Chapter 44 Report


"My name is Shang Yan." Shang Yan followed closely behind.

"Hmm, hello, Comrade Shang."

Song Yitang didn't want to get entangled with him, feeling that the girl next to him was a troublesome character, and she herself found it annoying.

Shang Yan: "..."

"I heard you did well in your college entrance exams, which university did you apply to?"

Song Yitang stopped, stern, "No comment, comrade. We've only met once, don't you find these questions a bit out of line?"

The girl's serious expression left Shang Yan somewhat dazed.

Watching her increasingly distant steps.

Was she... saying he was being impolite?

Shang Yan didn't take it to heart, only feeling that this Song Yitang was nothing like he had imagined.

The young girl seemed to have boundless energy, actually able to catch up with a grown man.

Despite her slender arms and legs, she was not soft-handed when it came to fighting.