007, how are you going to spend ten million?

The barrage immediately broke into laughter.

[Bullseye! That's my Sister Yan! With just one sentence, she alleviated Tang Tang's concern.]

[I treat you as a sister, but you better not see me as a stepmother, haha!]

[Is she genuinely disinterested in Director Tang, or is this a case of playing hard to get? I'm so worried Tang Tang, our Little Princess, will be deceived.]

[Yeah, she says she doesn't care, but what if she throws herself at Director Tang later? Poor Little Princess might not even have a place to cry.]

[I'm part of the wait-and-see club, I won't comment, my opinion is to wait and see!]

Tang Tang's beautiful eyes blinked, and she seemed to have an epiphany.


There's a whole generation gap between Sister Yueqing and Dad!

In high spirits, Tang Tang added another bowl of fish soup, which tasted even more delicious.

Youran noticed something was off and wanted to say something to remedy the situation! Every time she tried to speak up, Tang Tang interrupted her.

After two or three times, she got the hint!

Tang Tang was clearly holding a grudge, annoyed she kept bringing up what she didn't want to talk about...

Since they were still live streaming, Youran couldn't show too much of her feelings and found an excuse to leave with Li Hao after the meal.

Late at night.

Tang Tang had spent the entire day on a mission and was incredibly tired; after washing up, she lay on her bed, tightly holding the rabbit toy she brought from home.

Seeing Yueqing still tidying up, she suddenly asked, "Sister Yueqing, do you want to meet my dad?" Realizing that might not be an appropriate question, she rephrased, "Actually, Aunt Youran was right, having fallen, Dad should come to see you..."

Yueqing noticed Tang Tang's insincere expression and solemnly promised, "Tang Tang, I didn't tell you the truth before, which led to misunderstandings! Now, I assure you, I don't even have the slightest intention of being your stepmother!"

Tang Tang's eyes brightened: "Really?"

The corners of her lips couldn't help but rise.

[System Notification:

Favorability +5 for Tang Tang.

Current favorability: -15.]

Hearing the system notification, Yueqing couldn't help but sigh.

Kids these days mature so early, caring not about fun and games, but about gossip and emotions.

Not like her at all.

She was focused on one thing only—spending money!

That was her main mission!

How to reasonably spend ten million for Tang Tang within a week? That was a big question!

Look at other Godly Wealth Systems, either spending money on boys or girls, just buy a house, a car, luxury items, and the money would pour out like water. Do a bit of financial investment, and profits would soon overflow!

But her system revolved around spending money on children!

Stock investments? Can't even open an account until they're eighteen!

Luxury jewelry? She suspected that if she gave it away, it would just be returned by Director Tang...

No use—the system wasn't bound to her own kid!

It was difficult to persuade parents to agree and to use the money on the child legally and reasonably.

After thinking for a while, Yueqing simply took out her phone, opened Zhihu, and posted a question: "How to spend money on kids you're not very familiar with? The amount is several million or more."

Maybe because the title was so eye-catching, comments swarmed in instantly.

[Several million? Hello, I'm your not-so-familiar child, whom you've never met before, Mom! I don't need several million, just buy me the latest IPAD, and it's good!]

[Is the original poster trying to kidnap kids? Spending several million to increase favorability?]

[With several million, you shouldn't need to kidnap a child, right? Not sure, I'll keep looking.]

[Not too familiar... how familiar is that? Do you think I'm familiar enough?]

[Darn, has showing off wealth gotten to this extreme now?!]