Chapter 21 Lin Quan

Song Yitang wiped Liu Fen's tears with a piece of paper, not knowing how to comfort her.

After her in-laws passed away, Quan Tongjiang rarely returned home.

Liu Fen entrusted her daughter Junjun to her parents' care and had not been home for a long time herself; it was only when she was in the classroom teaching that she felt alive.

After Liu Fen cried herself to sleep, Song Yitang tucked her in and continued her studies.

When night fell and it got dark, Uncle Du came again.

"That bastard has gone mad, when Liu Fen wakes up, tell her not to go back to school," Uncle Du said with a bruise at the corner of his eye.

Quan Tongjiang had been looking for Liu Fen ever since he woke up yesterday, and today he even went to the school.

Uncle Du, unable to contain his anger, had an argument with him.

"Hide out for a while; that kid is a loose cannon, who knows what crazy thing he might do next."

Song Yitang nodded in agreement, having witnessed Quan Tongjiang's madness herself the day before.

As she saw Uncle Du out, Song Yitang unexpectedly ran into Zhang Ting.

She quickly hid behind a nearby door, afraid of being seen by Zhang Ting.

Zhang Ting was supporting a young man who was half a head shorter than she was. The man had a small frame, pale skin, and an overall sickly air about him.

He appeared frail and looked as if a strong wind could knock him over.

From the material of his clothing, he seemed to be the young master of a wealthy family, probably the son of a high-ranking leader who was Zhang Ting's husband's superior.

Remembering events from her previous life, Song Yitang silently followed the two of them.

"The doctor said you need to rest more, use your eyes less, and close them to rest immediately if you feel anything in them," she overheard.

The young man was silent, his face expressing defiance.

With a flattering tone, Zhang Ting said, "Young Master, you don't need to worry. Once medical technology advances, your eyes will surely be cured!"

"By that time, I'll already be blind!" the young man retorted.

"Shut up!"

The young man, as if a raw nerve had been struck, shook off Zhang Ting's hand and walked ahead.

Zhang Ting quickly followed, not showing any annoyance, and they both left in a car.

Song Yitang stood at the hospital entrance, watching the car drive away into the distance, puzzled.

In her previous life, Zhang Ting's husband had climbed his way into the ranks of the Four Great Families, specifically the Wang Family. So why weren't they in the capital for treatment and instead came to such a small county hospital?

From the conversation she had just overheard, the young man was probably the person who had used her corneas in her previous life.

"Well, well, I've finally found you!"

Turning to look, Song Yitang saw that it was Quan Tongjiang. How had he found her so quickly?

Song Yitang turned and ran, and Quan Tongjiang sprinted after her.

Quan Tongjiang could easily find out where Liu Fen was just by asking at the nurses' station, but if Song Yitang could lead him away, they might have some time.

In her panic, Song Yitang ducked into a room. Inside, a doctor was stitching a patient and was startled by the sudden commotion, causing his hand to tremble.

Thankfully, no harm was done, but he was quite irritated.

"Comrade, please leave!" protested Doctor Lin Quan, trying to speed up the stitching and scolded Song Yitang.

Quan Tongjiang saw Song Yitang enter the room and kicked the door as he followed.

"Open the door! Damn girl, where did you hide her?" he shouted.

The woman doctor frowned, visibly displeased.

Song Yitang braced against the door, explaining, "I'm sorry, this man is a lunatic. He nearly beat my teacher to death, and she's still unconscious in our hospital. Could you please help me get rid of him?"

After understanding the situation, Lin Quan was also indignant.

"You open the door, and I'll immediately call security to throw him out."

"Can we really handle it?"

"What are you afraid of? There's a public security officer here to back us up!"

While examining his wounds in the mirror, a man smiled upon hearing he was mentioned.

"Although I got a knife wound on my forehead, it doesn't affect my fighting power, little girl, don't be afraid."

Song Yitang had no choice but to open the door, just as Quan Tongjiang was about to barge in with force, he found nothing to hit and fell flat on his face.

He got up and checked everywhere for Liu Fen's figure, after confirming that Liu Fen was not there, he attempted to grab Song Yitang.

However, the man caught him in one move and pinned him against the wall.

"You should not make a loud noise in the hospital, what are you doing here?"

Quan Tongjiang grimaced in pain and hurriedly replied, "I came looking for my wife, this damn girl kidnapped my wife!"

Lin Quan sorted out his instruments and issued a direct order, "Your wife isn't here, please leave!"

After comparing the two, Lin Quan believed Song Yitang unconditionally.

Quan Tongjiang refused to accept this, he cried out loudly about his own hardships outside, and how his wife cheated on him behind his back.

Song Yitang watched him coldly and countered each point, leaving Quan Tongjiang speechless.

In the end, Quan Tongjiang was escorted by the police officer to the police station to clarify the situation.

"Take me to see your teacher," Lin Quan seemed to remember something.

Song Yitang nodded in agreement.

Little did she know, the whole scene had been witnessed by Liu Fen, who had also made up her mind about something.

The neighboring bed was having a heated discussion, for someone had burst into the hospital, making a huge scene.

When they saw Liu Fen, they seemed to remember something.

"It was your daughter who was just chased out, didn't your daughter cause some trouble?"

Several people from the neighboring beds cast curious glances.

Liu Fen's gaze faltered but she swiftly recovered, enduring the pain to get out of bed and walk with the support of the bed rail.

The people inside urged her not to go out, saying that the man looked very fierce and ominous.

This, in fact, hastened Liu Fen's pace.

She was scared, terrified that because of her, Song Yitang would get hurt.

This young girl had a bright future ahead of her, to be ruined because of her was absolutely unacceptable!

By the time Liu Fen hurried over, Quan Tongjiang had already been escorted away.

"Teacher Liu, why have you gotten out of bed?" Song Yitang was surprised and rushed forward to support her.

Lin Quan saw through Liu Fen at a glance.

Because he had dealt with quite a few women hospitalized due to domestic violence in the past.

Liu Fen urged anxiously, "You should hurry back to school, I'll be fine on my own."

No one knew Quan Tongjiang better than she did, the longer Song Yitang stayed by her side, the more danger she was in.

Song Yitang saw through her inner thoughts and comforted, "I'll go back once you've recovered a bit."

"But how can this be? You're in your senior year, and as soon as school starts tomorrow, you'll have mock exams!"

"Are you still worried about my grades not being good enough?"

Compared to school, the hospital was more convenient for her to enter the space, and it didn't affect her studies at all.

"How about this, you leave her to me, I'll find someone to keep an eye out, and if that man comes back, I will immediately have someone kick him out."

"Even if your studies are good, you can't neglect the mock exams, they can be even harder than the actual college entrance exams."

Upon hearing Song Yitang was a senior, Lin Quan came up with a good idea for both.

Liu Fen didn't want to bother others, but under the persuasion of the two, she reluctantly agreed.

The night deepened, and after the commotion, the hospital slowly became quiet and deserted.

Song Yitang thought about contacting Liu Fen's family, but she feared worrying them.

Lin Quan felt quite fond of this young girl, and as she was on the night shift, she invited Song Yitang to her duty room to rest.

The two hit it off, and upon learning about Song Yitang's separation from her family, Lin Quan looked at her with even greater respect.

The next morning, Lin Quan arranged for someone to send Song Yitang back to school and they agreed to keep in touch regularly.