio, a table, two new stools, and it would be even better with a new wardrobe," Song Yitang said, batting her eyes, a departure from her usual standoffish demeanor.

"Can't you manage that?"


Now it was Fu Hao's turn to fall silent.

Everything Song Yitang listed, even his family in the city might not have a washing machine.

Song Yitang was just about to fan the flames when he couldn't take it anymore and left in a hurry with a parting phrase.

"I'm going to think of a solution, just start tidying up!"

Finally, some peace and quiet, Song Yitang exhaled in relief and opened the wooden door.

Looking at the wooden bed, chewed with several big holes, even missing a leg, Song Yitang decided to sleep in her space for the time being.

But she still had to deal with food, and she hadn't bought much from the commune. At present, it was easy to have money but hard to buy things without coupons to go with it.

The only place where money alone could buy things was the Ghost Market, which was very secretive—probably nobody knew about it.

Before finding the Ghost Market, she had no choice but to work and earn work points for food rations, or else her money wouldn't last through half a term of school, and she would starve.

She was not of age yet and had separated from the Song's house without dividing the household, still tied to them.

After planning and tidying up, she locked the door and went to discuss work with the team leader.