Chapter 7 Dropout


If it were not for the system's voice reminding her, she would almost have forgotten the existence of the tasks.

Unexpectedly, after eating at Aunt Liu's house yesterday, she gained two pounds.

To complete the tasks as soon as possible, Song Yitang set off early the next day to the commune, using some of the coupons Secretary Zhao had given her to purchase a lot of goods.

She even bought a can of malted milk essence, despite the pain of the expense, and two pounds of pork; Song Yitang wrapped everything tightly in cloth before daring to head home.

In 1980, no one in the Golden Brigade dared to even covet such items.

People at the commune couldn't help but give Song Yitang's meat a few extra glances.

After returning from the commune, she went to Aunt Liu's house to buy some eggs for one yuan; Aunt Liu wouldn't accept the money, but Song Yitang left the money on the table and ran off with the eggs.

She stored all the items in her space.

With timely nutritional supplementation, Song Yitang had gained four pounds in just a week; only four more pounds to go to complete the task.

She earned work points during the day, and at night, she would study in the space until dawn.

But Song Yitang found it very difficult to do the exercises silently, without a teacher's explanation.

Despite going through many sets of test papers, her score had only increased by a dozen points or so; there wasn't much fluctuation.

She could only pin her hopes on the reward, hoping that the master class would be able to help her.

After hearing the rumors circulating within the team, Song Jianguo began to get restless.

"That ungrateful wretch, all the food I've given her has gone to waste!"

Song Jianguo couldn't believe Song Yitang was serious; he thought that making her suffer for a few days would make her come back.

Now, the whole Golden Brigade knew that Song Yitang was on good terms with Secretary Zhao.

With Zhao Shouzhong's strong background, it was only a matter of time before he was transferred back as a high-ranking official, and by then, Song Yitang would stand to gain quite a bit.

"Go and bring her back tomorrow. If she doesn't come back, just wait for me to go to her school and have her drop out!"

"She wants to study? I'll see what she can study!"

After speaking, Song Jianguo viciously kicked Liang Shaofen, who was lying on the ground.

Liang Shaofen, battered and bruised, lay there not daring to speak; all that could be heard was her weak breathing.

Meanwhile, Song Chenghao was curled up on the bed, silent and his heart sour.

He couldn't understand why, even after Song Yitang had been driven away, she couldn't just behave herself.

The sky was pitch black, and outside there was the soft patter of light rain.

Song Yitang, having gone to bed early the previous night, awoke early to find rain leaking everywhere in the house; she could only grab basins to catch the water.

After sorting it out, she continued reading in her space; her foundation was okay but not solid.

She planned to cram the knowledge of the first and second years of high school before the school term began so she could focus entirely on review exercises once classes resumed.

Knock knock knock—

The wooden door was rapped on; Song Yitang, hearing the noise, quickly exited the space and prepared to open the door.

"Why are you here?"

She opened the door to see Liang Shaofen with a bruised face; Song Yitang frowned, immediately understanding.

"Come in first."

Seeing her soaked through, Song Yitang had complicated feelings for this mother whom she both loved and hated.

As Liang Shaofen spoke about Song Jianguo threatening her with dropping out of school, Song Yitang's disdain for Song Jianguo grew by another degree.

Song Yitang, unfazed, replied, "I'll find a way to deal with this. I've already separated from you all. Let's keep our distance in the future."

Liang Shaofen reached out to grab Song Yitang's hand, originally wanting to ask how she had been lately.

Seeing Song Yitang's face healthy and rosy, even rounder than before, acted like a fishbone stuck in Liang Shaofen's throat, and her pleas for her daughter to come home went unsaid.

Song Yitang dodged her hand, looking at the rough hands covered with calluses, and mentally urged herself not to soften.

"Then, Mother will be leaving first. Take care of yourself. If you need anything, ask Aunt Liu to let me know."

Liang Shaofen's right leg had been injured by Song Jianguo's kick the night before, and she limped as she walked.

In the end, Song Yitang couldn't resist and spoke up to detain her: "Wait until the rain stops before you leave."


