Chapter 62 Craving Mixed Sauce Noodles!

"She didn't say, just told you to have a look."

"Alright, when?"

"In the next couple of days, whenever you're free, I'll take you there."

Song Yitang recalled his schedule for the next two days, having just promised Ho Rong that he would continue to try on clothes for her tomorrow.

So he would only be free the day after tomorrow.

"I'm free the day after tomorrow."


The two agreed to go together after classes the afternoon the day after tomorrow.

It was not until before bed that Song Yitang remembered to open the envelope, seeing seven or eight large round bills, he couldn't stop smiling.

That seemed a bit too much, he had thought at most it would be a couple hundred.

He thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of money coming in; Song Yitang kept one of the bills and put the rest in the space.

It had been a long time since the system issued a mission.

He wondered when the next one would be.