Chapter 60: Catch the Human Traffickers!

The two men remained silent, so Song Yitang dropped the stick and pulled out a small bag of medicinal powder from his pocket.

"No one's talking, huh? I just happen to have a bag of rat poison here. What if... what if it got into your eyes..."

Both men were so terrified that they trembled uncontrollably, one covering his face while the other looked at his own hand in extreme horror.

This woman... was too frightening!

She'd break a hand as soon as say it, and her elder brother's face didn't fare much better.

"Help, I'm being assaulted!"

The taller man wailed loudly, making a commotion in hopes of attracting people to come over and judge for themselves.

It was just the time when people were getting off work, and more and more passersby were drawn over by the noise.