Liang Shaofen stopped in her tracks, revealing a smile that had been long absent.

Mother and daughter alone in the room, Song Yitang stared blankly at the firewood in the stove.

She and her brother were twins, and her birth had taken too long, which left her mother too exhausted to give birth to her brother, causing her to start hemorrhaging.

Ever since she was little, her grandmother had considered her a jinx, almost costing her brother's life.

Her mother used to defend her, but that stopped too.

Later, she was sent to live with her grandmother, only to be brought back after her grandmother had passed away.

Liang Shaofen wanted to start a conversation with Song Yitang countless times, but in the end, she did not speak up.

"The rain has stopped, I'll head home first and come see you again in a couple of days."

Song Yitang acknowledged with a sound and did not look at her.

"Little sister! Where have you been? Why are you coming back now?"

Liang Shaofen's sister, Liang Xiulian, had arrived at the Song's house early, carrying a bunch of items.

At a height of one meter seventy, Liang Xiulian was strong and well-built, her voice full of vitality. She wore a blue floral cotton-padded jacket, and her smile had never stopped.

Song Jianguo sat at the door smoking his pipe in silence, while Song Chenghao stayed in his room without coming out.

Seeing her like that, one would know that a weasel paying New Year's visit to a chicken has no good intentions!

As Liang Xiulian had not seen Liang Shaofen and Song Yitang, she assumed the mother-daughter duo had gone out.

"Where's your second girl? Why can't I see her?"

Liang Xiulian looked over her shoulder, as she was specifically here for that girl today.

Song Jianguo, who valued his pride, certainly wouldn't want to talk to Liang Xiulian about Song Yitang leaving the family, as Liang Xiulian already looked down on him.

"Tangtang...went out to play," Liang Shaofen made up an excuse hastily.

Liang Xiulian pulled Liang Shaofen to sit down, happily saying, "Little sister, I found a marriage proposal for your second girl."

"From our Golden Brigade, the family's in great condition, and rich, too—a single child at that!"

"Well-known and well-rooted, she would still have me to look after her when she's married over."

"Quickly call her back, I'll take her to meet the guy tonight."

Hearing this news, Liang Shaofen adamantly refused, "Tangtang is still young, in the midst of her senior year of high school. Marriage is still far off for her!"

"What's the use of a girl studying so much? Isn't she going to get married eventually? Does studying mean she won't have to marry?" Liang Xiulian's face was crinkled with smiles, then she turned to Song Jianguo and asked, "Don't you think so, brother-in-law?"

The main room was filled with Liang Xiulian's laughter, with her being the most satisfied with this marriage arrangement in the entire Song house.

Song Chenghao, who already disliked his advantage-seeking aunt, couldn't stand it any longer in his room and came out to interrupt.

"She has separated from our family already. If you're looking for her, go to the Educated Youth Spot!"

Liang Xiulian's smile froze on her face, but she digested the news quickly.

She immediately switched her tone, questioning angrily, "What's all this about? How could you not inform me about such a big issue?"

"Does our family's business concern an outsider like you?"

Song Chenghao stood beside Liang Xiulian with a cold expression, his mind set on getting rid of this annoying aunt.

Song Chenghao had no affection for Song Yitang, having been alone ever since he could remember. His sister only lived in their mother's words; his grandmother and father had never mentioned her.

"I'm an outsider?" Liang Xiulian pointed at herself, incredulous, repeating, "You dare call me an outsider? I'm your own aunt!"

Impatient, Song Chenghao turned and threw all the items she brought outside the door.

"The person you're looking for isn't here. Please leave," he said, then turned and went back to his room.

Liang Xiulian ran out in distress to pick up her things and turned to Liang Shaofen, scolding her harshly.

"Look at the mess your precious son has made, showing no respect for his elders!"

Song Jianguo, who already had little regard for this relative, stood up and shut the door of the main room.

Leaving Liang Xiulian outside cursing and swearing.

Seeing that no one in the family wanted to deal with her, Liang Xiulian could only pick up her things and leave the Song's house.

On her way out, she asked everyone she met, "Comrade, do you know where the Educated Youth Spot is?"