Chapter 47: New Life Conference

The auditorium was already filling up with people, all the new students and teachers had arrived.

At the entrance, there was a crowd of people, several of whom were formally dressed, being escorted to their seats by others.

Presumably, these were professors and people of the chancellor level.

After taking their seats, two hosts took to the stage.

The speeches were an exceedingly long and tedious process.

The students below were drowsy, but whenever a leader finished making a point, thunderous applause would erupt.

Song Yitang, influenced by the people around her, couldn't help but yawn.

It was time for a new leader to give a speech, and the applause from below had gradually weakened.

Sun Sui asked, "Classes officially start tomorrow, where shall we go for fun after this ends?"

Ding Lixiang declined, stating, "I won't go, my living expenses are almost gone if this continues."

"Do you know where I can find a tailor shop?"