Chapter 17 Class Begins

The entire class 3 went from questioning Xue Qing to understanding her, all it took was a monthly exam.

Song Yitang's roommates, benefiting from their proximity, frequently tried to curry favor with her, even to the point of fetching her hot water and volunteering to clean the dormitory.

All they hoped for was that Song Yitang would help them with their problems, but she refused them all.

Explaining problems wasn't a big deal, but it became one when there were too many people.

As usual, Song Yitang and Xue Qing had agreed to study together in the library on Sunday.

Xue Qing quietly observed Song Yitang from the side, waiting for her to finish the set of problems, brewing a plan in her mind.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

As soon as Song Yitang arrived at the library, Xue Qing's hesitant expression had already caught her attention.

If she wasn't mistaken, it was still about the people in the class.

"It's just that the classmates, they all hope you could..."

"No way, I barely have enough time as it is."

She herself still had a goal of completing five hundred sets of problems, and she had no intention of being a living Bodhisattva, saving all beings.

"What if they pay tuition?"

The girl paused mid-action, her eyes lighting up.

"How much?"

Seeing her reaction, Xue Qing couldn't help but think, money indeed makes the world go 'round!

"It's not set yet, how much do you think is appropriate?"

Ever since the monthly exam, Xue Qing's roommates had been pestering him to agree that they wouldn't mind even if it cost money.

Song Yitang rested her chin on her hands, her gaze fixed on the bookshelf in front of her, as if deep in thought.

"Do you think one yuan and fifty cents is too much?"

"Not at all."

No sooner had Song Yitang spoken than she regretted it; such a trivial sum meant nothing to him, but for children from the countryside, it might be their pocket money for an entire year.

Moreover, their tuition for half a semester was only five yuan.

"This is what we'll do, anyone who wants my help should bring their monthly exam report card."

"Those who pass all subjects will only be charged one yuan, those who fail 1-2 subjects will be charged one yuan and fifty cents, and those who fail more than 3 won't be accepted."

"The tutoring session will be on Sunday afternoons, I'll go ask Old Mou if we can use the small auditorium."

"This is a great idea, it filters out those with weak foundations to avoid wasting your time, and students with a better foundation can learn faster!" Xue Qing exclaimed with admiration upon hearing the plan.

Song Yitang thought about it; while tutoring the others, she would also be reinforcing her own foundation imperceptibly.

And with the added bonus of a small income, why not?

"But I have a rule, if someone's grades drop on the second monthly exam, they have to drop out to make room for new sign-ups."

"The fees are non-refundable, and I'm only taking ten people."

Xue Qing nodded understandingly, amazed at Song Yitang's business mind—she had a promising future in business.

He was definitely going to stick close to her!

With Song Yitang's method, those who signed up would be even more motivated to study hard to maintain their grades, and those who didn't get in would strive to do so.

It was a win-win solution!

After the two returned that evening, Xue Qing was the first to spread the news in the boys' dormitory.

At first, they were happy to hear that Song Yitang had agreed, but they fell silent the moment they heard money was involved.

"Class leader, count me in!"

Tong Yadong raised his hand as the first to sign up, pulling out a yuan from his pocket.

"I only failed physics; I passed everything else. I'll go get my papers to show you right now!"

With that, he dashed out heading straight for the classroom.

Song Yitang didn't bring up the matter proactively in the dormitory, fearing she might be overexerting herself for little gratitude.

It wasn't long before her roommate, Fan Yuncai, came back to the dormitory from the classroom, brimming with excitement and papers in hand, looking for Song Yitang.

"I failed two subjects; one yuan and fifty cents, right? I'll get the money for you."

She excitedly stuffed the papers into Song Yitang's hands and turned to rummage through her own bed.

"Is everyone not here yet? Can I still join?"

She took out a handful of change, counted it for a while, and then handed it all to Song Yitang.

Song Yitang quickly realized, responding to her, "I don't know how much is already collected on Xue Qing's end."

Xu Xiao and Zeng Zhi had just returned from dinner and were stunned to see the two of them, obviously unaware of the situation.

"Then you take it first to secure a spot for me. I'm going to ask the class leader how much has been collected so far."

"Hey..." Song Yitang hadn't even had the chance to speak up to stop her.

Fan Yuncai dashed out of the dorm room as if a fire was lit under her.

Song Yitang looked at the money and papers in her hands, somewhat incredulously.

The other two did not speak, also unclear about what had happened.

By Monday morning, the slots had already been filled.

To better help them with the questions, Song Yitang repeatedly watched online courses and practiced problems.

She transcribed all the useful questions, including the key points, by hand and compiled them into materials.

As the only person in the dorm who had signed up, Fan Yuncai seized every opportunity to ask Song Yitang questions about the class, causing Su Meimei's dissatisfaction.

"You even have the nerve to take money, when we're all classmates..."

"That just shows you. If you don't want to listen, plug your ears for me. I paid money and I'm not afraid of you eavesdropping; you're the one who's indignant about it. Moreover, we're willing to pay, but you don't even make the cut!"

Fan Yuncai had never liked Su Meimei; she felt it was unjust for Su Meimei to boss Song Yitang around and had stood up for her before.

But since the Song Yitang of the past had been willing, Fan Yuncai hadn't intervened further.

"This is a dorm, not a classroom! You're disturbing my rest!" Su Meimei glared at Fan Yuncai fiercely.

"Do you believe I'll hammer you?" Fan Yuncai raised her fist in a threatening gesture.

Having seen Fan Yuncai's methods, Su Meimei wisely shut up.

The news of Song Yitang conducting special classes spread like wildfire throughout the grade, and Su Meimei even deliberately wrote an anonymous report letter to the academic affairs office.

To their surprise, the academic affairs office didn't even care and went as far as to directly approve the use of the small auditorium for Song Yitang.

They even stated that as long as Song Yitang could improve the college entrance rate, the school would cooperate with her work.

"Song Chenghao, can't you talk to your sister and arrange for us to join too?"

Song Chenghao's deskmate suggested to him.

The entire senior grade was envious of Song Yitang's small remedial class.

Song Chenghao also really wanted to join but couldn't get over the psychological barrier.

In the end, he was defeated by reality and mustered up the courage to go to class 3 to find Song Yitang.

Song Yitang was not at all surprised by Song Chenghao's visit, considering even Zhang Rui, someone hopeless, had come to her several times in the past days.

"Sis… I…" Song Chenghao just couldn't start.

Seeing him stuttering and faltering, Song Yitang's patience completely vanished, and she gave him a final ultimatum.

"If there's nothing, I'll be going in first."

Song Chenghao, in a panic, grabbed her clothes and blurted out his intention: "I want to study with you too, can I?"

Song Yitang firmly refused: "I have rules, and the spots are already full."

"But I'm your brother, can't I be an exception?"

Song Yitang found his words laughably absurd.

"Now you remember I'm your sister. When you and Liang Xiulian were exposing my whereabouts, when Mom and I were almost beaten to death, why didn't you think of me as your sister then?"

"I am not your sister, I have already disowned you and your family."

Song Chenghao was rendered speechless, ashamedly hanging his head, unable to look Song Yitang in the eye.

Song Yitang took a deep breath, feeling utterly disheartened.

"If you want to join, then do it through your own merit, not everything can be achieved by taking shortcuts."

Song Yitang turned and went back to her class, feeling relieved and in high spirits!