016 Seeing my son

Qin Youran seemed very interested in the task of taking care of children, seeking advice from her throughout the entire time.

Yan Yueqing felt she was too enthusiastic! And too strange!

She responded intermittently on the way.

At the high-speed train station, the two were not on the same train, and Yan Yueqing finally breathed a sigh of relief, quickly bidding farewell and leaving.

The journey from T City to C City only took an hour.

However, she left late, and by the time she arrived at the hospital, it was already dark.

Advanced VIP ward.

Pushing the door open, she was greeted by a large floor-to-ceiling window.

When Yan Wang was a child, he needed a sterile environment. The hospital had specially prepared this room for him.

Inside the glass partition was a sterilized room that was disinfected daily, and the partitioned corridor was left for the patient's family, allowing doctors and nurses to check on the patient's condition at any time through the floor-to-ceiling window.

Latterly, as Yan Wang grew older and his immunity improved, there was no need to specifically create a sterile environment. However, the Yan Family's old master felt that the child had grown accustomed to it and saw no need to move to another ward, so he negotiated with the hospital to transform it into a VIP ward for the young one to recuperate.

When she used to read books, Yan Yueqing always felt that the author was particularly fond of this child! Not only did the author use a lot of text to describe Yan Wang's appearance, but he also arranged many scenes to endear him to the readers.

It was not until she saw her son through the glass,

that Yan Yueqing exclaimed—

The author was too conservative in his writing!

The five-year-old child had a stunningly beautiful appearance.

Walking on the street, he would make people involuntarily turn their heads two or three times!

Because of his illness, he lay there weakly, like fragile porcelain, causing people to subconsciously breathe lightly.

"Son..." She whispered softly against the glass.

The blood relationship is very peculiar.

Yan Yueqing thought she only had a favorable impression of Yan Wang from the book. It wasn't until she saw him in person that other emotions arose in her heart.

That sense of connection from deep within her soul, along with a strong desire to protect, flowed through her body with her warm blood, heating her eyes until they were red.

By the time she realized, two large tear drops had already escaped her eyes...

Though it was their first encounter, it felt like a long-awaited reunion...

This feeling left her feeling unbearably tender!


The system suddenly woke up.

"Potential Cute Baby detected, does the Host wish to bind with it?"

[Name: Yan Wang

Age: 5 years old

Favorability towards the Host: -50 points.

Mission: Bind and nurture a relationship with Yan Wang, accomplish the mission when his Favorability towards the Host exceeds 90 points.

Reward: +10 enhancement points, 10% refund of consumed nurturing funds.]


Yan Yueqing's wave of emotions instantly turned into speechlessness!

What was the original owner doing?

Such a well-behaved son, and yet his Favorability towards her was -50?!

Is this serious?

Without any hesitation, she confirmed: "Bind!"

Only after "Binding Successful" appeared in front of her did she tread lightly and open the inner door to walk in.

Yan Wang was soundly asleep.

The little boy's complexion was very pale, like a thin layer of paper, and up close, one could see the fine blood vessels beneath the skin.

His delicate eyebrows were slightly furrowed, his breathing slightly hurried, as if he were having a nightmare.

Yan Yueqing reached out and touched her son's forehead, which was slightly sweaty.

The ward compartment had washing supplies; she took a warm towel from the sterilization cabinet and meticulously wiped her son from forehead to body, hoping to make his sleep more comfortable.

Yan Wang was frail and much thinner than children his age. Only his hands were somewhat swollen on the back due to the frequent IV drips.

"Does it hurt?" Knowing that the child was asleep, she still couldn't help but ask.

The wiping motions of her hand were extraordinarily gentle.

Each touch, that delicate sensation, was like touching some incomparable treasure, making her extra careful.

As the warm towel was applied, Yan Wang's furrowed brows gradually relaxed.

Not knowing what he was dreaming about, a tear stain seeped from the corner of his eye.

The system suddenly prompted:

[Yan Wang's Favorability +5.

Current Favorability: -45.


Was the son pretending to be asleep?

If it weren't for the system, Yan Yueqing would have almost been fooled by his masterful acting!

What a great actor he is!

But isn't the little guy too easily satisfied?

Just by wiping his body, the favorability increased?

In that case...

What heinous thing did the original soul do to cause Yan Wang's initial favorability to start at -50?

Yan Yueqing decided not to expose the little trickster. After wiping him clean, she tiptoed out, taking the medical records from the bedside table with her.

She closed the door.

The person on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

His gaze intensely followed her, unwilling to withdraw even after she closed the outer door and completely disappeared into the darkness.

The little guy's eyes were ablaze, his heart deeply shaken.

The gentle person just now...

Was it... Mom... coming back?

Thinking of her actions, Yan Wang lifted his right hand, gently grasping at the air.

It seemed he didn't want Mom to leave!

But suddenly, the cruel words that Yan Yueqing had said over the phone a year ago echoed in his mind.

"Such a sickly child, if he really were my son, he should just die! Don't bother me, okay?"

His heart grew cold once more.

[System Notification:

Yan Wang Favorability -5.

Current Favorability: -50.]


Yan Yueqing, sitting in the hallway reviewing the medical records, suddenly froze.

What's happening?

The favorability just increased by five points, and now it's suddenly back to the original state?

What did she do?!

Yan Yueqing turned her head to glance at the firmly closed door of the sickroom.

It seemed...

The rift between the original soul and Yan Wang was indeed very deep...

She shook her head, deciding not to go in to see her son but continued to bury herself in the medical records instead.

Yan Wang had been in the hospital since he was born, with numerous medical records.

The ones hanging at the bedside were just reports from the past month; older records were kept at the nurses' station.

As Yan Yueqing read the reports, she searched her mind for the plot details about Yan Wang's illness.

He had a very strange disease!

Rather than calling it a disease, it was more like poisoning.

The book described how he frequently had persistent fevers, was allergic to many foods—vomiting and convulsing if he ate them—and suffered from heart palpitations and difficulty breathing every time the seasons changed.

There was no choice but to stay in the hospital for expensive suppressant drugs and nutritional injections.

After the original soul passed away, Qin Youran took over the care of this child. The first year was also spent in the hospital until the child's biological father came to take him back to the manor for recuperation.

It's odd to say, but the illness that couldn't be cured in the hospital seemed to act up less after they moved to the manor.

Yan Yueqing didn't like Qin Youran's character setup. After the child was brought back to the manor, she lost interest in following the book and didn't know if Yan Wang was ever cured after that.

But she has no intention of pinning her hopes on Jun Lii!

Even if Jun Lii had the means to cure Yan Wang, that would be a matter for a year later!

Such a young child, almost never having seen the blue sky and white clouds outside since birth.

Counting the days, not knowing when the illness would strike him down.

She didn't want Yan Wang to suffer such terrifying and painful moments for even one more day!

At the nurses' station.

The nurse Zhenzhen, in charge of night rounds, ran over holding a stack of records, whispering mysteriously, "Sister Li, guess who I just saw during my rounds?"

Sister Li, counting the materials, didn't even lift her head: "Who?"

"Yan Yueqing!" Zhenzhen was excited, as if afraid Sister Li wouldn't know, and elaborated, "It's Yan Wang's mother from the VIP sickroom!"

Sister Li's hand paused for a moment, as if she remembered something, and she switched to the surveillance footage to take a look.